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Everything posted by Stroam

  1. Many have expressed a desire to learn how to use the patching system in VS. This tutorial was put together for that expressed purpose. Before I get started I'd like to point out who you can turn to get more information. Other than myself, copygirl is a good source as copygirl was the one who implemented the system. In this tutorial, we'll cover basic patching, advanced patching, and how to disable json entirely. Now on to the basics. The basics The first thing you need to do is to setup a generic mod as outlined on the wiki. That information can be found on the mod packaging page. In that example domain is the name of your mod. Patching is considered a content mod but if you have a .dll or .cs in your mod it is a code mod. Patches go in assets/domain/patches. Now that the mod files and folders are setup it is time to make the first patch. Start by making a .json and name it however you'd like. Open the file with your favorite text editor and fill it in with the following. [ { file: "", op: "", path: "", value: } ] File is where the file you want to change is located. Op stands for operation and it's what you want to do. Valid operations are add, remove, and replace. Path is where the value you want to change in the file is located. Value is what you want to put in the file. Now lets give an example. For these examples I'll be modifying the wolf-male.json because it was the first one I modified, I'm very familiar with it, and it provides a good basis for examples. In this first example, we'll modify wolf damage. For the file put, file: "game:entities/land/wolf-male" The game: is the domain. In this case, it's the domain for vanilla VS. You can change the domain to modify other peoples mods as well. If you look in the vanilla game folders, under assets you'll find the file we are modifying under entities/land/wolf-male. That is why that part comes after the domain. Next put, op: "replace" Since wolves already deal damage we simply want to replace the damage value. Now for the path, path: "/server/behaviors/5/aitasks/0/damage" This is the truly tricky part. In these JSON files, you'll find labels such as server: and behaviors:. You'll know it's a label because it's followed by the colon. Colon : Next, we have arrays. These start and end in square brackets. Square brackets [ ] Within these square brackets, you'll find sections between curly braces. Curly braces { } These sections don't have a label so they must be referenced by number. To figure out the number you must count starting with 0. Now to break down the example. We see the value we want to modify on line 52. To get to that we trace it back to the first label which is server. From there the next label is behavoirs. Here we notice the square brackets, so we must count. In this case to 5. Next is the label aitasks, then we hit more square brackets. The count for this is 0 because that's the number you start on. Finally we get to the label damage. We can now move on to the last part, value value: 6 Since the value is a number we just put a number. If it were text, the value would be "6". Advanced patching We will now move on to a more complex example using the same file. This time we'll add a drop to the male wolf. For this, you can make a new file or put a comma after the first patch and put the new patch on the next line. [ { file: "game:entities/land/wolf-male", op: "replace", path: "/server/behaviors/4/aitasks/0/damage", value: 6}, { file: "game:entities/land/wolf-male", op: "add", path: "/drops/-", value: { type: "item", code: "stick", quantity: { avg: 2, var: 1 } } } ] In this second example, we'll skip straight to the path. You'll notice the label drops and then a dash. Dash - This dash means add to the front of the array. This is useful because it prevents us from overwriting another drop and we may not know the number of drops if other mods added drops as well. For the value, there is an entire section showing that the value doesn't just have to be a number or text. In this case, we added the stick to the drops but by specifying a domain in front of stick like we do for the file it could be a stick from any mod! Disabling JSONs Sometimes you'll want to disable a json entirely. This might be to disable a vanilla recipe for example. For this example I'll be disabling wolves because I don't want to upload another file and hopefully you are quite familiar with the file by this time. All jsons have various labels that the game looks for even if they are not there. In this case the file doesn't have the enabled label so we'll be adding it and setting it to false like so. [ { file: "game:entities/land/wolf-male", op: "add", path: "/enabled", value: "false"} ] That's all you have to do. If there's already an enabled label in the file then we'd need to switch op from add to replace. At this point, you have all the tools for modifying assets using the patching system. This is an incredibly powerful tool that only limited by your imagination. Have fun patching!
