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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. Adventury Vintarians We might just have invented ectasy in voxel form. See for yourself by downloading 1.2.0 in the acccount manager I've also started to migrate some of the first mechanical power back bone from vintagecraft to vintage story. No visible progress to show on that front just yet. Please note block entities, like Chests and Signs now use a new method of saving their data to the savegame. It will cause old signs and chests to loose their data and will log an error. Sorry about that. I did this update to make those blocks more resilient against future updates. Up next we will probably try to get some of the most essential survival features done so you can actually make use of the new prettier terrain. Updates World Generation Updates: Remade all Landforms: The world should now look significantly more varied and unique. Also way more traversable with big flat building grounds. Improved forest generation: The terrain is no longer covered in trees. There are also large patches with only light or no forestation. Added a tree generator to produce massive redwood trees. Tweaked several of the tree generators. Wider range of colors: Brown wintery forests and yellow Savannahs galore! Larger Biomes: Double the size of climate areas Much more deco: Worldgen now also generates frosted tall grass, berry bushes, ferns, lily pads and very large patches of heathers/western gorse to imitate heathlands. And many many other tweaks New Blocks Berry Bushes: Red Currant, Black Currant, White Currant, Blueberry and Cranberry. Can't harvest them yet :< Lily Pads: Basic version of lily pads on the water, will receive some more love in a future update Tall Ferns: 2+ block high ferns for a perfect addition to the jungle underbrush API Updates Feature: Network API that let's modders set up custom network channels and network message for arbitrary communication between client and server Feature: Shader API let's modders define and load their own GLSL shaders and use them during rendering Feature: The client now supports basic video recording with the command .rec. The big advantage of that is it should be absolutely lag free video recording, no matter how laggy your game is. Unfortunately it does not yet support audio or compressed video recording yet. Feature: Added 2 server side tools to quickly prototype worldgen configurations. There is now also a mod api property that let's you disable auto generation of chunks (api.WorldManager.AutoGenerateChunks = false) /wgen del [radius] - deletes given radius of chunks near the world center /wgen regen [radius] - also deletes, but also reloads all worldgen config files and regenerates those chunks. Feature: Remade all tree leaves textures. They now look more consistent with the rest of the art style. Tweak: Potential lag reduction on slower machines (uploading of mesh data now happens less often and in bigger batches) Tweak: Updated several other textures Fixed: 2-3 Crashes when trying to play on a standalone server Fixed: Crash when trying to rename a world Fixed: /stop not exiting standalone server without hitting enter key Fixed: Server<->Client Player Position Desync in Multiplayer, causing the player to teleport weirdly in certain cases Fixed: Chests instantly breaking View full record
  2. Adventury Vintarians We might just have invented ectasy in voxel form. See for yourself by downloading 1.2.0 in the acccount manager I've also started to migrate some of the first mechanical power back bone from vintagecraft to vintage story. No visible progress to show on that front just yet. Please note block entities, like Chests and Signs now use a new method of saving their data to the savegame. It will cause old signs and chests to loose their data and will log an error. Sorry about that. I did this update to make those blocks more resilient against future updates. Up next we will probably try to get some of the most essential survival features done so you can actually make use of the new prettier terrain. Updates World Generation Updates: Remade all Landforms: The world should now look significantly more varied and unique. Also way more traversable with big flat building grounds. Improved forest generation: The terrain is no longer covered in trees. There are also large patches with only light or no forestation. Added a tree generator to produce massive redwood trees. Tweaked several of the tree generators. Wider range of colors: Brown wintery forests and yellow Savannahs galore! Larger Biomes: Double the size of climate areas Much more deco: Worldgen now also generates frosted tall grass, berry bushes, ferns, lily pads and very large patches of heathers/western gorse to imitate heathlands. And many many other tweaks New Blocks Berry Bushes: Red Currant, Black Currant, White Currant, Blueberry and Cranberry. Can't harvest them yet :< Lily Pads: Basic version of lily pads on the water, will receive some more love in a future update Tall Ferns: 2+ block high ferns for a perfect addition to the jungle underbrush API Updates Feature: Network API that let's modders set up custom network channels and network message for arbitrary communication between client and server Feature: Shader API let's modders define and load their own GLSL shaders and use them during rendering Feature: The client now supports basic video recording with the command .rec. The big advantage of that is it should be absolutely lag free video recording, no matter how laggy your game is. Unfortunately it does not yet support audio or compressed video recording yet. Feature: Added 2 server side tools to quickly prototype worldgen configurations. There is now also a mod api property that let's you disable auto generation of chunks (api.WorldManager.AutoGenerateChunks = false) /wgen del [radius] - deletes given radius of chunks near the world center /wgen regen [radius] - also deletes, but also reloads all worldgen config files and regenerates those chunks. Feature: Remade all tree leaves textures. They now look more consistent with the rest of the art style. Tweak: Potential lag reduction on slower machines (uploading of mesh data now happens less often and in bigger batches) Tweak: Updated several other textures Fixed: 2-3 Crashes when trying to play on a standalone server Fixed: Crash when trying to rename a world Fixed: /stop not exiting standalone server without hitting enter key Fixed: Server<->Client Player Position Desync in Multiplayer, causing the player to teleport weirdly in certain cases Fixed: Chests instantly breaking
