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Opinions on ProPick Node Search mode?


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I'm just curious what people think of the Node Search mode for the prospecting pick. It being disabled in the "Standard" game mode made me think of it as sort of an easy mode feature, so I left it off, because I wanted to play the game as intended. But it seems like a fairly realistic function. One would think traces of ore detectable a hundred blocks away from a deposit would become much denser and more detectable when you're close by.

So what do you think? For a "proper" game, would you say to turn it on, or leave it off?

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Definitely turn it on if you intend on exploring everything the game has to offer in terms of crafting. I often leave it off because I'm not very interested in the smithing aspect of things beyond having basic tools, but it's helpful for things like clothes dyeing, or even just filling out an ore collection for a museum as well.

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I enjoy prospecting gameplay and consider myself a bit of an expert on how to be good at it...

...and yes, absolutely turn it on :) In my opinion, it feels like a natural extension of the large scale density search gameplay, to be able to enter a small scale node search mode. Strictly speaking you don't need it in most cases, if you do things properly with density search. But it saves you frustration in a few edge cases, and it gives you something more engaging to do when digging down than just... you know... digging down. More player engagement is always good for gameplay.

I've lobbied repeatedly for the feature to be turned on by default, but alas, so far it's only been done for the Exploration preset.


Edited by Streetwind
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Yea should be on by default for sure maybe 6 blocks.


Additionally in the what should be default....i feel 100k interpolation even for servers is too big ..should be 50k like it was in the past in my book. It requires a too long trip i feel for 90% of players base to reach the equator(half of it...50k blocks travel by land and or lucky chain of TLs). I feel 50k(so 25k equator or -25k N to North pole is decent number) for MP.

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I think it should be turn on as default. I play on wilderness survival, I don't like many mods that may game to easy, but I think prospecting mechanic is great and fit well in game balance, it's quite realistic too. And it think it's fun to do, you just need some experience as it's not easy, especially with smaller amounts of ore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was actually wondering the same thing as the OP. I've been playing with the short-range mode of the prospick turned off, mainly because it's not a default setting and finding ore seemed to be easy enough for me even without that feature. It does seem like it would be a fun feature though and I was confused as to why it's not on by default. It being an optional feature just makes it feel too much like I would be lowering the difficulty, which I don't want.

Personally, I also love the soil instability and really think that should be turned on by default, too. Soil instability was unironically one of the things that convinced me to buy the game.

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I turned it on for my world. But I've been spending so much time building my house that I haven't actually done any prospecting in like 4 months, but I'm looking forward to trying it soon!

13 hours ago, Destragon said:

Personally, I also love the soil instability and really think that should be turned on by default, too. Soil instability was unironically one of the things that convinced me to buy the game.

I'm playing with it too. It adds an interesting challenge and danger to so many parts of the game. And I like that it gives an incentive to use materials like cob and packed dirt. But I think it would definitely be a frustration to most new players, especially if they're used to Minecraft.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Fredrik Blomquist said:

I think nodesearch should be turned on by default. I feel that without it the prospecting pick is pretty useless. Finding ores just exploring caves is much faster.

Yea definately.

I think They should revise their settings. I've suggested it lots of times....IT is one of the most commonly asked question by people on settings changes when they already started.

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10 hours ago, Aledark said:

Yea definately.

I think They should revise their settings.

I'd much prefer the option to Save Settings from within the Customize screen, such that it gets added to the list of playstyle options, so when you go to Create New World, you are presented with the options: Survival, Exploration, Wilderness Survival, Creative Building and as many settings playstyles as you care to create. And, ideally, at the top of the list is the playstyle you last used.

Though I'm kinda odd there -- I vastly prefer Player Lives = 1, and like to play the heck out of the same list of settings several times before trying something different.

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