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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. It's a shame, really. The ruins themselves are great - but I'll never install the mod due to its excessive loot content.
  2. The complaint of the person I was responding to was that they keep starving before the first crops have a chance to grow. Ergo it makes no sense for them to optimize the amount of crops they plant at all costs - which is pointless either way, you get so many seeds from exploring and ultimately need only a fraction of them. As soon as you can plant like ten crops per person and keep rotating them between the three nutrient groups, you're golden. So to maximize short-term food output instead, don't break anything that doesn't actually yield food. It might grow soon, if you're lucky. And sure, you can start doing caveats like "if this specific crop is this specific stage it definitely won't bear fruit before hand-planted crops do" and so on and so forth, but I didn't want to write a novel - I wanted to write a simple actionable option for them.
  3. Food becomes less of a problem once you start to know the game better. Though admittedly, multiplayer is always going to be harder in that regard than singleplayer due to needing to feed multiple mouths off of the same forage area. Here's some tips that might help: Spread out initially. For the first week or so, live mostly singleplayer as you establish your basic necessities without getting in each other's way. The person living in your future base spot should start a farm, the rest of you will share their own seeds and berry bushes and waypoints once it's time to group up again. Increase the area. If you have a dedicated food person, they can range out in all directions as far as they can walk in a day, every day. You can find much more forage that way than if you were trying to balance foraging with all other activities. It also leaves food sources closer to home for opportunistic picking by the others. The dedicated food person should be a malefactor (gets more drops from wild crops and berry bushes) or a hunter (gets more drops from animals). Under no circumstance should it be a blackguard or a tailor (they get penalties instead). Don't sprint everywhere. That rapidly drains your food bar. I know you want to go fast, but save that for when you have the food supply to back it up. Don't be injured. That rapidly drains your food bar (and you heal more slowly the lower your food bar is, dragging out the problem unless you keep eating well). Don't eat raw ingredients if you can help it. Always cook in a clay pot where possible. Meals produce far more nutrition points for the same ingredients than eating them raw. Eating a claypot meal also stops your food bar from draining for a while, so you can sprint and/or heal without expending tons of satiation. Don't aggressively decimate wild forage. Don't pick up berry bushes unless you just harvested berries off of them. Don't break wild crops that aren't fully grown. Your dedicated food person should waypoint every non-mature source of food and, every three to four days, check them all for ones that finished growing. Berry bushes even tell you when they'll be done. Mushrooms can be harvested anytime you find them with impunity, but bookmark those sites too - they may regrow in time (if slowly).
  4. You can retarget your data folder with a commandline switch in a custom shortcut. Take a look here:
  5. You will encounter the eidolon when exploring the game's story content. The precise details are a major spoiler, so don't look at it if you want to preserve the surprise:
  6. Well, the game gets elaborate feature trailers posted on youtube every two to three updates. That's a form of marketing, right? It also sells well enough nowadays that the main developer can afford to focus on it full time without needing another job. In that sense, given that there is so much left on the roadmap to implement, there isn't that much impetus to do additional marketing beyond what word of mouth and such already does. The fact that it's not on Steam is intentional, by the way - check the FAQ for the reason. But if you like to use Steam to manage your game collection, you can use the "Add a non-Steam game to my library" option to make your local Vintage Story install show up in your Steam library.
  7. At least the temperature could have such a setting, IMHO. The Fahrenheit scale is like the one part of the imperial system that makes actual sense to me
  8. That is very strange, I have used rope ladders in single block shafts excessively in my last playthrough, and never had this issue. Are you playing on a server, so that network latency could be a problem? Or CPU load?
  9. Note that you can easily craft a bed on day one, before even midday. You just need to cut 18 (IIRC) grass with your first stone knife. Doesn't change the fact that nights can get pretty dark, I know. But not having a bed is not an argument, because it's easier and faster to make on average than your first reed basket. An extra note: if you play on world heights greater than 256, you'll have additional issues with visibility, which may impact your impression of how dark nights can get. Reason being: VS adds additional inclement weather fog based on altitude above sea level. Unfortunately, that function isn't aware of the world height at all, and just assumes the sea level as it would be in a 256-high world. So the taller your world is, the greater the chance that active rainfall will ruin your visibility, and the less rainfall is needed to make it get really bad. In my 384-high world, and some 25 blocks above sea level, at 100% precipitation I couldn't see the opposite wall of my home. While indoors during the day, mind you!
  10. What exactly is the command you are entering? Commands must be written exactly right, including capitalizing only the correct letters, and the system does not always provide an error message if the supplied value is invalid. A common mistake is for people to include the [square brackets] in the value they're supplying. This is wrong; the brackets in the documentation indicate that there is a range of possible values to choose from. But ingame you should provide the value without brackets.