  3. Blocky Vintarians! This update is a blocky one. And some pretty candy for modders. Since major changes happened in the Mod API, I'm bumping the game version to 1.1.0, which is now available for download in the account manager. [Edit:] I've released version 1.1.1 which fixes the wrong worldedit tools numbering Updates Feature: New blocks Added bed, altar, echo chamber, book shelves, omok table top and about 80 new blocks of various colors for creative mode only Feature: New graphics option: Sepia Slider Feature: WorldEdit Updates Feature: New tool for generating trees using the engines tree generator. Feature: New tool for simple lake generation that performs a 1 deep flood fill within a limited range Feature: Mod API Updates Several updates to make modding much more convenient. The Visual Studio Project of the official sample mods now let's you start the game directly within the IDE, you can break the game and use edit&continue! Added several features for mods to become moddable. First example: The game content mod now adds a new tool brush to the world edit mod if it is loaded. Added new events, can now register listeners for LogEntry events and player gamemode changes More convenient access to the files assets through a new IAssetManager interface Large rewrite on how player related data is accessed, should now be much easier to use Tweak: Updated textures for blocks for crafting table, improved model for the flower pot and new graphics for all potted flowers, updated 2 leaves textures, Tweak: Added ability to use a wildcard for a blocks texture, this automatically adds the textures it finds in the given path as random textures. Tweak: Reduced memory usage by 170 MB Fixed: Player unable to place certain blocks very close to him Fixed: Respawning not giving back full health when clicked too quickly Fixed: WorldEdit mod and movespeed carrying over to survival mode when switching gamemods Fixed: Blocks nearby lava transparent Fixed: Low level water sometimes overwriting higher level water Fixed: Lighting glitch where sunlight would not spread into neighbouring chunks Fixed: Properly shutdown server when an exception happened during startup Fixed: Disconnected screen showing black background and menu on the left Fixed: Major sources of lag when using /we blu or block data imports with light sources multiple times Fixed: Shift + Left mouse click not working to get items from the creative inventory Other: Updated entity model format to use json in preparation for the entity animation system Other: Added combustible options to blocks and items in preparation for smeltable and burnable items/blocks. Added tree attributes to blocks and items to hold any custom data. Pictures If you have old worlds that are important, copy&paste this into your chat bar - it will fix the broken flowers. Close and open the world to see the changes. View full record
  4. Blocky Vintarians! This update is a blocky one. And some pretty candy for modders. Since major changes happened in the Mod API, I'm bumping the game version to 1.1.0, which is now available for download in the account manager. [Edit:] I've released version 1.1.1 which fixes the wrong worldedit tools numbering Updates Feature: New blocks Added bed, altar, echo chamber, book shelves, omok table top and about 80 new blocks of various colors for creative mode only Feature: New graphics option: Sepia Slider Feature: WorldEdit Updates Feature: New tool for generating trees using the engines tree generator. Feature: New tool for simple lake generation that performs a 1 deep flood fill within a limited range Feature: Mod API Updates Several updates to make modding much more convenient. The Visual Studio Project of the official sample mods now let's you start the game directly within the IDE, you can break the game and use edit&continue! Added several features for mods to become moddable. First example: The game content mod now adds a new tool brush to the world edit mod if it is loaded. Added new events, can now register listeners for LogEntry events and player gamemode changes More convenient access to the files assets through a new IAssetManager interface Large rewrite on how player related data is accessed, should now be much easier to use Tweak: Updated textures for blocks for crafting table, improved model for the flower pot and new graphics for all potted flowers, updated 2 leaves textures, Tweak: Added ability to use a wildcard for a blocks texture, this automatically adds the textures it finds in the given path as random textures. Tweak: Reduced memory usage by 170 MB Fixed: Player unable to place certain blocks very close to him Fixed: Respawning not giving back full health when clicked too quickly Fixed: WorldEdit mod and movespeed carrying over to survival mode when switching gamemods Fixed: Blocks nearby lava transparent Fixed: Low level water sometimes overwriting higher level water Fixed: Lighting glitch where sunlight would not spread into neighbouring chunks Fixed: Properly shutdown server when an exception happened during startup Fixed: Disconnected screen showing black background and menu on the left Fixed: Major sources of lag when using /we blu or block data imports with light sources multiple times Fixed: Shift + Left mouse click not working to get items from the creative inventory Other: Updated entity model format to use json in preparation for the entity animation system Other: Added combustible options to blocks and items in preparation for smeltable and burnable items/blocks. Added tree attributes to blocks and items to hold any custom data. Pictures If you have old worlds that are important, copy&paste this into your chat bar - it will fix the broken flowers. Close and open the world to see the changes.
  5. Crafty Vintarians! Presenting today: New Survival, Creative and Modding Features As always we continue to add new features at breakneck speed. Version 1.0.10 is now available for download in the account manager. The world edit documentation is updated to reflect the latest additions. Updates Feature: Basic Survival Crafting is now complete! The first recipes are added too (Planks, Torch, Stone Pickaxe, Stone Axe, Stone Shovel, Planks Stairs, Planks Slab, Door, Fence, Fence Gate, Chest, Ladder, Sign) Feature: Massive WorldEdit Additions New Tool: Grow/Shrink - allows for three dimensional growing or shrinking of an area, layer by layer. Has 2 modes: Grow/Shrink any blocks or only selected blcoks New Tool: Eraser - formerly integrated in the paint brush tool now separate to allow for greater functionality. Basically does the inverse as the paint brush tool. New Tool: Line - draws lines between points. Has 2 modes: Line strip or single origin Paint Brush Overhaul: Can now select width/height and length of a brush shape. Added 8 new shapes: Cuboid, Cylinder, Half ball up/down/north/east/south/west Air Brush Overhaul: Now behaves more like an traditional air brush. Has 2 draw modes and 2 apply modes. New Brush Positioning mode: Can now select between Centering or Attaching the brushes shape to the selected block)Added replace modes to the import tool: The Import tool now no longer places blocks with a higher replacable value than the existing blocks. Can change this behavior with place modes 0 (replacable check),1 (only replace air) or 2 (replace everything) Added Ability to (vertically) flip block data (for the import command, the paste command or the import tool) Added Ability to copy and paste a selected area (previously required an extra step with export then import) All tools that allow defining a radius now have 2 additional commands to grow/shrink the radius by +1 or -1 Feature: The game now also supports client side mods! Any mod can now define if it should be loaded on the server side, the client side or both. A fairly extensive Client API is also already available (including full world access and a render api) Feature: Flowing Water now does basic path finding within a 3 blocks radius to search for a single downward path instead of spreading everywhere. Feature: Added ColorByBlock property to block particles to take on the color of the blocks texture (from a random position) Tweak: Much improved rendering of held items (finally fixed misaligned faces + added shadings) Tweak: Increased client block ticking scanning range and speed (e.g. causes blocks to emit particles from 8 blocks further away) Tweak: Doubled mining speeds for all tools Tweak: Flowers and Mushrooms now break instantly in survival Tweak: Improved offline mode experience: 'Offline Mode' Text no longer clipped and added second counter while trying to validate session Tweak: Itemstack quantities now more visible Tweak: Active Slot Info Text now also shows whenever the active slot is modified Fixed: Maybe fixed the IndexOutOfRangeException-Crash that randomly occurs Fixed: Water in some cases removing blocks that it shouldn't Fixed: Several rendering glitches with water Fixed: All held items were mirrored Fixed: Game no longer crashes without internet access Fixed: Player picking up items in survival despite full inventory Screenshots New Brush Positioning mode New Paint Brush Shapes New Grow/Shrink Tool (adds/removes layers of blocks) New Line Tool Overhauled Air Brush Tool The first house ever built entirely in Survival mode \o/ Improved Held Item Rendering View full record
  6. Crafty Vintarians! Presenting today: New Survival, Creative and Modding Features As always we continue to add new features at breakneck speed. Version 1.0.10 is now available for download in the account manager. The world edit documentation is updated to reflect the latest additions. Updates Feature: Basic Survival Crafting is now complete! The first recipes are added too (Planks, Torch, Stone Pickaxe, Stone Axe, Stone Shovel, Planks Stairs, Planks Slab, Door, Fence, Fence Gate, Chest, Ladder, Sign) Feature: Massive WorldEdit Additions New Tool: Grow/Shrink - allows for three dimensional growing or shrinking of an area, layer by layer. Has 2 modes: Grow/Shrink any blocks or only selected blcoks New Tool: Eraser - formerly integrated in the paint brush tool now separate to allow for greater functionality. Basically does the inverse as the paint brush tool. New Tool: Line - draws lines between points. Has 2 modes: Line strip or single origin Paint Brush Overhaul: Can now select width/height and length of a brush shape. Added 8 new shapes: Cuboid, Cylinder, Half ball up/down/north/east/south/west Air Brush Overhaul: Now behaves more like an traditional air brush. Has 2 draw modes and 2 apply modes. New Brush Positioning mode: Can now select between Centering or Attaching the brushes shape to the selected block)Added replace modes to the import tool: The Import tool now no longer places blocks with a higher replacable value than the existing blocks. Can change this behavior with place modes 0 (replacable check),1 (only replace air) or 2 (replace everything) Added Ability to (vertically) flip block data (for the import command, the paste command or the import tool) Added Ability to copy and paste a selected area (previously required an extra step with export then import) All tools that allow defining a radius now have 2 additional commands to grow/shrink the radius by +1 or -1 Feature: The game now also supports client side mods! Any mod can now define if it should be loaded on the server side, the client side or both. A fairly extensive Client API is also already available (including full world access and a render api) Feature: Flowing Water now does basic path finding within a 3 blocks radius to search for a single downward path instead of spreading everywhere. Feature: Added ColorByBlock property to block particles to take on the color of the blocks texture (from a random position) Tweak: Much improved rendering of held items (finally fixed misaligned faces + added shadings) Tweak: Increased client block ticking scanning range and speed (e.g. causes blocks to emit particles from 8 blocks further away) Tweak: Doubled mining speeds for all tools Tweak: Flowers and Mushrooms now break instantly in survival Tweak: Improved offline mode experience: 'Offline Mode' Text no longer clipped and added second counter while trying to validate session Tweak: Itemstack quantities now more visible Tweak: Active Slot Info Text now also shows whenever the active slot is modified Fixed: Maybe fixed the IndexOutOfRangeException-Crash that randomly occurs Fixed: Water in some cases removing blocks that it shouldn't Fixed: Several rendering glitches with water Fixed: All held items were mirrored Fixed: Game no longer crashes without internet access Fixed: Player picking up items in survival despite full inventory Screenshots New Brush Positioning mode New Paint Brush Shapes New Grow/Shrink Tool (adds/removes layers of blocks) New Line Tool Overhauled Air Brush Tool The first house ever built entirely in Survival mode \o/ Improved Held Item Rendering
  7. Watered Vintarians We've completed our first version of water physics, which means water can flow and spread now. Version 1.0.9 is now available for download in the account manager. Updates Feature: Water now spreads, can have different height levels and has a flowing animation Feature: New command .liquidselectable - toggles whether liquid blocks should be selectable like normal blocks Feature: Added WorldEdit move commands to move around selected areas /mmu [length]: Move selected area by length blocks (if length is not supplied length will be 1) /mmd [length]: Same for down /mmn, /mme, /mms, /mmw: Same for north/east/south/west /mmby x y z: Move in by given x/y/z length Feature: Fly Axis Lock: Allows locking the X, Y or Z axis to e.g. allow hovering over a landscape in a fixed height. .lockfly [0-3]: 0 = no lock, 1 = x-axis lock, 2 = y-axis lock, 3 = z-axis lock Tweak: Improved Font rendering quality (now correctly overlaid with premultiplied alpha masks) Tweak: Drastically improved performance when selecting large areas using /we ms and /we me Tweak: Worldgen generates some more caves Tweak: Breaking cacti blocks breaks any cacti blocks above Tweak: Lanterns now can also be attached to ceilings Tweak: Added california poppy to world generation Tweak: Reduced walking speed by 25% Tweak: Cloud Layer position is now relative to the total world height Fixed: Worldedit Airbrush tool not allowing large brush sizes Fixed: Flying not possible in spectator mode Fixed: Game not remembering the last active hotbar slot Fixed: Player not able to pick up multiple itemstacks from the ground Fixed: .cam load crashing the game when no points supplied Fixed: Rendering glitches with FPS graph (didn't show at all on some machines) Fixed: Hopefully somewhat reduced the unknown blocks appearing for a single frame when building/breaking Fixed: Several rendering glitches with water Fixed: Day/Night transitions speed 0 on new worlds Fixed: Topsoil block underside showing grass Fixed: Some blocks dropping white particles instead of their block colors Fixed: Added all missing block translations View full record
