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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. The goblins are totally from a mod, the only enemies in this game are wildlife on the surface (mostly wolves), and drifters. There's some nastier stuff if you go cave diving, but that's mostly what there is right now. I can think of 4 mods that add new enemies: Goblins (only on the forums) Dangerous Waters The Neighbours CoB Bandits The Golden Wolf is also a companion mod, although I haven't tried it.
  2. I just uploaded some images here: https://www.vintagestory.at/gallery/category/2-for-media-page/ It's pretty hard to find the Gallery. I don't know why.
  3. Fortunately, they seem to have a pretty lenient refund policy here, so if you have technical issues you should be able to get your money back. It sounds like you should be able to run it, at least. As for mods, I can't really recommend anything without knowing what you like. Except StepUp. StepUp is great. Play the game for a few hours, browse the ModDB and get mods that look essential to you, then play for a few dozen more hours and go grab some more, having greater experience with the game. EDIT: Oh yeah, CarryCapacity is pretty good, too. That and StepUp should both be in the base game, IMO.
  4. I haven't really tried to push a lot of the settings to the max since I'm not a big fan of depth of field or bloom. Love me some god rays, though. You can play around with a lot of the settings to find what works for you.
  5. Depends on how many trees there are, but around 45 FPS usually with the occasional dip that I seem to get in every game. I also have Vintage Story on an SSD, if that helps.
  6. I play a bit above medium and use the Volumetric Shading mod with a few features turned off (not SSR, though).
  7. That's a bit weaker, but fairly similar to my own computer. You should be able to run it, although I won't be able to tell you how well that is. My own 1060 has 3 GB of memory and I've got 16 GB of ram.
  8. Don't they operate off the same detection system, though?
  9. Have you turned all your other mods off and tried it?
  10. Good catch, that's an oversight on my part. Place this in the mod's assets/game/recipes/barrel folder. wine.json
  11. Don't plants tell you if they're in a greenhouse or not?
  12. I wish I could tell you, eggs should also work. Do you have the compatibility library installed? I should also note that I'm not opposed to giving pickled vegetables a bit of healing. I probably won't do it unless people really want me to, though.
  13. I wouldn't try too hard, because that's entirely intentional. I'm able to use cured meat nuggets just fine on my end. By that logic, shouldn't pickled vegetables also have healing? Since vinegar has a bit of HP gain?
  14. Nope, that's on Xandu. I'm happy to help make things easier for him if possible.
  15. The recipe for berry bread and muffins changed. Now you just make regular dough (or soft dough for muffins), then put it in the mixing bowl along with berries. Now you can put all 5 berries into your bread. This recipe can be found under Cooking 102 - Advanced Cuisine.
  16. Sure, cottage cheese could use more recipes.
  17. Do you think you could add some kind of feature like that to the ModDB, so players can submit translations of mods too?
  18. Updated to 1.3.9! This one's (mostly) bugfixes. Wine now cures into 'strong wine', which cures into 'fine wine' (thanks to @GlassCannon Gaming for the idea) Mixed fruit wine can be turned into vinegar in barrels Dried berries can be used for pemmican Fruit Syrup can be added to fried food Squeezing soybeans in the screwpress actually makes soybean oil Fixed aged meat perish time Wine dropped from barrels is actually wine and not juice
  19. This may or may not be helpful, but I used stairs.json as a reference. These, in particular, are the important parts: class: "BlockStairs", variantgroups: [ { loadFromProperties: "abstract/verticalorientation" }, { loadFromProperties: "abstract/horizontalorientation" }, { code: "cover", states: ["free", "snow"] } ], I think the class and vertical/horizontal properties are what help control orientation. If you look further down, you'll see this: shapebytype: { "*-up-north-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/normal", rotateY: 0 }, "*-up-west-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/normal", rotateY: 90 }, "*-up-south-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/normal", rotateY: 180 }, "*-up-east-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/normal", rotateY: 270 }, "*-up-north-snow": { base: "block/basic/stairs/snow-normal", rotateY: 0 }, "*-up-west-snow": { base: "block/basic/stairs/snow-normal", rotateY: 90 }, "*-up-south-snow": { base: "block/basic/stairs/snow-normal", rotateY: 180 }, "*-up-east-snow": { base: "block/basic/stairs/snow-normal", rotateY: 270 }, "*-down-north-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/flipped", rotateY: 0 }, "*-down-west-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/flipped", rotateY: 90 }, "*-down-south-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/flipped", rotateY: 180 }, "*-down-east-free": { base: "block/basic/stairs/flipped", rotateY: 270 } }, Something like this will probably give you the results you want. You probably don't need vertical orientation unless you're planning on letting people place those statues upside down. EDIT: Also, those are very nice textures. Too nice for this game. I would recommend heavily downscaling the texture and applying a bit of noise to make it fit in better... or you could probably use the existing stone textures in-game. Your call!
  20. That still sounds gross, but fine, I'll buff fried food even more. I also prefer it telling you the stats. It makes life easier for everyone.
  21. I'm not exactly sure how Cooking XP is calculated, but if it's related to the amount of stuff you're cooking, keep in mind that the mixing bowl has 50% more slots than the cooking pot does, plus it can be automated.
  22. The bottle thing is because they're like buckets, which also do not display nutrition. Maybe we can do something about this. I am not letting you put cranberry sauce on your fried chicken, bro. I like to enable experimentation, but that's just nasty. I might be able to be convinced on this one, but... ew. As for drizzling, it is done in the mixing bowl now, since it fixed the FPS drop. That change was back in 1.3.6. I... didn't even know you could just use barrels like a bucket. That's really weird. Hopefully that explains the issue!
  23. I found this issue while modding, but I noticed that it seems to be an issue with some vanilla recipes already, particularly the clutch and other mechanical recipes. It seems to happen to recipes that have a lot of permutations due to lots of wild cards being used in the recipe. For example, if I add more recipes to the clutch, which already has a bit of lag, it causes the game to freeze to the point where I have to close it with the Task Manager. This is because I'm adding 13 recipes (12 bottles and a bucket) on top of it. Potentially more, if it's multiplying each of these by 4 due to each bottle/bucket holding one of the 4 kinds of food oil, but I'm not 100% sure if it does that. I don't think it does. I chopped my mod down to make it easier to test, but all you need to do is open a world, hit H, and look up recipes for Angled Gears, Wooden Axles, Clutch, Wooden Toggle, Transmission, or Windmill Rotor. There is a very noticeable amount of lag. The recipes can be found under assets/expandedfoods/recipes/grid/oilitems/mechanicalblocks.json, but I can post it here if it helps. I'm bringing this up because I think it's a little concerning that there are already lag issues without mods, but when considering them and future updates... this could come back to bite everybody. ExpandedFoods_1.3.9 (My Version).zip mechanicalblocks.json
  24. Do you mean taking liquid out of the screw press with a bucket? Also, the recipe thing is a vanilla problem. There are so many permutations it's trying to load that the game hangs. It crashed when I added bottles to the Clutch recipe since it was loading every metal in the game three times, all of the wood twice, and all 12 kinds of bottles. I looked into it and the vanilla game hangs when loading the totally regular Clutch recipe, so I think Tyron might want to optimizing the process if stuff that's already in the game is causing this problem. The bottles just... exacerbate it. I'm sorry. In fact, let me go make a bug report about it.
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