  2. Update 1.0.2 Fixed - crashing caused by Fence Gap
  3. I do reasonable tweaks on request.
  4. Here's a guide on how to install mods. This guide assumes you know how to navigate web pages and browse through files on your computer. I'll specifically be covering windows as I assume anyone with linux can also figure it out with this information. First, go to the mod release section of the forums. Next, open the thread of the mod you want to download. I'll pick this one. This mod like most will have a link for downloading the zip file. Some though will have a link to a github page where you can download the mod. Click on the zip file to start downloading it. Once downloaded, it'll most likely be in your download folder. You'll want to copy or cut the download and then navigate to the Mods folder where your Vintage Story files are. For windows they are in Username/AppData/Roaming/Vintagestory/Mods. There will be two mods in there as you can see from the picture. That's because the game modes are technically mods. Paste the zip file that you copied or cut, into this folder with the other mods. If you are unable to locate your AppData folder it could be because it is hidden and you are not able to view hidden files and folders. To make it so you can, go to the top and click on View. From there navigate to where it says Hidden items and make sure it's check marked. From this point, you can probably start up Vintage Story and everything will work fine. The next section is common issues you may encounter. Common issues: The mod is not enabled. Start up the game and go to Mod Manager. From there make sure the mode has a blue box in the top right. not enabled enabled. This is also where you get the mod version number. It's right next to the box and in this case, it's 1.0.0. The game version will be the version number on the Survival Mode mod. Error Vintage Story has a fairly fast update cycle and while it's not common for mods to break it can happen. When this happens you'll get an error. To locate the error you'll need to go to your log files which are in Username/AppData/Roaming/VintagestoryData/Logs. You'll want to then go to the mods page on the forums and post what you were doing prior to the error, the version of the mod, the game version you were using(instructions above), and the error file. Here are general guidelines for which file you need. client-crash.txt - when the world crashes but the client doesn't and takes you back to the Vintage Story main page. client-main.txt - when there's a graphical issue but the game doesn't crash. server-main.txt - should probably always be included. Is when things don't work like they should. For instance, a recipe doesn't work. VintagestoryCrash.txt - for when the Vintage Story crashes. The Vintage Story crash reported will pop up and ask you to report it on the issue tracker because it's most likely a vanilla bug brought to light by the mod. Please include all the information that you would for any error.
  5. Updates: I moved all my tweaks into a new thread, Stroam's various tweaks. I combined all my previous building mods into one called Brick by Brick which includes: Stone pathways Roman roads Lamp posts Wicker Fences Fence gap Adobe Cob Directional hay and bamboo crafted by placing vanilla hay and bamboo in the crafting grid. Can be craft back to vanilla for recipes using the same method. Grid recipes for: plain quartz pillar quartz ornate quartz stone brick stone bricks polished stone Smithing recipe for: chisel Modified vanilla stone paths to be full blocks to better work with stairs, slabs, and so it can be chiseled. If you'd like a block to be added please feel free to request it. I'm not the greatest artist so any help in that department is appreciated. If you already have modded a block and feel like it would be a good fit to add to the mod, feel free to suggest it. All credit will be given where credit is due and thank you for checking out my mod.
  6. This mod is for those who want an easier combat experience. Enabling and disabling them won't break your world. Vintage Story is always in flux as it updates. I fix tweaks faster if someone reports a tweak as broken. 1.9.2+ peacefulmod-v1.1.2.zip- Hostile mobs will no longer seek out the player and the player will keep their inventory on death. Mobs will still attack if you are within melee distance or when you hurt them or you hurt one of their friends. Intended to teach what is dangerous and still allow players to acquire drops from the mobs. If you would like even more passive mobs please leave a comment. Mods go in the mods folder in the game directory. To re-enable the aggressive behavior of any mob either disable the mod in the main menu or unzip the mod, navigate to assets/peacefulmod/patches and there you will find each mob. Delete the files with the names of the mobs that you wish to be aggressive. Then back out and make sure there isn't already a zipped version of the file still around. If there is delete it. Then re-zip the assets folder and the modinfo file together again and name the zip file in a way that makes sense to you. Archived Versions