  8. Watered Vintarians We've completed our first version of water physics, which means water can flow and spread now. Version 1.0.9 is now available for download in the account manager. Updates Feature: Water now spreads, can have different height levels and has a flowing animation Feature: New command .liquidselectable - toggles whether liquid blocks should be selectable like normal blocks Feature: Added WorldEdit move commands to move around selected areas /mmu [length]: Move selected area by length blocks (if length is not supplied length will be 1) /mmd [length]: Same for down /mmn, /mme, /mms, /mmw: Same for north/east/south/west /mmby x y z: Move in by given x/y/z length Feature: Fly Axis Lock: Allows locking the X, Y or Z axis to e.g. allow hovering over a landscape in a fixed height. .lockfly [0-3]: 0 = no lock, 1 = x-axis lock, 2 = y-axis lock, 3 = z-axis lock Tweak: Improved Font rendering quality (now correctly overlaid with premultiplied alpha masks) Tweak: Drastically improved performance when selecting large areas using /we ms and /we me Tweak: Worldgen generates some more caves Tweak: Breaking cacti blocks breaks any cacti blocks above Tweak: Lanterns now can also be attached to ceilings Tweak: Added california poppy to world generation Tweak: Reduced walking speed by 25% Tweak: Cloud Layer position is now relative to the total world height Fixed: Worldedit Airbrush tool not allowing large brush sizes Fixed: Flying not possible in spectator mode Fixed: Game not remembering the last active hotbar slot Fixed: Player not able to pick up multiple itemstacks from the ground Fixed: .cam load crashing the game when no points supplied Fixed: Rendering glitches with FPS graph (didn't show at all on some machines) Fixed: Hopefully somewhat reduced the unknown blocks appearing for a single frame when building/breaking Fixed: Several rendering glitches with water Fixed: Day/Night transitions speed 0 on new worlds Fixed: Topsoil block underside showing grass Fixed: Some blocks dropping white particles instead of their block colors Fixed: Added all missing block translations
  9. Few and far between Vintarians! An early release as I discovered an unusual amount of bugs. Also one more milestone towards Survival complete: Blocks may now drop any combination of items. Version 1.0.8 is now available for download in the account manager. Updates Feature: Ladders are now climbable Feature: Added universal block drop system. Allows a block to drop any combination of block or item stacks with a selectable random quantity Feature: Add new item: Stick Feature: Added skols Linux Installer scripts and files. If you install the game with vine and run the install.sh you should hopefully have the game working under linux. Skol also wrote some instructions about it. Feature: Leaves and Branchy Leaves now drop Sticks and Saplings. Rock now drops Stones Feature: A singleplayer worlds file name can now be renamed within the game Feature: Added command .cam tp [off or on] to prevent the cinematic camera teleporting the player back to the original position on path end Tweak: Improved version updating experience - removed 2 unecessary message boxes, create desktop icon is always checked and the player is informed that his worlds won't be lost Tweak: Many adjustments to the new ui style (colors, sizes, font, etc.) Tweak: Updated API Documentation (apidocs.vintagestory.at) Tweak: Raised max world height selected from within the game from 1024 to 1536 (survival) or 2048 blocks (creative). Raised the warning value for creative worlds to 1024 blocks. Tweak: Clean up some parts of the rendering code to reduce some opengl state switches for minor performance gains (< 1%) Fixed: Changing Gui Scale broken after joining and leaving a world Fixed: Tooltips clipping outside the game window Fixed: Mouse captured in a small rectangle when starting a single player world in windows mode and unfocusing the game window Fixed: Itemstack Quantities not shown at the right coordinate on small or large gui scales Fixed: Dropping items into a slot using right mouse click not updating itemstack quantity Fixed: All Paintings having the same texture in the inventory Fixed: The server log in the single player starting screen should display correctly again on different gui scales Fixed: Player name tag box wrongly sized on small or large gui scales Fixed: .cam start not putting the player in flymod causing massive jerkiness Fixed: Itemstack info not disappearing when closing the chest inventory using the Escape key Fixed: Shift + Left click on an item to move away an itemstack not working Fixed: Vintage Story Logo on the main menu now longer in bad quality from resizing View full record
  10. Few and far between Vintarians! An early release as I discovered an unusual amount of bugs. Also one more milestone towards Survival complete: Blocks may now drop any combination of items. Version 1.0.8 is now available for download in the account manager. Updates Feature: Ladders are now climbable Feature: Added universal block drop system. Allows a block to drop any combination of block or item stacks with a selectable random quantity Feature: Add new item: Stick Feature: Added skols Linux Installer scripts and files. If you install the game with vine and run the install.sh you should hopefully have the game working under linux. Skol also wrote some instructions about it. Feature: Leaves and Branchy Leaves now drop Sticks and Saplings. Rock now drops Stones Feature: A singleplayer worlds file name can now be renamed within the game Feature: Added command .cam tp [off or on] to prevent the cinematic camera teleporting the player back to the original position on path end Tweak: Improved version updating experience - removed 2 unecessary message boxes, create desktop icon is always checked and the player is informed that his worlds won't be lost Tweak: Many adjustments to the new ui style (colors, sizes, font, etc.) Tweak: Updated API Documentation (apidocs.vintagestory.at) Tweak: Raised max world height selected from within the game from 1024 to 1536 (survival) or 2048 blocks (creative). Raised the warning value for creative worlds to 1024 blocks. Tweak: Clean up some parts of the rendering code to reduce some opengl state switches for minor performance gains (< 1%) Fixed: Changing Gui Scale broken after joining and leaving a world Fixed: Tooltips clipping outside the game window Fixed: Mouse captured in a small rectangle when starting a single player world in windows mode and unfocusing the game window Fixed: Itemstack Quantities not shown at the right coordinate on small or large gui scales Fixed: Dropping items into a slot using right mouse click not updating itemstack quantity Fixed: All Paintings having the same texture in the inventory Fixed: The server log in the single player starting screen should display correctly again on different gui scales Fixed: Player name tag box wrongly sized on small or large gui scales Fixed: .cam start not putting the player in flymod causing massive jerkiness Fixed: Itemstack info not disappearing when closing the chest inventory using the Escape key Fixed: Shift + Left click on an item to move away an itemstack not working Fixed: Vintage Story Logo on the main menu now longer in bad quality from resizing
