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Release on digital distribution platforms (e.g. itch.io, Steam, Humble)


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Hi Sartur,

the game is already on the Humble Store and I do indeed mentioned several times a planned release on steam. The latter would indeed help a lot with getting more players, I have to admit though, I'm still conflicted about it though, considering the massive cut they take from game devs.

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Hi Tyron,
thank you for the prompt reply!

Edit: I completely forgot to thank you for making Vintage Story! I always hoped that something along the lines of TerraFirmaCraft would be made into a standalone game - thank you and the rest of the team!

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Not certain but I do think you can set any price you want on steam. From a financial point of view it would most likely be beneficial to have it on steam with whatever pricing. I guess in a way it's also a personal challenge to me. I'd like to make a game that's so good that it won't need steam to find it's audience. 

To be honest I quite enjoy the slow growth by not having it on steam. It let's me gradually scale up technology and game development processes. This is a passion project that I can sustain for a long time, so it's success is not bound by time or money. In that light, why not let it grow slowly? I mean, I'm not actively preventing it from growing, but if I have a choice to either feed a billion dollar corporation that doesn't really do all that much for the betterment of the human kind or have it grow slowly, I tend to choose the latter.

Wealth disparity is a thing and we the consumers are creating it.

But anyhow. Sorry for the slide into my weird views of the world :D
Time will tell ^_^ 

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Steam can also have a very negative effect on growth, especially if the game is a work in progress or early access.  People downvote it for stupid reasons and only after playing for 10 minutes.  And it just keeps spiraling downward from there.  Negative comments never go away even if the developer fixes the problem they were complaining about. Very discouraging for devs, you need thick skin.

I was looking at the APIs and you have put a ton of work in the foundation and architected the game for modding.  I think once this game matures a bit more and the modding community picks up on it and a few more tubers showcase it it will grow in popularity.   I've been playing with the modding a bit and its so easy to make changes just with configs.  I dont even have the proper tools for modeling. Just notepad and a paint program.  Fast turnaround too. No waiting for 10 minutes to load a bunch of jar files.  

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Great article.  I've see this too.  90% of the games that have come out in the last year are just crap.  They're mobile games that are really only worth a buck or two if sold as an app, but they put them on Steam and ask 15-20 dollars for them.  Some of these "games" are just common game engines with little or no content added.  I do like that many new indie devs are getting a chance, but there has to be a middle ground here somewhere.  Unfortunately, I don't see Gabe Newell caring enough to actually do something about it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Most of the games listed on the epic store aren't even available yet. If VS were to get on it within the first year it'd do well because I haven't seen another game like it on that store. On the other hand, I might wait a couple of months just to wait and see if there are any surprises. 

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