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Minecraft is adding new mechanics similar to Vintage Story


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Minecraft live happened today, and with it, a lot of new announced features. Two of these new features look, and act very similar to two of Vintage Story's.


You can now dig up dirt and gravel to find items inside of it, very similar to Vintage Story's panning system.



Clay pots will be added to the game too, difference here being you can add little ceramics to these pots.



They too, like Vintage Story can be fired. Difference here is you do it over an actual fire, not a campfire like you do in VT.


Interesting how these features are making it to the game, perhaps a Minecraft developer was inspired by some of Vintage Story's game mechanics.

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Its quite interesting, yea. Last minecon they added foxes and berry bushes, which we already had in VS. Then they added bees, which we also already had in VS. I don't think Mojang knows about Vintage Story though. But if they do, it would sure be nice to know 😄

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I mean, plenty of games have similar mechanics to each other, doesn't mean they're copying each other. Minecraft was based off of and inspired by other block games, it's not the only game that gets to be blocky. Skyrim has a health, stamina, and mana bar, doesn't mean other RPGs with the same mechanics are copying or unoriginal.

That's part of why I love Vintage Story, it takes the base idea of Minecraft, which is by no means unique to or can only exist in Minecraft, and takes it down a different path. VS has what I'd been fruitlessly searching for in Minecraft for years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a little late for them to be adding this stuff. Though for me minecraft died for me when jin ryu died. They still don't have the food spoiling mechanic, or seasons, or a lot of stuff that this game  does have. Hell there is already a built in mod manager. So it's already leaps and bounds ahead of minecraft. This game does things better than some other games. It's more like a mix between 7 days to die and minecraft. The fact that i have to be concerned about winter is already a massive pro for this game, i am hooked. Though my biggest complaint is starting a new world and spawning on a mountain, but that is a minor complaint. 

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Eh, pottery and finding random items in dirt are both decently common survival game things, and also based off real life, so I'd say saying it's inspired by vintage story is probably a bit of a stretch.

Plus, panning for ore is completely different with brushing dirt and such for 'archeological items' or whatever, though they both do result in 'use dirt/sand/etc, get items'.

Edited by Allen
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  • 2 months later...

And don't forget as far as is known, this mechanic will only work in the archeologic site potentially even only with the blocks generated within, and it's not really a new mechanic but only a new block breaking animation. sure you can find new and old rare opjects with it, but it's not comparable with the panning in VS that you can do with any sand/gravel in any water.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/4/2020 at 3:17 PM, TorandoChaser said:

That's part of why I love Vintage Story, it takes the base idea of Minecraft, which is by no means unique to or can only exist in Minecraft, and takes it down a different path. VS has what I'd been fruitlessly searching for in Minecraft for years.

This right here is why I've stuck with Vintage Story for as long as I have and it feels like so little time. I've seen Minecraft for years and thought to myself, maybe I can make something cool, idk. The day that I saw someone else playing Vintage Story, I was almost immediately hooked. I feel like I get to learn something new about both the materials and the processes that it requires to make the materials, and I feel very rewarded when I make the materials happen. It felt really good when I made leather for the first time, when I prepped loads of food for winter, when I went through the arduous process of making steel. 

And like you rightly said, it's not like Minecraft is a bad game for the way that it is set up. I am extremely grateful that it helped to pave the way to get to where we are now and I'm happy to have two fun voxel games that I can enjoy in different ways. But this game is where I choose to cut my teeth for the long haul and I'm very excited to be here.

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