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Certain/All Monsters - Toggle ON/OFF settings (Temporal Storms as well)


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Option (before and after a world generation) to disable monsters spawning in the world. Either one of them (certain type), or all of them (I really hate that constant moaning around me)... It even discourages me to explore the caves at all (and for me personally, caves are already scary without any monsters, strange noises are more than enough), and without exploring them - what's the point? Also the same with the temporal storms. Nature & animals are more than enough for me to be challenged 🐺. Especially, since the bears are coming to town... 🤠 Most of the people are too sensitive, but still want to play this cool game, to chill & relax (survive in the nature) with the lower level of challenges. Those options should be easy to on & off from the menu. Thank you for reading!

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You could choose "never hostile" for creature hostility (all creatures, not just monsters) and turn temporal stability or just temporal storms off when you create a new world (button "customize"), and exploration mode is without temporal stability anyway, unless you turn it on. "Never hostile" for creature hostility doesn't get rid of monsters, but they won't attack you, even when you attack them, and drifters spawn around you, but they are not really interested in you, so they won't cluster around you. Though the locusts can be like really annoying puppies, getting in your way and pushing you around. 😜

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2 minutes ago, junawood said:

You could choose "never hostile" for creature hostility (all creatures, not just monsters) and turn temporal stability or just temporal storms off when you create a new world (button "customize"), and exploration mode is without temporal stability anyway, unless you turn it on. "Never hostile" for creature hostility doesn't get rid of monsters, but they won't attack you, even when you attack them, and drifters spawn around you, but they are not really interested in you, so they won't cluster around you. Though the locusts can be like really annoying puppies, getting in your way and pushing you around. 😜

Nature (animals) can be hostile. Not everyone wants "monsters" in this game. I like the survival aspect, just not the monsters and those storms... I don't like combat that much. It's good to be challenged sometimes, but that's it. Detailed world customization before & after generation (in the menu) would be a huge advantage!

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Yes, you can't get rid of monsters right now, unless there is a mod for that, or make them "never hostile" while animals are still "passive" or "aggressive", and that might be a nice addition for the future.

But at the moment a menu with 40 things to customize for a new world is already pretty detailed in my opinion, and not by menu but by command you can change a lot in an existing world. https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=List_of_server_commands

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