  7. For the most part, I like the way prospecting works. I wish ore generation was different though.
  8. Correct, drops where you were standing and can't pick up until it's repaired. Items stay inside. You apply a patch kit to the bag to give it back some durability back. Think outside the crafting grid like right click with the patch kit in hand. When an item would put a bag over the volume limit blocking the action and popping up a message saying there's no more room left should be sufficient. A warning each time an item is placed that puts it over weight should be fine. I would rather let the player have a choice even if it's a poor one than remove the possibility of making such a choice. Just as there's upgraded tools there can be reinforced bags for heavier loads. There's no reason you can't apply a patch before it breaks if you notice the durability getting low.
  9. If it's so large you can't pick it up then it needs to be handled differently than items. It could be broken down into individual items that are assembled in place. It could have a special mechanism for moving it like wooden cranes loading it onto a suitable transport mechanism such as a train or minecart. Could be a combination of things needing to be moved by mechanisms to be assembled in place. could also be manufactured on site with say a multiblock mold.
  10. Hitting e would open/close all your bags at once so no loss there. Maybe another weight limit set at twice the first one will apply a slowness debuff that increases as the weight increases past that point. (Hey that would be an interesting ability. Increase targets experienced gravity to x2 potentially causing it to slow or stop). Though if something is not meant to be picked up it shouldn't have an item form. Because humans are innately already familiar with size and volume from irl, I don't think it will be that difficult. It's unlearning video game logic. I don't understand how bag durability is special and different than tool and item durability. If you find one tedious then all must be.
  11. I cover my thoughts on this in a general VS remake thread. I'll copy over the stuff that pertains to this topic. carryable containers can also be set on the ground. (allows for quick switching of inventories) There can be category specific slots that prevent all items outside of the specific category from being equipped in that slot. (adds diversity) The bag slots are all specific category slots with three pouch slots and one back slot. Some things require being carried on the back. (Adds an interesting mechanic) Bags act like chests in that instead of one inventory, each opens in its own window. (helps with keeping things organized) items no longer take up multiple slots in a container, i.e no stack limit. (helps with inventory management) all items have volume. (used in bag mechanic) Instead of a set number of slots for non-specific item slots, there is always a slot open and the number grows until maximum volume has been reached at which point stacks can no longer grow and no new items can be placed in the container. (Helps out early game and prevents loading up an entire basket with two seeds. Used to limit the types of materials instead of the number of materials.) all items have weight. (used in bag mechanic) All containers have a weight limit. (used to limit bags and provide upgraded alternatives that cost more) all containers have durability. Durability decreases when a container is over its weight limit and moved. At zero durability the bag drops to the ground and can't be picked up until repaired. (right now only bag progression is in the number of slots. This adds progression in the form of a maximum amount of weight carried.) As player weight increases past a certain point it starts to use energy. (Limits what the player can take where. Adds interesting gameplay where you may pick something up, climb a bit to the first rest point, etc. Adds a choice of carrying something heavy or fighting.) energy, stamina(exhaustion) - doing work such as sprinting, swimming, jump, climbing, or using tools takes energy. When completely out of energy you can no longer perform activities that require energy. Requires saturation and a break from activities that cost energy. Wearing armor does not require energy but does increase the cost of all energy activities. (adds limits to the player for engaging gameplay, ties in with other systems) weight - All items and blocks have weight. Carrying over X amount of weight will start to cost energy. The more over X weight the quicker you'll burn through your energy. (ties a bunch of systems together) Comparing ideas it looks like we have similar ideas that tackle some of the same issues. Quick swapping containers and filtered slots seem to be tackled about the same way. Different takes on normal slots and separating inventories so you know what is in what. No mention of volume, weight, and durability in your post @Erik but I assume that's because you want to keep it simple. I know I'm going to be told at least once that bag durability is a bad idea and that people would rather be limited by slots and stacks than weight and volume.
