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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I just have a weird feeling when I'm making compatible stuff using your fillets and they're just... worse than non-fish variants. It's not a huge deal, but it has stuck out to me before. I guess my point is that I don't see the value in 2/4/8 fillets that give around 50 saturation as opposed to 1/2/4 fillets that give around 100 saturation, y'know? It would still be worse than other meat types, but it wouldn't be as pitiful as it is now. Like, why start at 2 fillets and not 1? EDIT: Actually, the biggest issue I have with fillets? 48 saturation! Why not 50?! 48 isn't divisible by 5!
  2. I'm not gonna be rude and derail someone else's thread, so I'll repost what I wrote over there: As someone who's more intimate with Primitive Survival's fish fillets than anyone has any right to be... yeah. Fish fillets are pretty terrible. I get what @Spear and Fang was trying to do when he made it so fish drop multiple fillets when you chop them up, but 48 saturation per fillet is pretty sad. If I'm at the point where I'd rather eat bushmeat, something's gone a bit wrong. I would seriously consider altering the fillets so that small fish like Bass drop 1 fillet that's worth at least 100 saturation. Just cut the number of fillets that drop in half and make the saturation comparable to bushmeat. It's really weird that eating a whole fish gives you more saturation than actually preparing it for humanoid consumption. If realism is what's holding you back, make the fish drop fish heads you can cook or turn into compost or something.
  3. Fortunately, copper is also the most aesthetic early-game armor, so at least it has style points going for it.
  4. Dude, seriously, how do you just keep making these absolutely bangin' mods?
  5. Ah, I see your issue. Soups can have up to 3 different vegetables, but only one kind of protein. This means you can't put redmeat and egg into soup, but you could put redmeat OR egg into the soup. This isn't anything I did, just how soup works in vanilla. I've added my new kinds of meat to soup, but I haven't made it so you can have soup without vegetable because I assume there's a reason Tyron did that. That being said, throw as many dumplings as you'd like into the soup.
  6. Hey, wait a minute. I checked the recipe files for soup, and... egg is already in here, too! @DoctorVanGogh, you should be set.
  7. Wow, that geoblocking thing sounds scary.
  8. I'm really not sure why it's doing that. Seed extraction is shapeless while veggie chopping isn't, so if anything, the seeds should be overwriting the veggies.
  9. When in doubt, check the recipe files!
  10. Must've missed some of the secondary ingredients, thanks for catching that. I'll fix that and let you add eggs to soup. You can already add dumplings to soup, though. It's arguably the best dish to put them in.
  11. Veggie chopping? Are you sure you don't mean Expanded Foods?
  12. Oh it's $40 here. Dayum, that game came out 6 years ago!
  13. Wait, this game is around $40 USD over in Russia? Dayum.
  14. The Witcher 3 is almost 6 years old, though?
  15. That's more of a question for ozbillo over in the Acorns thread, isn't it?
  16. Oh man, that was all? I didn't even need to make it a liquid in the first place. Oops!
  17. How would VSMC know that just from the shape file, though? I was able to get the contents to show up, but only by modifying the display case's shape. It even shows up in your hand properly! The real fun starts when you place the bottle. Not only is it invisible, but if you start placing a bunch of them it starts to de-render other blocks. I had invisible trees and stuff. @jakecool19 has been talking to people on Discord trying to figure it out, but it may just be a bug in the game's rendering system. Here are the files if you want to take a look. glassbottle.json bottle.json
  18. Could you share your whole mod so I could try it out and poke around?
  19. It looks like there's a nasty rendering bug that's going to delay the updating of this mod until Tyron updates the game to fix it. Sorry about that. To tide you over, enjoy this buffed pemmican:
  20. Yes, you got it. The only thing I would add is that the logs can also be textured within itemtypes/resource/firewood.json like how I mentioned earlier.
  21. That's where the code is. Add it to itemtypes/resource/firewood.json, it will overwrite the texture path detailed in shapes/item/firewood.json. If you want unique properties for each of your types, then utilize the byType function. For example here's one of my foods: By adding byType to the regular combustibleProps, we can define different values for different variants. In this case, I have 3 variants: raw, bake1, and bake2. I used the wildcard function * to save some space and avoid typing hardtack-raw or something. It's relatively simple as long as you don't forget a bracket.
  22. What I posted won't automatically generate shape files on its own or anything, but it doesn't need to. You can still reference the original firewood.json shape. If you open it up, you'll notice something important: Do you see how in the elements each texture is referred to as 0 or 1? And up at the top under textures we have an entry for 0 and 1? This entry points to the texture that gets wrapped around firewood to make it look nice. We should be able to change what this path is within the firewood item. Go to itemtypes/resource/firewood.json. You'll want to add something like this in there: Remember from my first post that we defined our variantGroups. You see code: "type"? This is similar to the name function from the recipe earlier, by defining the texture path and using {type}, when the game goes to search for the firewood shape's "0" texture, it will check your mod's files, know that firewood has variant groups, and replace {type} with that variant's name. This means you would need to have a file path in your mod that looks like block/wood/firewood/acaciafront, block/wood/firewood/acaciaside, and so on for each of your variants. This way you simply apply your textures to the existing firewood shape and save everyone time and effort. I hope I got all that right...
  23. Try something like this: By giving your Log ingredient the name "type" and using code: "firewood-{type}" in the output, when someone places an axe above an acacia log, the game will refer to the allowedVariants, see acacia, see that its name is "type", and then make an output of "firewood-acacia". The same applies to the other variants. Does that make sense?
  24. This game needs an auto walk mode.
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