  11. Stylish Vintarians! Version 1.0.7 is now available for download in the account manager. By the concept of Nachtfalter the game now has an all new Logo and menu/in-game-dialog layouts. It looks super pretty \o/ Thats what we've worked on for pretty much most of the week since last update. Updates New Logo for the game, website and account manger From the ground up redesigned menu screens All in game dialogs are alsjo adjusted to fit the style View full record
  12. Stylish Vintarians! Version 1.0.7 is now available for download in the account manager. By the concept of Nachtfalter the game now has an all new Logo and menu/in-game-dialog layouts. It looks super pretty \o/ Thats what we've worked on for pretty much most of the week since last update. Updates New Logo for the game, website and account manger From the ground up redesigned menu screens All in game dialogs are alsjo adjusted to fit the style
  13. Literate Vintarians! Yet again an excessive list of updates since last version. Version 1.0.6 is now available for download in the account manager. Thanks to Nachtfalter we have a super pretty video to show this time, demonstrating merely one new feature of v1.0.4 (and in part v1.0.6): The chimney block. It also gives you a glimpse of our new Logo and new Youtube Channel. Updates Feature: Signs are now writeable and can also be placed on walls! Feature: Much improved performance when placing/removing blocks, in part due to a completely new localized sun relighting algorithm. Feature: Overall slight improved performance due to the removal of two rather slow code obfuscation methods. Feature: Added Stone Path Block. Gives a 15% movement bonus while walking on it. Feature: Added Frosted Grass Blocks. Gorgeous winter decoration <3 Feature: New Particle property "SelfPropelled": Particles can regain their velocity when collided, when freed again. (Smoke Signals!) Feature: Added block behaviors. This is an elegant solution for certain blocks that behave in several ways. This now allows for the chimney block auto-orient when placing. Surely will have many future applications. Feature: Readded Mechanical Power Blocks: Currently only useful for decorative purposes. Feature: Random Rotation for the Import Tool. Using /we imrrand [off or on] will randomly rotate the placed import file. Feature: New Flower: California Poppy Feature: Added 2 new commands to assist in long flyover cinematics /sendchunks [0 or 1] - stops standard chunk loading to reduce potential lag sources during recording /forceloadchunks x1 z1 x2 z1 [sendtoclient] - loads given area of chunk columns and forces the server to keep them in memory. If 'sendtoclient' is supplied, these chunks are also sent to client, unaffected by the /sendchunks command. Feature: Added 2 new server configurations to assist in underground cinematics (in serverconfig.json) SkipEveryChunkRow: 5 - will skip generating every 5th stripe of chunks SkipEveryChunkRowWidth: 2 - makes the skipped stripe 2 chunks wide Feature: Readded basic rails block. Can't be properly connected yet around curves and stuff. Also there is no minecarts yet. Tweak: Overall graphics quality improvement - godrays shader slightly more intensive, high bloom levels brightens the sky somewhat less, slightly increased color contrast, better bloom quality Tweak: New ice textures Fix: Item Textures now correct again Fix: Using several colored torches sometimes caused some blocks to have the wrong coloring Fix: Resolved an uncommon client side crash in certain cases when loading a world with dropped items Fix: Singleplayer Loading Screen should no longer scroll out of range on a large gui scale Fix: Chimneys continue smoking after the block is removed in certain cases Fix: Topsoil not showing grass coverage in the creative inventory Fix: .help now shows all commands with the correct '.' prefix Fix: One major source of network lag when dropping many items View full record
  14. Literate Vintarians! Yet again an excessive list of updates since last version. Version 1.0.6 is now available for download in the account manager. Thanks to Nachtfalter we have a super pretty video to show this time, demonstrating merely one new feature of v1.0.4 (and in part v1.0.6): The chimney block. It also gives you a glimpse of our new Logo and new Youtube Channel. Updates Feature: Signs are now writeable and can also be placed on walls! Feature: Much improved performance when placing/removing blocks, in part due to a completely new localized sun relighting algorithm. Feature: Overall slight improved performance due to the removal of two rather slow code obfuscation methods. Feature: Added Stone Path Block. Gives a 15% movement bonus while walking on it. Feature: Added Frosted Grass Blocks. Gorgeous winter decoration <3 Feature: New Particle property "SelfPropelled": Particles can regain their velocity when collided, when freed again. (Smoke Signals!) Feature: Added block behaviors. This is an elegant solution for certain blocks that behave in several ways. This now allows for the chimney block auto-orient when placing. Surely will have many future applications. Feature: Readded Mechanical Power Blocks: Currently only useful for decorative purposes. Feature: Random Rotation for the Import Tool. Using /we imrrand [off or on] will randomly rotate the placed import file. Feature: New Flower: California Poppy Feature: Added 2 new commands to assist in long flyover cinematics /sendchunks [0 or 1] - stops standard chunk loading to reduce potential lag sources during recording /forceloadchunks x1 z1 x2 z1 [sendtoclient] - loads given area of chunk columns and forces the server to keep them in memory. If 'sendtoclient' is supplied, these chunks are also sent to client, unaffected by the /sendchunks command. Feature: Added 2 new server configurations to assist in underground cinematics (in serverconfig.json) SkipEveryChunkRow: 5 - will skip generating every 5th stripe of chunks SkipEveryChunkRowWidth: 2 - makes the skipped stripe 2 chunks wide Feature: Readded basic rails block. Can't be properly connected yet around curves and stuff. Also there is no minecarts yet. Tweak: Overall graphics quality improvement - godrays shader slightly more intensive, high bloom levels brightens the sky somewhat less, slightly increased color contrast, better bloom quality Tweak: New ice textures Fix: Item Textures now correct again Fix: Using several colored torches sometimes caused some blocks to have the wrong coloring Fix: Resolved an uncommon client side crash in certain cases when loading a world with dropped items Fix: Singleplayer Loading Screen should no longer scroll out of range on a large gui scale Fix: Chimneys continue smoking after the block is removed in certain cases Fix: Topsoil not showing grass coverage in the creative inventory Fix: .help now shows all commands with the correct '.' prefix Fix: One major source of network lag when dropping many items
