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Everything posted by Thorfinn

  1. Is anyone else noticing that 16 GB is getting marginal at higher settings? In one case, I've had to drop down to a view distance of 512 to get rid of the hard drive thrash. 18.8 didn't tend to accumulate "modified" RAM as badly. (That was the most recent older copy on that box. I don't use it very often, obviously.)
  2. Personally, I mostly use it up, ground stack it, or throw it away. I usually end the game with maybe 10-15 firepits, 8-12 crucibles (cheap, fast ore storage, 4 slots in each), 8-10 storage vessels, maybe a half-dozen reed chests, a trunk or two and a handful of crates I never bothered to sell. My focus is trying to collect no more resources than I need.
  3. I am amazed none of those throw warnings, at the very least. Had no idea so many of those had been updated already.
  4. Well, there's certainly something wrong with me, I can't argue that. I'm always trying to save a little time by taking way too many risks and being in the bottom quarter of the red. Like trying to gather sticks at night during apocalyptic... It's just that linen is too valuable for getting more mills set up and repairing armor and making ore bombs, sulfur is too valuable for making ore bombs. Compared with reeds, which are a dozen or so scythe swings per stack, so basically free, everywhere I go. Collecting horsetail is the slow part, but since I need packed earth anyway, an iron shovel gathers them pretty quickly.
  5. @ArtiKs I agree completely that thirst and heat exhaustion and all similar effects are similar to other game aspects, and even that they could be relatively easy to implement. I just have yet to hear anyone complete the sentence, "This would make the game more fun because..." Would the game be more fun with a Stardew Valley Stamina bar, or My Time at Portia Sprint bar? Maybe, but I'd rather hear the argument for them rather than simply, "Other games have them" or "It would be easy to implement" or "Its more realistic." Butchering is abstracted to a completely unrealistic, absurd level. Realistically it should take hours, and should generate more than 1 leg bone. But I'm not convinced that would make it more fun. Berries only produce a couple weeks per year, blackberries a week or so later than raspberries around here, but would that make the game more enjoyable? When you look at the complaints and rage quits, very rarely is it because the game is too easy.
  6. With a specific gravity of roughly 2.7, a single cubic meter of soil would be somewhere around 2,7 metric tons. A single log would be a bit under a ton. That's a pretty butch seraph. That doesn't necessarily mean thirst is a bad idea. Just that it needs something more than "realistic" to make it fun.
  7. Oh, seriously? So you still end up having to carry around linen/twine and some kind of a container of booze? Nah, I'll stick with a stack of horsetails and a stack of reeds.
  8. Nice to know it does not add moisture. Though it wouldn't make that much difference. If it worked, it just means that you need to use of 0/9 blocks in your farm for water, instead of 1/9. And it's not like space is an issue. Not flowing out of the crop into adjacent tiles is interesting. Can't see right off-hand how it could be exploited, but I'm sure someone can.
  9. I get that it might be fairly easy to add another bar. My hesitancy is that I don't see how it adds fun to the game. Until you have whatever it takes to make a wineskin or camelback (and maybe even then), you need to use up a precious inventory slot to carry a gourd or crock or something with water in it. Why not a scurvy bar if you don't eat enough fruit, or a beri-beri bar if you don't eat enough grain? Or a parasitic infection like giardia if you got the water from a stagnant pond?
  10. Oh. That appears to have been fixed then. You can probably guess how often I do that anymore. I just assumed the drops for drifters were fixed instead of varying by cause of death. For whatever reason, I've just found that harvesting a few drifters in the first few nights is often enough to buy a lantern or tin or even parts of gambeson. Now if someone would just buy those silly Jonas parts instead of making me throw them into the nearest deep hole...
  11. Like Dwarf Fortress. Is it worth it? At the moment, it would take a crazy number of axles to go from where the wind is strong down to where there's a reasonable shot at lava. Unless you maybe want to work it without the helve hammer? Maybe once steam power gets added...
  12. I rarely bother with anything other than the basic horsetail-reed poultice. With a little care, you can avoid most situations where you are pressed for time, so taking 3x as long to heal doesn't make that much difference. Might try the alcohol bandage just to see, but it seems like a lot of trouble for very little benefit.
  13. Right. Would it really add anything if you had to go caving or sit under a tree or go for a quick swim in the heat of the day if you set up base somewhere warmer? Would you get penalized for smithing in the summer? Particularly if you had an enclosed smithy with nowhere for the heat (or smoke) to go? Would that be a selling point if you were describing the game to a friend? Personally, I'm just not seeing the attraction.
  14. Interesting idea. I'd be a little hesitant to double mapgen time, but swapping out the atlas seems like it should do roughly what you are looking for. Might not even have to do that -- just play around with the sepia settings to get something looking similar to a temporal storm.
  15. Why not just work around it? Set up your quarry in granite or whatever is local, mine as many stacks as you think you need, toss them down a pit somewhere, switch to creative and give yourself that many stacks of basalt. It's no more cheaty that being able to select a spawn rock strata or find a seed you like.
  16. Nice. Try mead sometime. 3# of honey per gallon, choose a relatively slow yeast for best flavor. Pasteurize in a double boiler or use a sous vide, backsweeten to taste. Or you can skip pasteurizing and age it in the back of the fridge so fermentation doesn't start back up.
  17. Never seen that happen, though I rarely choose anything other than default settings, whether Wilderness or basic Survival. And, no, I usually have oddly shaped pits. Whatever it takes to use up all the firewood. So long as it's within 6 blocks, you should be good. Are you running mods?
  18. Fair. I've often wondered why, for instance, 4.11 l couldn't just be sealed, and turn into 4.11 l of wine. Mostly, though, after figuring out there is very little benefit to juicing over just not harvesting the berries in the first place, and absolutely none to turning it into booze, I just let the occasional stack turn into rot, thinking maybe I'll turn it into compost, though I never do.
  19. GOG doesn't really have issues over logins or serials for on-line play. Single-player, yes, that's a problem. Local play, maybe. Yeah, there are squeaky wheels, but they mostly get ignored. Games like Terraria just hope the piracy will be kept to a dull roar. The way VS works, it almost certainly would be an issue, because even if you are playing single player, if you are on-line at the time, you might have to log in, and you will have to if you last played on your other computer.
  20. And even if you don't want to learn to fight drifters, it's easy enough to watch them and figure out how to build a "trap" for them in the mouth of a cave, where you can just sit and harvest them as they kill one another until you get a gear. On average, it's only about 20-30 drifters, which,. if you are kind of lucky finding an appropriate cave early, can be done by noon, late afternoon at the outside. And you will probably have more than a dozen rusty gears, and maybe even enough flax for a linen sack.
  21. Probably from Creative. Looks like surface malachite. Also the ones in inventory are also not copper bits, but copper in, um, chert, maybe? Just place those stones and break them. You will end up with more than 20 copper bits that way anyway.
  22. That used to be the case in 1.14 or so. When harvested with a knife, it would leave dots on the ground where the mushrooms were. Spores, I'm guessing. But they got rid of that mechanic for some reason. Flower pots.
  23. Not saying it's the case here, but I once struggled with things because it turns out you can't put copper bits in a cooking pot...
  24. And it's not like its a skill you won't need.
  25. True. Didn't look like that's what he was doing. I wouldn't try to path a 50% grade anyway. Just pathing level ground is slow enough, Offhand, I think you probably need to use a level path a dozen times or more just to break even time-wise, and on a slope is worse.
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