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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. Were the files you deleted actually recreated when you launched the client afterwards?
  2. Try deleting %appdata%\vintagestorydata\servermagicnumbers.json - the game will recreate it with default values on next startup. If you wanna be extra thorough, delete all the files in that directory. Not the subdirectories though, they have your savegames and such. (FYI: this directory is completely unaffected by uninstalling or reinstalling the game.)
  3. Unfortunately, this specific kind of approach taken by Distant Horizons only works for Minecraft and not for Vintage Story. DH works by taking a snapshot of a chunk as it goes out of loading range, creating a low-detail stand-in model from it, and presenting that model in the space where Minecraft itself unloaded the chunk. This works because in Minecraft, terrain generally doesn't change unless you, the player, are there to make the change yourself. In Vintage Story, terrain changes by itself all the time. Chiefly through the seasons system and its slow but constant color shifting, and through the snow accumulation/melting system. That means that presenting a static stand-in model for a chunk results in that model becoming more and more visibly outdated as time passes. You could have a chunk that looks like a green summer field sitting right next to the border of your snow-covered surroundings in the middle of winter. If you'd like a more visual example, look at the world map in 1.18 (or even in 1.19 with color-accurate world map enabled) after roughly an ingame year of play. You will have weird color seams all over the place, and regions that are shown snowed-in even though winter is long past, and so on. That is the exact same thing: the map is built out of 2D snapshots of terrain, and these snapshots are static while outside your loading range. Only if you walk there, you update them. A static LOD-based solution for distant terrain would have that problem, except that it'd be in your face all the time and look all the more awful for it. No, VS needs a different system, one that accounts for the fact that even the most distant terrain needs at least occasional dynamic updates to prevent it from going visually out of sync, all while not murdering your hardware with a hatchet. The team has actually toyed around with this in the past (this image is from summer 2023, showing an example of ultra-low-res terrain for ultra-high view distances). So who knows, maybe something like that will come eventually. In the meantime, VS still has the advantage of having up to 1536 blocks of real, fully simulated view distance, in cases where your hardware can manage it. In Minecraft terms, that's a view distance of 96... triple the highest possible value under unmodded Minecraft.
  4. In singleplayer, you are always admin, and I don't think you can take those privileges away. But you could use a local server instead. The downside will be that you have to start two programs instead of one when you want to play, and that pressing ESC will no longer pause the game. In return, the server config that Ape mentioned will actually work, and you can demote yourself to a regular player instead of an admin.
  5. Unsure. Originally the intention was "maybe steam power, at the highest", but that was before they gave us Jonas parts and devices. And those clearly deviate from our world's technological progression.
  6. Yeah, there's a reason the guy is throwing pure aluminium into his crucible, and not bauxite. Because aluminium is fiendishly difficult to refine from ore. Far more difficult than iron, even. It takes a humongous amount of energy in combination with chemical reduction; in the modern day we make it by sticking massive electrodes into aluminium salts (which have to be specially made in prior processing steps) and blasting them with raw electricity until they melt, because no fuel exists that could do the job. Early-on after its discovery in the 1800's, aluminium fetched as much as twice the price of gold, despite being impure, because the processes available back then couldn't purify it properly. Given that aluminium bronze is not even that good as a tool metal - the video shows that it dulls within mere minutes of working hardwood - it would likely sit somewhere between copper and tin bronze. It makes no sense for the progression to have a metal that's harder to make than iron be required for a step before bronze. And it might even be disqualified as a tool metal entirely, and only available for making other metal objects, in the same way as brass currently is.
  7. Ah, interesting. Well then, we'll see what the future brings...
  8. Hi, you can set your spawn point with a temporal gear. Hold it in your hand, look at a spot on the ground, and hold rightclick until the gear disappears. If you do not have a temporal gear, you must find or loot one.
  9. You probably made a helvehammer mold. Those can only be cast out of bronze. You need a regular hammer mold.
  10. I'm entirely ambivalent about this, playing singleplayer exclusively, but I can't help but think... wouldn't this result in major pushback from the multiplayer community? Those who play on permanently-online servers? They already face the problem that their food rots away while they are offline, but at least they can plant crops, and when they log back in, they can harvest these crops and have something to eat. With this change, you'd have to harvest plants before they reach the last stage in order to get food. So someone logging onto a multiplayer server will find all their crops have passed that stage already, and now yield only seeds, not food.
  11. Isn't there, like, a role system where you can limit what commands people have access to? Would need someone else to explain it though, I've never run a server myself.
  12. Yes, ruins are considered lore content and do not generate in worlds with that setting turned off (like homo sapiens mode).