  12. Nor will any game difficulty do so either. Let's take a look at similar games. https://subnautica.wikia.com/wiki/Game_Modes - survival, hardcore, creative, and survival with no food or water requirements https://staxel.wikia.com/wiki/Game_Modes - creative, regular https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Farm_Maps - different farm maps fortresscraft evolved - survival and creative https://planetexplorers.gamepedia.com/Game_Modes - story mode, adventure mode(open world), build mode(creative) My Time at Portia - just regular Stellar Overload - https://steamcommunity.com/app/397150/discussions/0/2592234299547613909/ - released with just story mode and creative mode Younder - https://steamcommunity.com/app/580200/discussions/0/1458455461475626977/ - no difficulty levels VS already has a creative mode and a normal gameplay mode. As far as I've seen, that's enough for "the majority of initial player experiences are positive".
  13. As far as a feature of great impact to the financial success of a marketing push on media/steam/etc. I'll go over all the ones suggested by Tyron and the ones I think fit the definition, though some of these suggestions will come with caveats. An even simply built modhub site with which mods can be 1-click installed in-game and prompt-installed when trying to join a multiplayer server. Since one of the selling points is modding this is important. Easy server setup (that does not require manual port forwarding) There is a public server so this depends on advertising. If advertised as having a public server with the option of a creating a private then not needed. If advertised as setting up your own server to play with friends and family, then it is needed. In-game Server Listing through a master server Maybe but this is great for a variety of reasons. Works well with a mod hub. Great for diagnosing server connection issues. Great way to have one place for servers and players to find each other. Allows some control by giving public servers ratings and in extreme cases banning servers with unethical practices. Better and more automated crash reporting Yes, I would even go so far as to advertise as early access on places like steam. This also has the effect of making reviewers more generous. Mac OS fixes on german keyboards, one crucial bugfix on the block lighting system No. Design is way more important than bugs. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324923032_An_Empirical_Study_of_Game_Reviews_on_the_Steam_Platform Configurable difficulty level No. Since modding is a selling point configurable difficulty level is not needed at the start. More intuitive prospecting Yes, as mentioned above good design is more important than bugs. I would tack on better ore spawning as well to this since they go hand in hand. Probably Seasons and Weather Yes, because it would be a core mechanic. Something other things depend on. Farming could use more diverse crops, maybe fruit trees (see Growthcraft). Yes. I feel that crops do need to be more diverse because the crop varieties feel the same. Adding cooking is a great way to make the crops feel different. Also needs to tie in with seasons and weather. I would look at the top farming games and find what parts of those would work in VS. Armor and clothing crafting (More uses for linen, leather tanning) Yes. Armor is something that is expected from games like this especially since there's already clothers. Leather processing is a staple in many survival games and part of armor crafting. Combat is the worst, I will probably post a more streamlined overhaul suggestion soon. Yes. The combat update is something that divided the minecraft community and VS can't afford a split like that. The core mechanics of the combat system need fleshed out before released on something like steam. The combat mechanics also sets the feel of the game. Is it going to be spam click for a simple old school vibe? Are they going to be slow and deliberate like dark souls? Is it going to use stamina, attack delays, etc? Should be a large enough toolkit to add variation in combat to make it feel not always the same. No matter what you decide for the combat, have the core mechanics ironed out before being released or it will have a dramatic financial impact because it's so integral to the feel of a game. A tutorial and an TMI/NEI/JEI of some sort. Yes. The first 15 hours of gameplay is highly crucial for positive reviews and if most of that is spent in a wiki and trying to figure out how to start, it's not going to go well. I'm not saying we need need something like TMI/NEI/JEI but somewhere in-game you can look up stuff and a getting started in-game tutorial. A chief complaint of TFC was how much you needed to know to just get started. Don't expect new players to know anything about TFC. