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  1. its takes a LOOOONG time to dip below 10% stability for me wherever i mine. maybe ive just never encountered an especially unstable area/chunk but ive mined in a bunch of spots i can mine out 20+ stacks (filling my inventory) of casserite ore long before any baddies spawn the problem becomes getting back to the ladder after mining out a literal maze chasing all the ore veims before the stability dips below the threshold lol but i think its wild that youre down there long enough for this to be a problem. i guess unstable areas are really that much worse. in that case i would suggest not mining there and finding another spot
  2. I see where youre coming from, but i disagree. Note: This is an extremely long post.
  3. We got the chisel to add in other block into whichever one we're chiseling. But the blocks' textures are out of our control and must be worked around or overpowered with color choice. So I propose a series of paint items craftable with the dyes already in the game, a thickener/base/catalyst (whatever its called im not a chemist lol), and some glass for the bottle and a paintbrush craftable with either fibers or animal fur, a metal band, and a stick. Primary hand holds the brush, which has premade and editable shapes and points just like the chisel. You hold the colored paint you want to use in the offhand to dip the brush in it before (of course) painting penises all over your friends' walls. And the already in game item parchment can be set on a table to create pixel art with the paints you can hang on the walls or in item frames or whatever. Tha parchment can hold a few layers of paint after each layer is allowed to dry, and the parchment can be cleaned or washed before the ink dries to start over.
  4. Proximity voice is already a famous mod for minecraft so it shouldn't be too much of a time sink to yoink it for Vitage Story. Hell, it's probably a VS mod, too somewhere.
  5. Havent played the update (waiting for official release) but I think the real time colored map and the fantasy parchment map should be a simple toggle on the map screen and not a command. Especially not such a frankly awfully obtuse and unwieldy one. IMO, the new parchment map isn't to my taste (though i can see why someone would prefer it) especialy considering how good and useful the current one is. Feels like fixing something that didnt need to be fixed by breaking it and making it worse. If we're going for immersion and challenge here, then maps should be made an item we have to craft from parchment and must be updated with charcoal or a quill or something (I know that makes it closer to minnecraft but guess what, their maps are better, especailly considering you can put them in items frames, too). Feels disjointed when you're going for flavor but it's still a massive automatically and infinitely expanding map that spawns with us and is always with us (even after death) when we otherwise spawn with only the most basic clothing and no other supplies. Like it's magic or something... Can't just dip a toe into flavor while still having the map be an overpowered player convience gameplay mechanic. It's mixed, unfocused, and sloppy design and makes little sense. Either the map stays a non flavored gameplay mechanic for the players' convenience that isnt mentioned or referenced in game ever like it is now or it must go all in as a part of the game and no longer be an always present, overpowered, and immortal artifact. Now, if the map changes to a low to mid game level parchment and charcoal/quill/black and colored ink crafteable and is dropped upon death and must be carried and updated manually ingame by the player holding an item that can mark it to expand it and has limited scale (not just infinitely and magically expanding) it would be a great addition to the game. Charcoal can create a primitive pictogram style map that barely shows only the most important landmarks and player marks and no terrain. Quill and black ink can create a map like the parchment style one just added. Quill and colored can create a more precise and detailed colored map like the one we got now. Quills are already both a craftable and lootable but the ink somehow spawns magically and isnt a consumable item? That should also be fixed. See? Flavourful, intuitive, fun, simple AND useful game design that also has a bit of progression and will motivate players to search out dyes and ink so you they can help you lure them to a piece of out of the way or rare content like a dungeon or biome or whatever.
  6. Beautiful! You could legit take commissions on peoples' servers. This is real talent, skill, and hard, patient work.
  7. Sorry guys, I dont have notifications for these forums up. I dont remember the track specifically, but yeah I think it began playing once summer turned over to fall. I have 30 day months so that would maybe explain why it took so long lol.
  8. I just now heard a new audio track after 70+ hours of playing the same world. Im assuming it was because I just cleared the Resonance Archive. This gave me an idea. Subtle, quiet, but still extremely clear voices that play in the background at rare moments (no less than 10 hours apart) that only start happening after you clear a particular dungeon or event. And they get more loud and clear after every event. Like theyre getting desperate or excited or something. They could be in a lore flavored language or have story/location/recipe clues if in the player's language, ect. Possibilities are endless. With items like the resonator and tuning cylinders and the lore around the Archives I feel that sound/music/voices could be an effective theme around the entire game if kept strong and mysterious enough. Very subtle and long fought hints teasing at the eldrich horrors crawling just beneath the surface of the planet. Or the Rust World. Monsters from a moon/comet. Ruined and advanced civilazations. Long dead voices. ect., ect. All good sh!t. Love it.
  9. For holing up in a base, I would just dig a moat with a chokepoint bridge (perferably made out of trapdoors since drifters think theyre solid even when theyre up, which means easy drifter moat fodder for the morning harvest of delicious temporal gears) with a one block tall fence both behind and in front of the moat if youre REALLY keen on pest control and dont need temporal gears (lucky you). Then make sure my bedroom or panic room is small enough to where my character's no enemy spawn radius covers it all (unless stormy drifters ignore that too in which case ive been EXTREMELY lucky so far lol), i think mine is about a 7 or 8 x 5 x4 space or something. Out in the open world, I just run. I NEVER leave home without at least three days worth of food and i usually forage and keep a stack of fresh fruit while im out, too, so hunger is never a problem. If I have armor and poultices at that point in the game I, as has been suggested already, put on 'DOOM Eternal OST - The Only Thing They Fear Is You (Extended Intro).m4a' and farm the entire storm. I would suggest farming out in a flat area if you can. Dont want any Difters falling down from the hill tops and don't wanna get ganked climbing hills or running through and getting caught up on undergrowth. Always have an escape route, keep moving and only stand still to aim and shoot/throw, don't hesitate or panic, dont get backed up against a wall, ect., ect. If you can, keep a flattened plain or desert nearby your base for storm farmin'. Mid to late game temporal storms become a blessing rather than a curse.
  10. As a quick PSA, if your world wont load and the load screen is stuck on "time to rest" and the debug logs (forgot which one but I think it's the one with the most info/largest size) say something about a 'possible corrupted save', one possible non destructive/laborious solution may be to just delete all the extra info save backups create in the world file name and rename your world file just (insert the name you chose for your world).vcdbs For example, mine went from; "casia-bkp-2023-10-21_02-11-39-bkp-2023-10-22_03-41-40-bkp-2023-10-22_15-58-36-bkp-2023-10-23_04-40-31-bkp-2023-10-23_11-42-49-bkp-2023-10-23_11-57-47-bkp-2023-10-23_12-27-19-bkp-2023-10-24_14-47-07.vcdbs" to "casia.vcdbs" When the game creates a backup, it (for some reason) apparently just lists several, if not every, date/time in which you made a backup in the name of the file. Then the game loads its diaper and passes out when reading the title when you go to load it up. Simply copy/pasting the backup into the save folder worked just fine until it didn't. My guess is that i made and reloaded too many backups??????? I don't know. Anyway, hopefully this will help some people out there during their 'panicked crane' style google-fu. Speaking of google, here's some keywords for easier searching; Vintage Story, save wont load, time to rest, corrupted save, debug, world fail, world corrupted, world load fail, world backup fail, world backup load fail. Alright, ya'll have a good one.
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