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fixing whatever the hell this is supposed to be


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id like to brainstorm ideas here if this does get picked up and examined.

I was thinking if an animal is out in the water too long and over water thats too deep it should just drown.
this would probably make a lot of dead entities and little the ocean floor with carcasses.
a fix would be to just despawn them once they hit that drowning point.
that is if you wouldnt want to have to give them ai that makes them constantly pathfind back to land and have congregations of animals hanging out at the beaches all the time waging war.
seems to be a lot more theoretical issues that pop up every step i decide to take with my thought process so if any one wants to help cook up the perfect solution please enter the conversation 

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There was recently a sketch of Seraphs in a boat posted to the game's Instagram, so I am lead to believe that if we are lucky the next update will feature boats and maybe add properly large oceans or add more to them. The game is still very early in development, so I am almost certain that oceans will be updated in the future.

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It seems like simply tweaking animals to avoid water and stay on land is best when they path find to emigrate.

Like if not in combat, their AI makes them head back to land if in the water first. Then if on land will act as it will.

Now if their AI makes them fall into the water, their AI will make them head back to land before making a decision again, so this might end up in a loop where the AI jumps into water and leaves, in a continuous cycle lol.

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Most likely the animals aren't pathfinding to find something favorable, but to flee the seraph.  I agree it would be nice if the animals did not swim so much.  It wasn't this bad in previous versions so I suspect something "broke" in the most recent update.

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thats what i was thinking with my despawning rule as well. that they would just despawn and then new ones would spawn and head into the water and then depending on how intense that cycle of spawn ticking is, it could slow down the server.

21 hours ago, Dra6o0n said:

Now if their AI makes them fall into the water, their AI will make them head back to land before making a decision again, so this might end up in a loop where the AI jumps into water and leaves, in a continuous cycle lol.

however, like you said. if their general random pathfinding never has them decide to go into water EXCEPT for a life or death situation it might be just the solution. i'll keep on brainstorming options here until it gets attention i guess.

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Or, if an animal is cornered and can attack the player, it will warn the player before attacking.

You wouldn't expect a cornered rabbit to bite a chunk out of you right?

Edited by Dra6o0n
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Or, and just a thought, we could accept that whatever it is that the lore is talking about that made the wolves more aggressive also affected other animals? Heck, something affected the pigs in recent history, between 1.18 and 1.19. The horror builds!

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:28 AM, Thorfinn said:

Or, and just a thought, we could accept that whatever it is that the lore is talking about that made the wolves more aggressive also affected other animals? Heck, something affected the pigs in recent history, between 1.18 and 1.19. The horror builds!

Rabies and other diseases?

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Yeah, I gotta agree with this one even if it was worded aggressively. Animals going into water when literally anything else is available is bad. It's bad aesthetically, and honestly it fed me when I was new and bad at the game because you're faster than everything in the water. So the animals that are out there swimming are pretty much free food, and that includes the really dangerous ones like bears and moose. Ironically, your caveman is much more powerful in the water than they are on land, and at present you're pretty much uncontested.

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