  13. Well, partly. Upheavel elevates part of the terrain. That can result in mountains, but more often results in shifting an entire region 20-30 blocks upwards. The fact that the world is very jagged, noisy, and filled with ultra-steep slopes is due to the landforms the terrain generator is working with. You have absolutely zero influence on those outside of using a mod.
  14. World size doesn't affect performance either, unless you have a habit of generating the entire world at once Only the area you uncover takes disk space. Only the area inside your view distance takes performance.
  15. Note: lowering the world size doesn't actually make the geography smaller. It just moves a hard cutoff world border closer to the world spawn. The only number you need to adjust (and the only one you can adjust) is pole-equator distance. This influences how quickly it gets warmer as you move south, or colder as you move north; and this, in turn, influences how quickly the flora and fauna changes. It does nothing for the east-west axis, nor does it influence geology (rock strata, land forms, etc). I played with 15k once. You can try it, but it felt a bit too small. You can basically see the temperature change as you walk. 25k is probably a saner choice. It's half the default value.
  16. Something like making a single bowl or a single crock, perhaps? Clayforming always defaults to placing down a square of material, which you can pick back up where the recipe doesn't require it; and it's conceivable that there are recipes which need so little material that not even that initial square is fully consumed, nevermind any additional pieces. That said, I've never used these recipes, because why sit down to make a single bowl? What a waste of time. And what a waste of pit kiln fuel. Make four instead, barely takes any longer and you never know when an extra bowl might come in handy. And even if there were wasteful recipes... you get so much clay just from digging it up. The thing that makes me stop digging up clay is not that the clay deposit runs out - it's my last shovel breaking, or my inventory being full. A single individual clay piece is as close to worthless as it gets, nevermind the little pixels in clayforming. I'd rate a single stick more valuable than multiple pieces of clay. Hence, waste from clayforming is honestly the picture book definition of a non-issue for me, as far as personal opinions go. (And I've made my opinion on smithing waste public in the past.)
  17. Eh, I'd consider that absolutely worthwhile; extra HP is worth more than the number itself suggests because armor protects it. I go for bighorn breeding in every world. The problem cheese has is more that you can get the extra HP from just drinking the milk. There is absolutely no point in turning the milk into cheese. Not even preservation - while milk does spoil extremely rapidly, you can just get it fresh straight from the source. All it takes is a minimum of effort to ensure that you stagger out the pregnancies of your ewes a little. Yes, you can add cheese to meals and you can't do that with milk, but that's just for roleplay. You can simply eat meals made of the other four nutrition types and drink a bowl of milk alongside. The primary expectation that I as a player would have from the cheesemaking process is that it rewards the effort and resources I spend on it by increasing the nutritional value in some way. And if not through the cheesemaking process itself, then through getting a multiplier for including cheese in meals. Like OP is suggesting.
  18. It's happening with modded servers, right? There's an issue in 1.19.4 where the auto-download and configuration of mods from a server doesn't work, and so the client tries to join with an incompatible modset and crashes. The only way past that is to manually download and install exactly the correct versions of the required mods, and have no other mods enabled except those.
  19. I don't know what's wrong, but note that for a clean reinstall, there are two folders that hold game data. Not just one. One is the game's installation path, which you probably deleted in order to reinstall. The other is %appdata%\vintagestorydata, where the game stores all the things that are unique to you as a player. In other words, your savegames, your personal modset (if any), and your configs and settings. I think the authentication session is referenced somewhere in clientsettings.json. If it crashes during authentication, it's worth a try to delete that file (as well as the .bkp file of the same name). It will get recreated automatically the next time you start the client.
  20. Fun fact: In at least two separate lore pieces you can find ingame, it is mentioned or implied that something is wrong with the wolves, and that they are unusually aggressive.
  21. You could craft packed dirt or light mudbricks, and make a three-high pillar?
  22. Potatoes are a "new world" plant, but the dev team has already been working on-and-off on implementing two others (bell pepper and tomato), so I don't think there's any reason we couldn't also have potatoes, regardless of the ingame year. The much bigger hurdle is the one that's likely put the other new crops on the backburner too - they aren't strictly speaking required. They don't add anything new besides flavor and variety. And so they are inherently lower priority than stuff like new story dungeons, engine tech upgrades, and so on.
  23. That is equal to your view distance setting.
  24. From the FAQ section at the bottom of the shop page: Which unfortunately means you cannot use mods on this server.
  25. Sounds like your meal isn't cooking no matter how long you wait, which means the recipe is wrong. In order to count as a meal, you need both the right combination of ingredients, and identical amounts of each.
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