  11. Right. Regarding fruit trees, the most temperature-sensitive of the tropics trees start having a chance to die once the temperature drops to below +10°C. I don't think it happens immediately upon reaching that temperature; it's probably more something like being below that temperature for a full day. Also, it is possible for the tree to survive down to +6°C, although the chance grows smaller the colder it gets. Meanwhile, the non-tropics trees need vernalization, and for that to trigger, multiple full days need to pass without the temperature ever climbing above +1.5°C at any point. There's a chance it might still work up to +2.5°C, but for guaranteed fruiting you want a degree below that. And remember, it must not rise above that temp at any point, so that would limit the daily maximum only; daily minimum during the same time will probably be -15°C or even lower. And that's a big problem for the tropics trees, as you can imagine. Placing a fruit tree into a greenhouse will allow it to vernalize more easily. The +5°C greenhouse bonus is applied to vernalization temperature. It is not, however, applied to any other temperature governing fruit trees. Peach trees have a die-below temperature of only -12°C, but still need vernalisation, so those are the hardest to cultivate out of all trees. The climate where that works out is a much narrower band than for the other trees. But greenhouses can help here. All other vernalizing trees can go much colder, and you basically don't need to worry about their survival at all unless you move northwards from spawn. But since you want to accomodate tropics trees, you'll be moving south, and trying to find an area where tropics trees can thrive at sea level while planting vernalizing trees far up a mountain.
  12. There is far more to this than you realize. Temperature does change gradually and smoothly (though not necessarily linearly) between poles and equatorial regions, depening on your pole-equator distance world config setting. But that's not the only thing that influences temperature. It also varies with the day-night cycle, with the seasonal cycle, with the current weather, and with your altitude relative to sea level. So what exactly are your requirements - that you can plant all crops side-by-side year-round? Or that you can plant hot crops in summer and cold crops in winter? And how much cheese are you willing to pull, like splitting your farm between a hole in the ground and a platform in the mountaintops?
  13. Thing is... these suggestions of yours? They're already in the game. That's how trees have always worked. The problem is that a leaf block needs to realize it is no longer supported in order to make the decision to despawn. And you cannot just have the game update every block all the time. The game would be so busy doing that it wouldn't do anything else, like for example letting you play. There are just too many blocks in the world. Most of the time, leaf blocks get updated when adjacent blocks get updated. But there's also the dedicated treechop subroutine, which is tasked with bringing the whole tree down when you chop just a single block at the bottom. This routine must guess what the tree actually is. You as a human may see a tree, but the game only sees tables of coordinates with block IDs assigned to them. So there is a heuristic in place that recursively looks for adjacent log and leaf blocks. But it can't be just that, because if it was, you could chop an entire forest down at once so long as any single chain of leaf blocks keeps connecting tree after tree after tree. No, that heuristic must also be able to guess when a tree stops. When a connected block is no longer part of the same tree. And that is actually the most complicated and difficult part of that entire piece of code. For the longest time, Vintage Story's tree chopping heuristic was very... optimistic, shall we say, about the size of trees. It pretty much always sheared neighboring trees of their leaves whenever you chopped down a tree, which was not just an eyesore but also risked wasting seeds of valuable trees because leaf blocks destroyed from treechopping drop far fewer seeds (and sticks) than leaf blocks broken directly by the player. In 1.18, this heuristic was adjusted to be more conservative, in an attempt to stop this from happening. But in return, we now have the rare instance where the heuristic is too conservative, and leaves some leaf blocks untouched that it should really have brought down. Those blocks do not receive any updates (because the heuristic didn't identify them), and thus do not realize that they are no longer supported, and thus they do not decide to despawn. To be clear, this happens only very rarely. Maybe one out of fifty trees, in my nonscientific anecdotal gut feeling guess. But it can happen. It's a tradeoff.
  14. That is true! It just tends to come with extra baggage in the form of knock-on effects to a number of other systems, and you have to assess carefully if the effort is worth it.
  15. Small servers can already be free of charge: when you host them yourself, on a machine of your own. This can even be the same machine you play on. You can have as many users on there as your hardware can handle. There is a guide on the wiki; if you have additional questions beyond that, I recommend hopping on Discord, where you can find a lot of helpful people to talk to.
  16. Respectfully, the Suggestion subforum's purpose is the vetting and refining of suggestions among members of the community. You should expect people to point out weaknesses in your proposal, present counterpoints, and perhaps outright disagree on a pure opinion basis. That is the nature of a discussion, especially online. Your job is to attempt to convince the opposition, and perhaps adjust and refine your proposal to circumvent issues that other people are seeing.
