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Everything posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. Collision box cannot be more than one block. You need a multiblock for this
  2. Maybe some kind of mod for 1.18. I'm not sure if this field exists on 1.17.9. What stacktrace? The text that comes after the error with at..at..at..at
  3. If you need to add something before "*" (takes any values), then you can use a little hack: 1. "op": "move" with "path": "/temp" for "*" 2. Add others 3. "op": "move" with "path": "/originalpath" for "*" Example
  4. You can do it. Enum is just an int. For example: EnumBlastType value = (EnumBlastType)124; if(value == (EnumBlastType)124) { // do smth } To make it more convenient, you can use it as const or static readonly property public static EnumBlastType CustomBlastType { get; } = (EnumBlastType)124;
  5. If you need to insert code into a method before or after the current code, then it is quite simple to do this through Harmony prefixes and postfixes
  6. Hm. You can also check the EntityBehaviorHunger code. If it uses WatchedAttributes, then they are synchronized with the client. You can get access to them without the behavior itself, through byPlayer.Entity.WatchedAttributes
  7. Have you tried canceling this on the server? byPlayer.Entity.TryUnmount();
  8. Most of the methods associated with the actions of the players (for example, interaction) are run twice. First on the client and then on the server. Sometimes this requires you to explicitly indicate that the interaction on the client is successful and you need to repeat it on the server for sync. For example ref handling parameter or return value. In this case, you need to skip processing on the client (by checking api or world.Side), return true or false (see the comment for function) and process it on the server side
  9. Hunger behavior only exists on the server, according to assets/game/entities/humanoid/player.json
  10. Experimental 1.17.11-rc.1 (Net 7 version) available on GitHub
  11. You can access an array element by its id (0, 1, 2, 3, etc). Or use "-" to add to the end of the array (same as 2 for ["crude", "flint"]) { "op": "add", "side": "server", "path": "/variantgroups/0/states/-", "value": "bone", "file": "game:itemtypes/tool/arrow.json" },
  12. Try explicitly specifying your modid in creativeinventoryStacks (fregtech:adhesiveportion instead of adhesiveportion). As last resort, try putting the liquid json in assets/game instead of assets/fregtech. You definitely do not need to create a second bucket for this
  13. v1.8.0-rc.1: - New simplify server-oriented teleport manager - UI refactoring - Subnetwork not working now (in progress) - Added map marker for teleport - Added check for teleport exists on load - Added restore stability command (/rst or /rst [player]) - Added new config system (check /cfg and .cfg), old configs will be reset to default - Added import to WorldEdit command (/tpimp import) - Added idle, active and player teleported sounds - Added enity teleported particles (not work correctly on long distance teleports) - Added teleport glowing - Removed progress ring - Improved teleport particles - Broken teleport not render seal now - Fixed seal renderer during temporal effect - Fixed .tpdlg target teleport position - Fixed stability consumption not affected by StabilityTeleportMode - Improved teleport cancel check - Added tpimp pasteraw (not replace meta blocks) - Added move to teleport by click on map in creative - Save teleport frame when broken and render it in inventory - Added own structure generator: - Teleport structures randomization (biom-dependent stone, random roofing, wood and more) - Generate base and pillars, if required - Faster than vanilla generator (checks minimum distance first, not during structure generation) - Added new config options: - TeleportBuildProtected for teleport structure build protection mode (on, off or trader only) - BiomlessTeleports for generate only standart granite and aged wood teleports - DarknessMode for remove paper and metal lanterns from teleport structures - Added claim BuildOrBreak check for change frame - Changed rename dialog to edit dialog - Now you can also add note, change color and icon, pin teleport on the map or change the sort order via Shift + RMB on teleport block or RMB on the map icon - All teleport properties except name are client-side and not synced with other players - Name can only be changed if you have Use rights in claim (or you are in creative) - In the teleport list, names are sorted alphabetically (+client sort order) - Note is also displayed in hover text on the map and in the teleport list dialog - Added client config option for default icon and color of normal teleport, and color of broken teleport - Edit teleport dialog can be opened for broken teleport, but color will be ignored until repaired New since pre.7: - Added config for disable special teleports - Fixed tpimp command
  14. I think this should be here and not a new topic
  15. /help and .help Mod commands with [tpnet] prefix. Also they should all be listed on moddb
  16. v1.8.0-pre.7 (unstable): - Added claim BuildOrBreak check for change frame - Changed rename dialog to edit dialog - Now you can also add note, change color and icon, pin teleport on the map or change the sort order via Shift + RMB on teleport block or RMB on the map icon - All teleport properties except name are client-side and not synced with other players - Name can only be changed if you have Use rights in claim (or you are in creative) - In the teleport list, names are sorted alphabetically (+client sort order) - Note is also displayed in hover text on the map and in the teleport list dialog - Added client config option for default icon and color of normal teleport, and color of broken teleport - Edit teleport dialog can be opened for broken teleport, but color will be ignored until repaired
  17. By default /returnthings requires the gamemode privilege, which means the ability to use the /gamemode command. Does it work for them? You can also try to change the required privilege in the mod config
  18. Yeah. Teleport with a merchant already used claim, but now it can be configured for all teleport types
  19. v1.8.0-pre.6 (unstable): - Fixed resolving meta-spawners in tpimp pasteraw - Added move to teleport by click on map in creative - Save teleport frame when broken and render it in inventory - Added own structure generator: - Teleport structures randomization (biom-dependent stone, random roofing, wood and more) - Generate base and pillars, if required - Faster than vanilla generator (checks minimum distance first, not during structure generation) - Added new config options: - TeleportBuildProtected for teleport structure build protection mode (on, off or trader only) - BiomlessTeleports for generate only standart granite and aged wood teleports - DarknessMode for remove paper and metal lanterns from teleport structures
  20. v1.5.4 - Fixed corpses are not created for some people (remove any special characters from UID) #14 v1.5.5 - Fixed regex pattern #14
  21. v1.5.3 - Changed minimum game version to 1.17.0
  22. This also fixes any conflicts with CarryCapacity v0.6.5
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