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Everything posted by Thorfinn

  1. Or hang skeps from the ceiling. Which allows you to put flowers on the roof and completely mow the grass (or build on sand) so that the drops are easier to find.
  2. It seems that way to me, too. Pretty sure one dropped in a temporal storm, and you can get several just clearing out a den of locusts. All the other games, I've only been able to assemble a single device, while in 1.19, I already have 2. [EDIT] I think drifters in general have better drops. Pretty sure I'm getting more flax, enough to make it worthwhile hunting, at least in the early game. More gears, too. [/EDIT]
  3. Cassiterite in particular or stuff in general? It just turns it into a different game. It just feels "cheaty" to start the game next to a commodities trader and have a day 2 bronze anvil, or be wearing gambeson before I can even make a bucket. The games where I can just leapfrog over the the game's gated advancement seem less fun. YMMV.
  4. @Apehjerne, you don't have to spend the extra time, as that line makes plain. It's just that you have to change the default setting. Personally, not that big of a deal. I'm not sure what the difference in playstyle is, but mining has never taken up very much of my time. Steel tools last forever, iron, only half of forever, so it's not like you need to mine that many nodes to "win" the game. All told, maybe 3-4 stacks of copper ore, a stack of tin ore, and 4-6 stacks of iron ore. Round it out with a half-stack each of quartz, halite, sulfur, and black coal. Somewhere around half of all that usually comes from ore bombs anyway. Nice to see all the fixes, but as I read through, I think I had only encountered 2 of them. Some I never would have, like the jonas part in a display, or noticing one of the antler mount hit-boxes wasn't centered.
  5. Bears will chow down on your sheep and pigs, too.
  6. If playing single player, progression is probably the answer. If you are lucky with Commodities trader, you can be day 2 bronze age, including the anvil. Probably day 1 if you also have a lucky ruin. If I were king, I think I wouldn't have him stock cassiterite until you have a copper anvil. Other traders can really mess up progression, too, and are the cause of most of my "How the heck did you get that thing that soon???!" situations. You can buy lanterns and chests long before you can make either. Day 1 bronze pickaxes are not unheard of. You can have gambeson before you've planted your first flax. Might want to gate blasting powder behind something. And now that rusty gears are so much more plentiful...
  7. So almost certainly not a day 1 build?
  8. When this topic came up a while ago (6,8 mos?) I did some quick and dirty checking to see if it was ever going to affect me. Max size, solid blocks, fine. Chisel a block, invalid room. Put in a 1 block alcove somewhere, making it just one block larger, not a room. Replace that alcove with a block, valid room. Chisel that block, not a valid room. Add a block inside the max size and chisel it, still a valid room. From that, I concluded that the algorithm probably counts chiseled blocks as if they are air blocks. It counts out to the first solid block, (though there are exceptions like cobblestone stairs or slabs count as solid, though I understand slabs no longer do) to serve as the outer bound of your room. Which kind of makes sense. You can't make chiseled blocks serve as cellar walls or access points, IIRC, they could not be used as walls for pit kilns, but they can be used in coke ovens (some weird rules apply) and cementation furnaces.
  9. Evidently, I use smaller rooms.
  10. Huh. I didn't realize fires worked. I don't think they used to. Seen it with pit kilns, yeah, but never thought to try firepits once they started hurting seraphs. How long does it take to kill a regular drifter? So far so good. The packed dirt is a great way to add scale. I'd suggest it vertically, too, even though you said at the outset it was 3 high. Looking forward to seeing how you harvest the buggers.
  11. There's only one way to get good at anything. Work at it. This forum, or even this thread, would be a perfect place to get some practice. Take a few screenshots, do your best at writing it up, and post it. Here.
  12. Two spaces is not a deal breaker. Shoring would be 1 space anyway, so it's just 1 more, and shoring obscures visibility. Might be worth it. Just a single *tink* is enough? I've been doing vertical cobblestone slabs, and while they allow access to some of the surrounding blocks, not all, and they are a pain to set on edge when I'm in a hurry. And it ends up with 2 spaces anyway -- slabs and clay.
  13. Very nice. I can't stop myself from thinking the Morph Ovum should be behind the throne, and that behind every suit of armor there should be a Time Bomb of the Ancients. Oh, and that little alcove between the stairs on the level below the throne would be a great place for a Tome of Power.
  14. I'm sorry, but the game thinks "DrFizzles" is a joke name. You will have to call yourself something other than your real name. Just kidding. No idea. Welcome to the forum.
  15. Check Apache's Accessibility mod. It might have something like that already. Otherwise Spear and Fang's Buzzwords does exactly that but for wild hives. If you are comfortable with modding, it should not be that difficult to use that as a base.
  16. And wouldn't it be cool to light 'em up so you can use them as light sources during the night or temporal storms, or see what's deeper in the caves? And maybe not quite realistic, but if they walk across saltpeter...?
  17. By the time I have reached the level to build a distillery (but why bother, apart from role playing?) I've pretty much burned off everything I care to. But it would be cool to have some way to make low-tech Molotovs. Craft with one flax thread, one beeswax, and either a fired jug of blue clay or a fired/unfired fire clay jug? Doesn't quite make sense, but needs to be no higher than that tech level or what's the point? Sets a 9 block area (3x3) around the point of impact afire. Including drifters. Ooh, and a reason to build distilleries? One word. Flamethrowers.
  18. Interesting thoughts. At a guess, you would probably have to double the price or more, or prospecting for traders becomes more lucrative than prospecting for tin or flax. And definitely eliminates any reason at all to waste time domesticating milk animals. It's already kind of borderline, buying from one trader to sell to another. If you aren't careful with exchange rates, it would be easy to turn the game into just another trading sim. Buying more slots? Nice. It always seemed weird to have all those empty spaces in his inventory.
  19. It will make you log in again if you have run it on another machine in the meantime. Otherwise it does a pretty good job remembering which machine you last used and skips the login. Pretty good. Sometimes it makes you log in again regardless.
  20. What specifically are you finding unfair? The unerring aim with rocks? Yeah, that kind of bites, but it's not all that much damage. Just keep a stack of poultices and you are good to go. Melee combat? Yeah, those buggers hit hard. You might want to use a shield. I'm no good at it, but one of the guys who works for me can go through one drifter after another without taking damage. The loot? Yeah, that stinks. Hardly worth bothering with unless you want to set a spawn point or fix translocators. Personally, when I have no choice, I'm a spear guy. Ideally obsidian, but flint is plenty. My usual tactic is live and let live. They despawn once you are out of range.
  21. Yes. [EDIT] Ideally, any thrown piece of flint would start a fire. [/EDIT]
  22. Like the idea, but, as @Maelstrom points out, it's competing with basically free. Use once and throw away. So your flint in each hand would be good, so long as it doesn't interfere with other shift-rt-click operations. Then again, what it's competing with is only 2 sticks and 1 grass...
  23. That's the problem, @Maelstrom, you have to be patient and wait for all the critters to move closer before you let that trough go empty. I don't know what it is, maybe the feed time is "randomly" determined per animal or something, but not all will migrate at the same time. On the other hand, it means you can make an effective trough line with only 2 troughs. Largely not a problem with pigs anymore.
  24. Maybe. Pretty sure the one I was thinking of went obsolete before Cats because my daughter commented on wishing she could feed her cat fish. In any event, the number of downloads is highly suggestive that it is a feature that lots of people want. Rebalanced, probably. My complaint about it was similar to my complaint about Wildcraft et al., that it pretty much eliminated the hunger mechanic. Overall food production rate needed a massive nerf, at least 50%, and farming something closer to 75%, for hunger to be meaningful at all.
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