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324923032_An_Empirical_Study_of_Game_Reviews_on_the_Steam_Platform Do more to make it look and feel less like minecraft I watched a video of a person playing VS and they first thing they said upon loading into a world is, "This is minecraft." They then dug up a dirt block and said it sounded and felt like minecraft. Now I know it doesn't sound like minecraft but there are quite a few block games on steam and they are not mistaken as minecraft. Many of them have a distinctly different visual style and incorporate a mix of blocky and non-blocky things. VS doesn't have those things. What VS does have is seraphs. So when entering a world for the first time the clothing menu pops up which is great and you see a representation of you but you don't see you in the world so while you know that's your character you don't associate it with you yet. This reinforces you are not Steve or Alex. Start the person in 3rd person mode with a notification somewhere on the screen. Upon clicking the notification, a box pops up quickly explaining the controls, another one on explaining the HUD, and a third one how to knap and where you can find the in-game tutorials. This tells you this is different than minecraft. Next change the feel of breaking blocks. One of minecrafts distinct features is the sound of rapidly hitting a block, well hitting blocks in general to collect them. Make VS resource collection seem slower and more deliberate. For dirt collection it could be a longer scooping sound along with some form of animation instead of a rapid punch sound. All resource collection sounds should make the action feel less like punching it. Not only does this make it sound and feel more distinctly different than minecraft, it makes it feel more adult. Make the collection of dirt from grass need a shovel. This ties in with needing an axe to collect wood from a tree. Another thing that is one of the first things I notice about minecraft is the sharp corners to the leaf blocks. If you could somehow soften those corners or do something similar to the better foliage mod it'd also help visually separate VS from vanilla minecraft. Proper bushes would help as well. I am looking at my WIP thread to see if there's anything on there that I feel fits the definition but while I think everything on that thread would improve the game I don't see anything that wasn't already mentioned that I think is necessary for a successful release on a platform like steam. I wouldn't do minecarts before releasing on a platform because it makes it more similar to the thing you are trying to differentiate it from. It's interesting to see what's on peoples wish lists though.
  14. rendering options http://apidocs.vintagestory.at/api/Vintagestory.API.Client.EnumChunkRenderPass.html @redram It can be done outside of the program in a text editor.
  15. releasing an update to fill the gaps that makes polishing stones work more consistently and stops chisels from eating hammer heads. Also releasing a version of the roads mod. Some time down the road it'll get merged with lamp posts but not now.
  16. Sure. I will revisit that mechanic and see how I can improve it.
  17. It should work on grass. Didn't test though since it works on grass by default.
  18. I think you also forgot to mention that the scythe harvested cattails in AOE unless you removed that tweak.
  19. I've often wanted to combine berries, bread, and honey to make sweetened blueberry bread. Or take a knife, cut up some meat, bread, and vegetables to make make a sandwich. Or make a vegetable rice dish. I'm not looking for pam's harvest craft but I'm looking for something that's starting in that direction with a dev who wants to expand it as time goes on.
  20. The chisel has to be made from non-flint stone. And yah I didn't override the drops for path slabs so I need to do that at some point. Thanks for the feedback. *warning* chisel will consume hammer tool heads thinking they are hammers. Don't carry around hammer tool heads and chisel.
  21. Fill the Gaps *Update* -vanilla bamboo planks recipe now makes a new type of bamboo planks that behaves like logs in that the top of the planks always points towards you. Didn't do the same with slabs. -vanilla stone path recipe now makes a new type of stone path that when placed on top of each other produces slabs with the same speed bonus -vanilla ladder recipe now makes a new ladder type that doesn't pancake you and if you look down at the very top of a ladder, sneak, and right click with an empty hand it'll place the bottom most ladder in your inventory. Great for mining. -disabled recipes for: all plank corners all polished stone allstone brick all raw stone -added grid recipes for: polishing stone - stone over sand quartz block - quicklime surrounded by 8 quartz ore. -added knapping recipe: stone chisel added new items: polishing stone - get real close and hold right click on rock to polish it. stone chisel - If you are holding a stone chisel and have a hammer in your hotbar, by right clicking on raw stone it'll turn it into stone brick. On quartz blocks it makes ornate and column quartz blocks. note: All pre-existing blocks will remain. Meaning old roads, ladders, and bamboo planks won't have the new feature but also won't turn into ?'s
  22. I agree with @redram. Better things are to come.
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