  15. Vintarians! Version 1.0.4 is now available for download in the account manager We should have a video ready that demonstrates all the new features by this weekend. This update actually also contains a lot of new code for a potential client modding api and a block entitiy rendering system. Both parts are not ready yet but would be used for writable signs, mechanical power and every other block that is animated or has something drawn onto it, like text. Experimental: This community software actually includes a chat system for up to 20 people. I'll enable it for 1-2 weeks and see if there is any interest in it. If not, I will ditch it again. Updates Added multi-block highlighter. Used in WorldEdit when selecting an area for exporting/clearing or filling when using the Import tool: A preview when importing block data when using the Paint brush tool: Shows the paint brush size Added Ability to rotate blockdata (0, 90, 180 and 270 degree) (list of commands) Added long range block particle emitters (up to 128 blocks away), added chimney block that emits smoke particles using the long range emitter. Added a gamma slider to the graphics settings that let's you do gamma correction. Importing block data that contain light sources is now 10-20 times faster. Attempted some optimizations to improve overall performance. Should at least reduce choppy framerates. Added "New version available" Notification to the main menu Fixes Fixed mouse cursor invisible when being disconnected from a multiplayer server Fixed Pen and Cross icons overlapping the cell in multiplayer server list Fixed particles stuck in blocks where they shouldn't be stuck Fixed .fog client command not accepting decimal numbers. Fixed some client commands crashing on invalid arguments Fixed server crashing on some non-fatal errors (mod loading and chunk generation) Fixed a InvalidOperationException during chunk loading which likely prevented certain chunks (containing entities) from loading Fixed a crash in the singleplayer screen when 2 worlds had the exact same modification date View full record
  16. Vintarians! Version 1.0.4 is now available for download in the account manager We should have a video ready that demonstrates all the new features by this weekend. This update actually also contains a lot of new code for a potential client modding api and a block entitiy rendering system. Both parts are not ready yet but would be used for writable signs, mechanical power and every other block that is animated or has something drawn onto it, like text. Experimental: This community software actually includes a chat system for up to 20 people. I'll enable it for 1-2 weeks and see if there is any interest in it. If not, I will ditch it again. Updates Added multi-block highlighter. Used in WorldEdit when selecting an area for exporting/clearing or filling when using the Import tool: A preview when importing block data when using the Paint brush tool: Shows the paint brush size Added Ability to rotate blockdata (0, 90, 180 and 270 degree) (list of commands) Added long range block particle emitters (up to 128 blocks away), added chimney block that emits smoke particles using the long range emitter. Added a gamma slider to the graphics settings that let's you do gamma correction. Importing block data that contain light sources is now 10-20 times faster. Attempted some optimizations to improve overall performance. Should at least reduce choppy framerates. Added "New version available" Notification to the main menu Fixes Fixed mouse cursor invisible when being disconnected from a multiplayer server Fixed Pen and Cross icons overlapping the cell in multiplayer server list Fixed particles stuck in blocks where they shouldn't be stuck Fixed .fog client command not accepting decimal numbers. Fixed some client commands crashing on invalid arguments Fixed server crashing on some non-fatal errors (mod loading and chunk generation) Fixed a InvalidOperationException during chunk loading which likely prevented certain chunks (containing entities) from loading Fixed a crash in the singleplayer screen when 2 worlds had the exact same modification date
  17. Survivally Vintarians! One more important step towards survival mode done! Version 1.0.3 is now available for download in the account manager So much happened this week. Our internal slack channels have significantly picked up in activity with Nachtfalter reworking the Logo and Ingame Menus, Ivan getting accomodated to the new build tools, Saraty churning out one flawless textures after another and everyone providing feedback to all the updates. Although responding to all this takes away quite some of my time I still managed to complete some large updates on the game. Most importantly chest inventories - this required 2 massive refactors in the game code, but now the game has a very flexible system for handling special blocks and guis. This also means writable signs is just around the corner. \o/ Updates Ivan has joined the team as builder! He will demonstrate what the games creative mode is capable of! Chest Inventory! Chests can now be opened and hold up to 12 items at the moment. Might still have a glitch or two. A lot of new blocks Epic Quartz: Plain, Ornate, Stairs, Slabs and Vertical/Horizontal Pillars (finally I can make my ruined greek temple \o/) 15 beautifully crafted Metal Sheets each with 5 random textures, can be attached to any solid block side Linen and 3 Wool Carpet style blocks, can be attached to any solid block side Leather Block Clay shingle slabs One new mushroom type Added a new hud element: Player friendly coordinate display. Toggles on 'C' Key. Shows the distance to the players spawn position in blocks. Adjusted /tp command to teleport relative to player spawn pos (so /tp 0 0 0 will always bring you back to spawn), can still tele to absolute position using /tp =x =y =z, relative movement via /tp ~x ~y ~z remains unchanged. New player skin: Finally we have our own pretty and fitting skin. Drawn by Nachtfalter. Improved NPC Tool: Can now spawn named and permanent NPCs. They don't move or can be interacted with yet though. (via /npc add name) Added basic Linux server run script server.sh Includes all updates from previous news article: New Theme Track that plays in the main menu Remake of all ore textures (also enabled display of all ore blocks in creative inventory for now) Load music on demand, resulting in the game taking 8 seconds less to start Etc. Other features Added ability to perform direct network communication between client and server block entities. Added ability to export the item and block texture atlas the game generates using the command .exptexatlas Added ability to debug/fix incorrect block mappings if a bug in the mappings should ever occur using the new command /bir Added Multiplayer Version checks. Client now properly reports if the server runs on an incompatible game version Tweaks / Fixes Tweaked: Music tracks should now play more often Tweaked: Godrays no longer on by default. Fixed a crash when using the macro editor. Also now autofills the macro name if none is supplied. Fixed tick profiler not staying attached to the right side of the screen Fixed sideways logs textures not being sideways Fixed Name tags no longer visible in multiplayer Fixed 1-2 rare crashes Fixed door not in a closed state when placing Fixed stuck connecting screen on different server version Pictures View full record
