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Damage/Wounds Overhaul Suggestion


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I know this system won’t be implemented before a major combat overhaul (and it shouldn’t) as it would make the game too frustrating to play, but I think a more indepth health, damage and healing system would help make the game feel a bit more survival-ish, giving specific uses to things already in the game (like poultices, bandages, etc.), having to take care of wounds, the things you eat, and how you interact with nature and being a bit punished if you don’t. I should note I'm taking a lot of inspiration on Terrafirmacraft+, Project Zomboid, and The Long Dark's damage system (having played the last two myself).

Types of damage

Some of these are already in the game (blunt damage and piercing damage mentioned under throwing stones and arrows respectively).

Slashing damage

  • Caused by swords, axes, bears.
  • Produces exposed wounds.

Piercing damage

  • Caused by arrows and wolves.
    Produces exposed wounds.

Blunt damage

  • Caused by fall damage and bighorn sheep ramming.
  • Produces sprains or fractures.

Starving damage

  • Caused by depleting the hunger bar.
  • Produces stomach ulcers and malnutrition if suffered over a long period of time.



Exposed woundsimage.png.76af474b39b2c6bd0f2e36dda6beca7d.png

  • Caused by slashing and piercing damage.
  • Will decrease player’s health while exposed (not bandaged).
  • Has a chance to bleed (causing more damage and extending its healing time).
  • Will heal on its own after some time*.
  • Bandages or stitches (deep wounds) can be used to heal it faster.
  • Can become infected, after which it won’t heal until the infection is treated.


Infected woundsimage.png.f5a71c96112eada64a98815a14fdd773.png

  • Caused by keeping dirty bandages on the wound.
  • Will extend the wound’s healing time.
  • Won’t heal on its own.
  • If left exposed or kept with dirty bandages it will slowly start dealing damage.
  • Disinfecting the wound, and/or using certain antibacterial herbal infusions and poultices will help it heal the infection.



  • Caused by a big amount of blunt damage.
  • Will slightly slow players movement until healed.
  • Will heal on its own after some time*.
  • Splints or casts can be used to heal faster.



  • Caused by a huge amount of blunt damage.
  • Will slow players movement or tool usage considerably.
  • If present on the off-hand it will inhabilitate it.
  • Will heal on its own after a long time*.
  • Can be healed faster by using splints or casts.




  • Caused by fire, lava, and by being struck by lightning.
  • Will decrease player’s health while exposed (not bandaged).
  • Will heal on its own after a long time*.
  • Higher chance of becoming infected.
  • Disinfecting the wound, and/or using certain poultices (with honey or aloe vera**) will help it heal faster.



Stomach ulcer

  • Caused by a long time of starving damage.
  • Will decrease player’s health each time food is consumed.
  • Won’t heal on its own.
  • Can be treated using certain herbal infusions.


Food poisoningimage.png.9b9db7d6d9c3a15008efaebddbe6f1d9.png

  • Caused by eating rotting food, or (sometimes) bushmeat.
  • Food will provide slightly less nutrition.
  • Will heal on its own after a short while*.
  • Can be treated using certain antibacterial and other herbal infusions.



  • Caused by eating rotting food, or (sometimes) bushmeat.image.png.99a2348cbe7d68fc85bf316128711c04.png
  • Food will provide a lot less nutrition.
  • Will heal on its own after a long while*.
  • Can be treated using certain antiparasitic herbal infusions.



  • Caused by a habit of continuous starving damage.
  • Will slightly slow players movement or tool usage.
  • Won’t solve on its own.image.png.45a011bf1979d1faa9d4fc01c4dccb5e.png
  • Can be treated by keeping the hunger bar over a threshold consistently and by sleeping.


Common cold

  • Caused by a very long time of being exposed to rain and low temperatures.
  • Will slightly slow players movement or tool usage.
  • Will heal on its own after some time*.
  • Can be treated using certain herbal infusions.image.png.e3a16e0fe4c3e443eb27c3dc93ae24a2.png
  • Immunity can be developed after continuous exposure.


*The healing time might need to be tweaked to make it feel fair and not just another annoyance.

**Adding aloe vera as a plant would be nice to compliment this mechanic.



Along with this, some new items would be added to help counteract the negative traits some conditions give, or get rid of them full on, giving specific uses to bandages and herb-specific poultices (more below).


  • Can be used to help deep wounds heal faster.


  • Will stop damage and help with wound healing.
  • Will stop bleeding.
  • Bandages can be sterilized using aqua vitae.
  • Will become dirty after a while.
    • Bleeding wounds will dirty bandages faster.
    • If dirty bandages are applied or kept on wounds for long periods of times it will become infected and take longer to heal.


  • Can be used to help sprains or fractures heal faster.
  • Will reduce the movement and tool usage penalty of sprains and fractures.

Herbal Infusions + Poultices

  • Can be used to help with infections, stomach ulcers, food poisoning, parasites, bleeding, or the common cold depending on the type of infusion. (Some of these might not be backed by empirical evidence, just listing some of the properties I found of plants already in the game an example).




  • Honey
  • Aloe vera**

Wound healing

  • Edelweiss
  • Daisy
  • Golden poppy
  • Lavender


  • Cow parsley
  • Cornflower
  • Heather
  • Edelweiss


  • Cow parsley
  • Cornflower
  • Heather
  • Edelweiss
  • Woad
  • Basil 
  • Mint
  • Sage


  • Catmint
  • Cornflower
  • Edelweiss
  • Heather
  • Chamomile
  • Golden poppy
  • Cow parsley
  • Basil 
  • Lavender
  • Mint
  • Sage


  • Lupine
  • Woad
  • Basil 


  • Catmint
  • Cornflower
  • Woad

Common cold

  • Edelweiss
  • Orange mallow
  • Daisy
  • Cow parsley
  • Golden poppy
  • Heather
  • Honey

Health Tab

Along with this mechanic, a new tab on the player UI to see current conditions and an option to treat them would be added.image.thumb.png.f7ef5755e90fb129bde4311954819494.png

This is just a post compiling mechanics I've seen in other games I've played and thought might add some depth to the game once the combat mechanic is expanded upon. If you're interested or not feel free to leave some feedback as it's always appreciated :).

Edited by Darce
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It looks really interesting.

Wound could be even visible on players avatar.
Clothes/Armor would protect from some kind of damage.

On the other side Stomach ulcer seems to be a little bit too much. Common cold is questionable as well.
Parasites only if eating raw meat would be allowed.
Everything else looks fine. 👍

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This could be tied into animal behavior as well. Certain animals like wolves or big cats (if introduced) could stalk and attack wounded players. This could make predators less of a constant annoyance and more realistic. Once world generation is updated, any sort of bleeding wound (slash or puncture) could draw sharks in ocean or sea waters and piranhas in tropical fresh water.

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