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I've had a thunder storm last more than 4 hours in game.

Crack Bandicoot

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Actually, it's probably been longer but I feel like I should have looked for help sooner. I tried googling the problem, no results so, it might be normal or it might be a rare issue. In game time, it's been heavy rain and thunder from Date 2 August to Date 2 September, non stop. I don't know if it's going to go away on its own anymore. What do?

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It happened to me too and I live in an area where rain is indicated as "Common" I never gave it any weight, because in the end it helps with the crops to keep the soil nice and moist and therefore to facilitate the growth of the plants.

As long as it's a random thing maybe it's just the weather system that is like this, otherwise if you are in an area where rain is only common but you get long and frequent thunderstorms I don't know whether to say if the bug is in the weather or in the area indicator . :)

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