  18. Survivally Vintarians! One more important step towards survival mode done! Version 1.0.3 is now available for download in the account manager So much happened this week. Our internal slack channels have significantly picked up in activity with Nachtfalter reworking the Logo and Ingame Menus, Ivan getting accomodated to the new build tools, Saraty churning out one flawless textures after another and everyone providing feedback to all the updates. Although responding to all this takes away quite some of my time I still managed to complete some large updates on the game. Most importantly chest inventories - this required 2 massive refactors in the game code, but now the game has a very flexible system for handling special blocks and guis. This also means writable signs is just around the corner. \o/ Updates Ivan has joined the team as builder! He will demonstrate what the games creative mode is capable of! Chest Inventory! Chests can now be opened and hold up to 12 items at the moment. Might still have a glitch or two. A lot of new blocks Epic Quartz: Plain, Ornate, Stairs, Slabs and Vertical/Horizontal Pillars (finally I can make my ruined greek temple \o/) 15 beautifully crafted Metal Sheets each with 5 random textures, can be attached to any solid block side Linen and 3 Wool Carpet style blocks, can be attached to any solid block side Leather Block Clay shingle slabs One new mushroom type Added a new hud element: Player friendly coordinate display. Toggles on 'C' Key. Shows the distance to the players spawn position in blocks. Adjusted /tp command to teleport relative to player spawn pos (so /tp 0 0 0 will always bring you back to spawn), can still tele to absolute position using /tp =x =y =z, relative movement via /tp ~x ~y ~z remains unchanged. New player skin: Finally we have our own pretty and fitting skin. Drawn by Nachtfalter. Improved NPC Tool: Can now spawn named and permanent NPCs. They don't move or can be interacted with yet though. (via /npc add name) Added basic Linux server run script server.sh Includes all updates from previous news article: New Theme Track that plays in the main menu Remake of all ore textures (also enabled display of all ore blocks in creative inventory for now) Load music on demand, resulting in the game taking 8 seconds less to start Etc. Other features Added ability to perform direct network communication between client and server block entities. Added ability to export the item and block texture atlas the game generates using the command .exptexatlas Added ability to debug/fix incorrect block mappings if a bug in the mappings should ever occur using the new command /bir Added Multiplayer Version checks. Client now properly reports if the server runs on an incompatible game version Tweaks / Fixes Tweaked: Music tracks should now play more often Tweaked: Godrays no longer on by default. Fixed a crash when using the macro editor. Also now autofills the macro name if none is supplied. Fixed tick profiler not staying attached to the right side of the screen Fixed sideways logs textures not being sideways Fixed Name tags no longer visible in multiplayer Fixed 1-2 rare crashes Fixed door not in a closed state when placing Fixed stuck connecting screen on different server version Pictures
  19. Numerous Vintarians Fancy Stuff from Saraty and Hayden. Boring technical stuff from Tyron. No new release at the moment. Updates Nachtfalter joined the team \o/ He will hopefully provide us with much fancier logos+icons and improve our presence on various sites and communities. Hayden made a new Theme Track that plays in the main menu. It sounds awesome and mysterious. Saraty remade many of the ore textures and included 3 different variants for each. Bitmiunous coal and Gold-In-Quartz look especially juicy Tyrons Tweaks, Refactors, Fixes Load Music on Demand: When starting the game, instead of 10 seconds loading sounds it should now only take 2 seconds \o/ Large Refactor - GUI Dialog Handling: In preparation for chest inventories I have added another layer of abstraction between the running game instance and all the dialog systems. This allows me to open any number of inventory simultaneously, even multiple chests. Could surely come in handy when organizing chest contents. This also improved code cleanliness. I still have to fully connect the dots before the actual chest inventory works. Large Refactor - Block Texture Handling: Added yet another layer of abstraction for block texture definitions. Instead of a single filename, a block texture now may have several other properties, which are currently any amounts of overlays or alternate versions. These features were available before but were limited in certain ways which are now gone. This enables: combining any amount of textures based on block/item type. Examples: Stone Texture + Ore Overlay + Erosion Overlay Stick + Pickaxe Head + Flax Binding using overlays in combination with alternate versions. Only with this we ware able to add 3 random variants for every ore overlay Worked towards Linux compatiblity: Changed several places in the code to allow playing the game under Linux. Probably still some more steps needed to make it work fully. Cleaned up some of the shader code to not use outdated features. Maybe improve compabtility for some graphics cards. Also for ATI cards the game should now print to the log files if something is running in software mode. Fixed serverconfig.json and servermagicnumbers.json containing obfuscated names Fixed some wrong/missing block names View full record
