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Stat Tracking


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I'm actually a bit of a statistics nerd at times, and I would love to be able to occasionally check and see certain stats like how much I've traveled, how many blocks I've broken, and how many things I've killed.

I do have some ideas for stats that could be tracked

  • Mobs killed (Maybe an additional menu that gives you specifics on how many of which specific mobs you've killed/been killed by kinda like MC?)
  • Players killed
  • Blocks placed
  • Blocks broken
  • Distance traveled
  • Items crafted
  • Rusty gears spent
  • Items sold
  • Items bought
  • Deaths
  • Crops planted
  • Crops harvested
  • Blocks panned

There's most likely more than that, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

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15 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

There should be a craftable scoreboard so people can check it 'in-character'.

A scoreboard would (probably) be kinda weird. Maybe a journal of some sort with multiple other uses that includes in-character stat tracking?

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/23/2020 at 9:07 AM, Tech_Rabbit said:

We are making a mod that does this.

Any progress on that? Not to be pushy, I simply love statistics ;)
Also I'd like to suggest something that represents tech progression (stone age, copper age, iron age, ect).


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On 2/20/2021 at 9:15 PM, Aphadan said:

Any progress on that? Not to be pushy, I simply love statistics ;)
Also I'd like to suggest something that represents tech progression (stone age, copper age, iron age, ect).


Sadly no, we have a lot of mods in the works that take priority it is a piece of a much bigger mod/modpack we are working on.

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On 11/22/2020 at 4:23 PM, l33tmaan said:

Are they just supposed to trust me?

As always... pics (screenshot of your statistics) or it didn't happen... ^_^ simple solution to the trust problem...


On 11/22/2020 at 9:05 AM, Glitch said:

Maybe a journal of some sort with multiple other uses that includes in-character stat tracking?

maybe with the option to see other peoples statistics too? if you encountered them and they gave you the permission. That would be a more immersive way to see peoples stats than having a server wide scoreboard. And it would mean, only the people you really want to impress (and trust enough to let them know details) know how much ore you mined and gears you had in your possession...


On 2/21/2021 at 4:15 AM, Aphadan said:

Also I'd like to suggest something that represents tech progression (stone age, copper age, iron age, ect).

and what would be a good indicator for that? stone age okay, everybody starts there, but already defining the borders of copper age are kinda difficult, are you considered being in copper age when you did your first copper cast? or only after making every copper tool? same with bronze and iron age...

Edited by Hal13
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I would argue that an 'age' is defined by your ability to mass-produce items of that type without much worry. Scrambling enough surface ore to make a copper pick doesn't quite put you in the copper age, but having full copper tools and over 1000+ nuggets sitting in storage would. 
Not that it even matters that much. 😅

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41 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

I would argue that an 'age' is defined by your ability to mass-produce items of that type without much worry. Scrambling enough surface ore to make a copper pick doesn't quite put you in the copper age, but having full copper tools and over 1000+ nuggets sitting in storage would. 
Not that it even matters that much. 😅

Problem is: how would the game know you are at that stage? maybe you had that much at some point but lost it all somehow, would you still be in copper age? maybe you never start massproduction, but only mine and use what you need at the moment, you have full iron or even steel gear, but would you still be in stone age?

My point is: there is no good metric for the game to tell in which tech age you are.

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45 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

Oh, we're talking about what the game classifies as an age.
Yeah, there's not really a good metric for that when your game doesn't have explicit technology tiers like a Civilization game or something.

Yeah, we were talking about the stats the game should track after all...

I mean it would be possible to make achievements like "smelted some ore", "did create first copper pickaxe", "knows how to smith", "miller" (use a windmill with a quern), "windpark" (has built several windmills)...but these wouldn't really tell anything about the real situation at the moment, i mean you could have lost nearly everything because you fell into a lava lake or maybe another player stole your stuff when you were offline, the achievement.still would be valid but maybe the player has to start in the stone age again...

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