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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by dakko

  1. If only that were true once you get to my age!
  2. You've neglected to consider those that only play offline (like me). We don't get achievements. Also, there is the assumption that purchasers have played the game. It is common for people (as evidenced by Steam forum comments) to purchase games at steep discounts during a sale and then leave them sitting untouched in their account. But I do understand your point and where you are coming from; I'm just pointing out some fallacies in the argument. There used to be a link within the game (maybe there still is?) to CopyGirl's starter guide. It was really well done.
  3. dakko


    None of the ceiling dirt blocks are also being used as farmland are they?
  4. dakko


    I haven't been in the Discord server in some time, but that is often the place wiki outages are reported. They're usually fixed pretty quickly. Here is the Discord invitation link in case anyone would like to go there (it's also linked on the Vintage Story Home Page).
  5. IF the value cannot be changed, there is a mod that creates a skeleton that will hold user items until retrieval: Player Corpse If no one here knows the answer about changing the value, be sure to ask in the Discord server.
  6. Coagulant: Spider webs Great ideas. I like the concept(s) very much.
  7. No problems with Handbook in my 1.17.2. The only mod I'm using is Carry Capacity.
  8. dakko

    World seed

    It's working now. If you are using a VPN and still have a problem, try changing your IP. Some sites will block certain IPs.
  9. dakko

    Wolf world

    Are you using any mods? I've not seen an increase in my game... and a quick look at the files doesn't seem like they've been increased. Wolves have been increased slightly, and they do have a higher chance of respawning (so quicker respawns). Disclaimer: that is just how it looks to me from comparing 1.16 files to 1.17. I'm not knowledgeable about coding or how the game works. eta: my game is a fresh start in 1.17.2 using the same seed I had before
  10. There is a drop down menu for associating the server with either Game Account or Existing Purchases. Which one did you choose? I've not tried to get a server from the VS store, but puzzled as to why your forum account would be involved with this purchase.
  11. I've noticed that character customization is randomized, so hair style, skin color, etc AND seraph voice are all random when you start a new world.
  12. I believe that setting was removed in 1.17 stable: Tweak: Removed 'new seraph voices' setting, they are now always on as I believe most are at a bearable quality now.
  13. Keep in mind that there are multiple ways of making bronze. Some bronze-making ingredients can be found from traders, especially commodities trader. Some bronze-making ingredients can be found when panning... even pieces of bronze armor that can be smelted down. I think those may only be in boney soil, but not sure. There are also bombs that can be used to harvest iron. You may be rich in bomb ingredients, or be able to get some from a trader.
  14. Generally speaking, turnips, flax, and grains are found near each other and normally are in an open, flat-ish or hilled area. Is that patch of turnips on the edge of your explored area? They do not occur in forested areas. If you have forest floor, you will not find them. It sounds like you just need to explore a little further away to reach an open area. Are you playing with regular climate or are you playing patchy climate? I only play patchy, so maybe someone else can help advise on how to find what you need. If you get into the right area, be sure to get up high so that you can look out over the terrain (even a small hill will help). Often you will find food up on the hills too, that cannot be seen from below. But tall grass can hide a lot of stuff until you are right on top of it. Alternatively, throw down a few ladders to give yourself a better view.
  15. There are two types of reed baskets: 1 costs 10 reeds and expands your player inventory when it is placed in its special position (one of the four slots to the right of the regular bar -- sorry that I do not know the correct terminology!). The other reed basket costs 24 reeds and creates a lidded chest that sits on the ground. For either type, if it is in your hot bar, it can be placed upon the ground by right clicking on the ground (or where ever) just like any other item that you are placing (it might be shift + right click). However, the one that increases player inventory can ONLY be placed if you remove it from it's special position. Another tip for food: carrying your torch in the off-hand makes you hungry faster.
  16. Configuration settings are preferences, not cheats. Using commands in an existing world is just a way of changing your mind about the configuration settings (or enabling new configuration options that are part of an update). It took me a long time to understand that everyone has different views on what is cheating and what is not cheating. To some, death should end the game. Period. And they may say that any other option is cheating... but that isn't true. That is only their way of seeing it. It doesn't need to be your way of seeing it.
  17. That's not quite correct. There is another setting that displays interaction help. Personally, I keep block info on all the time, but interaction help causes motion sickness in some situations (and It isn't noticeable until it is, and by then it is too late, haha).
  18. Yes, please follow Streetwind's excellent step-by-step instructions. Leave the executable alone. You're only defining where you'd like the game to store the data. In my example, everything is in the install directory. For your example, your game is in the install directory (so leave it alone) and you want your data to be on an external drive (so define that absolute path). Best of luck! If you follow Streetwind's instructions, you should be golden.
  19. I believe one way would be to define the path within the shortcut. Disclaimer: I'm not tech savvy; someone helped me with this for my own use and I believe you could modify it for what you're trying to accomplish. Personally, I keep my data within the game folder so that I can play different versions which you'll be able to see with my target path: Target: C:\Games\Vintagestory\VS17-rc\Vintagestory.exe --dataPath=C:\Games\Vintagestory\VS17-rc
  20. Unless something has changed recently, doors have a very minimal effect on cellars, and light sources (candles, torches, lanterns) have no negative effect whatsoever. [eta: but sunlight does have a negative effect. It can help to have an airlock entrance (so that you have to pass through 2 doors), or have the cellar door facing away from sunlight] Placing a cellar below a garden (so that the garden serves as the ceiling) will not work. The garden block does not count as a full block.
  21. from the 1.17rc4 languages.json, with file date of 7/26/2022: 100% complete: French Japanese Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Slovak 97-98% complete: German Ukranian 90-92% complete: Italian Spanish 87% complete: Chinese 55-59% complete: Arabic Esperanto Swedish 45% complete: Dutch
  22. I have that problem too. Have you considered disabling temporal storms? If no one has a good solution here, I'd recommend asking in the discord server.
  23. Uh... except that coconut oil liquifies at room temperature, so it is not able to seal the crocks unless you live in a cold/cool environment or maybe at certain times of the year. In my own kitchen it is liquid during the warmest summer months and solid the rest of the time.
  24. Same thing happens in rl when there are no predators. You may be seeing the results of having removed those 13 wolves. (meaning that hares may spawn in larger numbers to take into account that wolves will be thinning them down)
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