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Controller support

darkx gaming

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How would that work, exactly? There must be 60 hotkeys in the base game. You can easily fill another dozen or more with just over a handful of mods. Then there are the macros, both in-game and with various add-ons.

I'm not being dismissive. I'm just not understanding how you could map all that onto a controller. 

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I've been using antimicro with a wireless PS controller for a couple of years now.  It works great, although I keep the keyboard and mouse close at hand for infrequent tasks, and to make certain tasks a little easier.


EDIT:  Oops, I see now that this is the suggestions forum.  Disregard.

Edited by Spear and Fang
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Oh, duh. I should have thought of that. I use my StreamDeck for those lesser-used tasks that don't have to be convenient.

Yeah, I've often thought it would be nice to have a joystick for movement and a mouse for mlook. I haven't played much with a controller, though. How well does mlook on a controller work?

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