  20. Numerous Vintarians Fancy Stuff from Saraty and Hayden. Boring technical stuff from Tyron. No new release at the moment. Updates Nachtfalter joined the team \o/ He will hopefully provide us with much fancier logos+icons and improve our presence on various sites and communities. Hayden made a new Theme Track that plays in the main menu. It sounds awesome and mysterious. Saraty remade many of the ore textures and included 3 different variants for each. Bitmiunous coal and Gold-In-Quartz look especially juicy Tyrons Tweaks, Refactors, Fixes Load Music on Demand: When starting the game, instead of 10 seconds loading sounds it should now only take 2 seconds \o/ Large Refactor - GUI Dialog Handling: In preparation for chest inventories I have added another layer of abstraction between the running game instance and all the dialog systems. This allows me to open any number of inventory simultaneously, even multiple chests. Could surely come in handy when organizing chest contents. This also improved code cleanliness. I still have to fully connect the dots before the actual chest inventory works. Large Refactor - Block Texture Handling: Added yet another layer of abstraction for block texture definitions. Instead of a single filename, a block texture now may have several other properties, which are currently any amounts of overlays or alternate versions. These features were available before but were limited in certain ways which are now gone. This enables: combining any amount of textures based on block/item type. Examples: Stone Texture + Ore Overlay + Erosion Overlay Stick + Pickaxe Head + Flax Binding using overlays in combination with alternate versions. Only with this we ware able to add 3 random variants for every ore overlay Worked towards Linux compatiblity: Changed several places in the code to allow playing the game under Linux. Probably still some more steps needed to make it work fully. Cleaned up some of the shader code to not use outdated features. Maybe improve compabtility for some graphics cards. Also for ATI cards the game should now print to the log files if something is running in software mode. Fixed serverconfig.json and servermagicnumbers.json containing obfuscated names Fixed some wrong/missing block names
  21. Mountainous Vintarians! We continued chasing our distant dream. v1.0.2 is now available for download in your favorite game account manager Updates Added ability to configure the world height directly from the singleplayer screen. (it was always configurable but only through editing the serversettings.json) Two new music tracks: Mirror and Groove. World Edit Updates Added undo/redo capabilities. Can now perform /we undo up to 20 times Added santity checks to every operation. These prevent you from doing stuff that can potentially crash the server, such as placing large amount of light sources or more than 8 million blocks. Can be disabled via /we sovp 0 Singleplayer List Items now a bit more informative, now shows: Cheats On/Off and World height Total Real-World play time Added new blocks Hardened Clay (4 variants) Unlit and Lit Stove Cobblestone Stairs Added frame tick profiler (CTRL+F10) to help track down performance issues The installer is finally properly code signed! You now get a pretty blue shield instead of a yellow one when installing the game. I hope this will also resolve any issues with AntiVirus when downloading the game. Fixed Server Crash using Mono: The Server should now run under Linux! Added proper music system that selects tracks according to the daytime and playstyle Improved Brick Textures Tweaked world gen to generate significantly less rock strata View full record
  22. Mountainous Vintarians! We continued chasing our distant dream. v1.0.2 is now available for download in your favorite game account manager Updates Added ability to configure the world height directly from the singleplayer screen. (it was always configurable but only through editing the serversettings.json) Two new music tracks: Mirror and Groove. World Edit Updates Added undo/redo capabilities. Can now perform /we undo up to 20 times Added santity checks to every operation. These prevent you from doing stuff that can potentially crash the server, such as placing large amount of light sources or more than 8 million blocks. Can be disabled via /we sovp 0 Singleplayer List Items now a bit more informative, now shows: Cheats On/Off and World height Total Real-World play time Added new blocks Hardened Clay (4 variants) Unlit and Lit Stove Cobblestone Stairs Added frame tick profiler (CTRL+F10) to help track down performance issues The installer is finally properly code signed! You now get a pretty blue shield instead of a yellow one when installing the game. I hope this will also resolve any issues with AntiVirus when downloading the game. Fixed Server Crash using Mono: The Server should now run under Linux! Added proper music system that selects tracks according to the daytime and playstyle Improved Brick Textures Tweaked world gen to generate significantly less rock strata
  23. Artistic Vintarians Creativity knows no boundary. v1.0.1 is now available for download on the game account manager. Updates Large World Edit update Added 3 new tools, improved paint brush tool New RaiseLower Tool: To raise or lower terrain using 4 different modes New Airbrush Tool: Scatter blocks randomly on the terrains surface using various distribution methods New Erode Tool: Erodes the terrain by averaging the height of the terrain New Import Tool: Import one or many exported files randomly at the selected position New Paint Brush Mode: Replace selected block The mod now handles tools in a very generic way, which should make it quite easy to make the mod moddable in itself O_O All commands are now fully documented on their own page Improved Mod API Documentation, uploaded reference documentation at apidocs.vintagestory.at View full record
  24. Artistic Vintarians Creativity knows no boundary. v1.0.1 is now available for download on the game account manager. Updates Large World Edit update Added 3 new tools, improved paint brush tool New RaiseLower Tool: To raise or lower terrain using 4 different modes New Airbrush Tool: Scatter blocks randomly on the terrains surface using various distribution methods New Erode Tool: Erodes the terrain by averaging the height of the terrain New Import Tool: Import one or many exported files randomly at the selected position New Paint Brush Mode: Replace selected block The mod now handles tools in a very generic way, which should make it quite easy to make the mod moddable in itself O_O All commands are now fully documented on their own page Improved Mod API Documentation, uploaded reference documentation at apidocs.vintagestory.at
  25. Cinematic Vintarians The game is officially up for sale! \o/ v1.0.0 is available for download on the game account manager. Updates Added more world edit tools Added ability to set block selection range Added ball brush/eraser to place or remove larger amounts of blocks at once Added 3 brush modes (fill, replace solid, replace air, replace toplayer) Added ability to export and import areas of the world Improved AutoCamera tools for recording smooth cinematic flyovers. Now shows a path preview, Can delete the latest path point Camera should now move smoothly and correctly Improved performance of multi-block operations Fixed block breaking animation wrongly positioned for some blocks Fixed block breaking particles wrong color for most blocks View full record
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