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Everything posted by Blanc

  1. While trying to solve some other issues I've been having I noticed that I get this error: [Error] [orecrystals] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at OreCrystals.CrystalColour.InitColours() in C:\Projects\vsmods\mods\orecrystals\src\utility\CrystalColour.cs:line 14 at OreCrystals.Init.Start(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Projects\vsmods\mods\orecrystals\src\utility\Init.cs:line 11 at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryStartSystem(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModEventPhase phase) [Error] Failed to start system OreCrystals.Init Mod seems to work fine regardless but I thought I'd post here to let you know about it. Will note I'm on 1.15.1 and I get the error with the latest version of the mod (1.3.2).
  2. Would also like to report some issues me and a friend are having on our server. - As stated above the new types of linen can't be used to fix clothes. - The current way to light candle seems to be a bit wonky or just broken, no matter how I try to light them it always seems to cause blocks around it to also light on fire. Personally feel it'd just be better (and safer for my poor house) if either the candles are always just light or a safer way was added to light them. - Curtains have to have blocks behind them to be placed (even though you can just remove the blocks after) and have a weird invisible pole on the inner side of them that you can't walk pass. I know it's probably not the intended use but I find them to look really nice as a cover for doorways, but due to the weird invisible pole you have to walk more to the sides or you can't walk through them. Other then those things am really loving the mod so far and hope to see more stuff added.
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