  17. The background of "smithing wastefulness" is a simple game-mechanical decision: One ingot makes one tool. This is consistent throughout the entire game, including all of casting, all of smithing, and even all of knapping (where one stone equals one ingot). (A few metal recipes exist that yield multiple items from one ingot. In those cases, it is always the output that is multiplied; the ingot itself is never subdivided. We do not make individual lamellae out of fractions of an ingot - we make an amount of lamellae at once that the devs have set as equal to one ingot. Effectively, a pile of lamellae or arrowheads or the like is "one tool". This, too, is consistent.) Mechanically, smithing is a minigame, the steps of which you go through to earn yourself the tool. The voxels you see in the ingots are elements of that minigame, nothing more. They do not represent any specific amount of material. The final voxel count of the finished tool does not represent any specific metal cost (because the cost is always "one ingot"). It is just an abstract representation; you could just as well replace the entire minigame with a peggle clone, and that would serve the same purpose. Except that would be much less immersive, of course. We don't want no peggle in our smithing. If you want to start talking about having a smithing system where cut-off voxels can be recovered, you need to realize that you're breaking this fundamental rule, and that this has implications on way more than just smithing. Suddenly you'll need to do math on casting molds as well, because some tools clearly need more voxels than others. But did you know that casting molds use different voxel sizes, voxel counts, and recipe shapes than smithing recipes? An axe mold looks nothing like what you form when you forge (or knap) an axe, and the area of a mold is totally different from the area of a knapping or smithing recipe. You could make the casting molds use the same voxel sizing and shapes as smithing recipes, but then you'd get a noticeable visual fidelity downgrade on the molds that people will complain about. Also, by changing molds in this way, you need to change the entire clayforming system from the ground up too, because it also counts voxels in its own way (1 clay = 25 voxels IIRC), and all of the non-mold recipes are created and tuned for the exact voxel sizing we have now. Or, you could make knapping and smithing recipes use the same voxel fidelity as the casting molds, but then these mechanics become incredibly tedious because you'll need to move/remove twice as many voxels (perhaps more, in some cases). And there's no guarantee that you can even match the amount of voxels used to the 100 metal units contained in an ingot in an evenly divisible way...
  18. If you have admin rights, enter this into chat: /worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius 6 Then restart the server.
  19. Each bloomery does 120 nuggets (5 blooms) at a time, yeah. The solution is moar bloomeries. I typically do two or three in parallel when I work iron, but I only smelt some when I need it. I have never tried to smelt a whole iron vein all at once - I value my sanity Processing those blooms without at least four helvehammers would take ages, and I can't be bothered to build that many when one or two will cover my actual needs. But if I tried to do mass-smelting... Well, I'd crush all my ore into nuggets, and then count the number of slots taken up by those nuggets. 1 slot holds 128, a bloomery holds 120, so it's a good first order approximation to build one bloomery per slot. Whatever's left over can go into a second run. It'll likely be done well before you get the blooms from the first run processed. One bloomery happens to take 12 fire clay bricks, and you fire clay bricks in sets of 12... so you just fill one pit kiln with bricks for every bloomery you want to build. You also get like 8-10 bricks back when you break a bloomery, so you can use those in a second run for whatever ore you'll have left over.
  20. You really want a windmill driving a helvehammer. That device will automatically convert blooms into ingots. You can also use it to make plates out of ingots with minimal effort, which is great for kitting out your whole base with lanterns.
  21. Worldconfig commands often only take effect after you restart the world. Even then, existing terrain will not change, no matter what you set those values to. Newly generated terrain will change, and as a result, you might experience harsh and sudden chunk borders. Consider starting over with a new world. 11 hours isn't all that much to lose.
  22. If you press C to bring up he character sheet, you can see at the bottom a line about "rift activity", or your cyrillic equivalent. It randomly changes over time. The higher the rift activity is, the more drifters spawn. When it's "calm", you usually get none at all; when it's "apocalyptic", it can look like in your screenshots.
  23. Quoting from the patch notes: What exactly hasn't been working for you?
  24. I... don't know? I just walk around. Crops appear before me on their own Having issues with paying attention to what's happening on screen probably isn't helping you, admittedly, but I couldn't tell you any specific strategy. The game gives you many reasons to travel: finding food, fetching wood for charcoal, discovering new resources, prospecting, looking for traders, pilfering ruins... the works. Picking up wild crops is something I do along the way while traveling. It just happens. Maybe Thorfinn has better advice, since he clearly finds way more crops than I do.
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