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Everything posted by SinReaper

  1. I don't listen to music with lyrics while playing Vintage Story. I find that lofi fantasy, irish/gaelic, japanese instrumentals get me "in the zone" when playing.
  2. Natural caves are monster spawning areas regardless of the time of day, so don't take cover in them right off. On day one, make a knife, collect reeds and expand your inventory asap. Look around the map and look for existing ruins or for a place that looks inviting. Dig into the sides of mountains and shore up with dirt blocks or make a shovel and make a quick and secure abode that you can work in during the night, and expand this home as you can. Alternatively, if you don't like creepers in your world; there is a mod that removes them from the world. I like the mechanic, as I come from a minecraft/7 days to die background; but I set the world config to 5 days before they show up because I'm a CHRONIC world deleter if I can't find a cool location before day 1 is over.
  3. It's probably really simple, but I can't find the hotkey or prompt to open a vessel or pot, etc. EDIT: NVM! Got it!
  4. I ended up refunding the purchase on Humble, and bought directly here.
  5. I've used Humble Bundle for years. In the screenshot I posted is where that code or key would appear; but instead it's providing a link to the registration page only. Seems like Carlos got the email about keys being in stock as well, but no key on our pages as of yet. It's all been janky as hell this far.
  6. Nope. Just an email from Humble Bundle stating that keys were back in stock, with a hyperlink to my Humble Bundle purchase page. See below. If there are keys back in stock, it sure hasn't populated to my account. Sucks!
  7. I'm in a loop here with Humble Bundle: 1. Purchased Vintage Story 2. Informed after purchase, they are out of keys. 3. Asked when keys will be available, two boiler template responses. 4. Humble Bundle email received saying Keys are available 5. Go to purchase page and see my purchase, no key- just a message that says go here to redeem my code (that I didn't receive): https://account.vintagestory.at/createaccount 6. There is no code to redeem, as that page requires a code to create game account; so back to where I started. So yeah, I'm a bit stuck. Any devs that can help or point me in the right direction? At this point I am leaning towards refunding my purchase and buying directly from this site.
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