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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. Freaky geometric creatures in the woods. You know how it is.
  2. EDIT: Whoops, made a new post when I meant to quote. I have also made an oopsie.
  3. I bet someone plays with dirt gravity on.
  4. Install ProspectorInfo or ProspectTogether. That'll help.
  5. Yeah, install the update to ACA I released about two minutes ago!
  6. Updated to 1.0.15 - Visual bugs in oven/shelves/meat racks fixed (thanks to Dmitry221060!) - Fix meals in bowls not providing all extra nutrients from complex ingredients (thanks to islasa1) - Transpiler message removed (thanks to DoctorVanGogh) This should fix the most annoying issues I've been trying to deal with lately. The VS community is great!
  7. Anything is possible, but is it feasible? Less so. The only thing I'm concerned about right now before releasing an update for this mod is the damn texture problem. That is plaguing me and shredding my motivation to work on anything, lol
  8. That'll be fixed in the next ACA update, whenever that happens to be.
  9. This mod has lacked any actual content updates since last December, lol. But I can add that to the list.
  10. Same as in vanilla - it's 0.1 L. Like when adding honey to meat stew.
  11. Mouse rebinds when...
  12. Woah, they finally added pemmican for real? And you can make it?
  13. Nope, salt water only as of 1.18.
  14. You will need a net 7 version of 1.18.6 or 1.18.8-rc.
  15. Are you on a net 7 version of Vintage Story? I ask this every day. Every single day.
  16. It's okay! This is a very confusing time for everyone involved.
  17. Did you have to post that here?
  18. Updated to 1.5.3!- Road blocks no longer give free x-ray (oops)
  19. An easy JSON fix, or you can just keep re-sealing it in lime forever.
  20. Updated to 1.5.2! - Stair textures aligned on all rotations - Snow texture fixes implemented (thanks to conninator2000) - Snow shapes fixed; generally optimized - Full road blocks obstruct water flow (minor visual glitches; Tyron plz fix)
  21. No, that's just a visual big. It shouldn't cause any actual crashing, just a lot of annoyance on my end. Are you on a net 7 version of Vintage Story?
  22. You will not get one. Sorry! At least the latest VS update is net 7.
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