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Everything posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. What do you mean? If you need French translation pack for other mods - check moddb, maybe it exists. In-game translation for all languages updates regularly from crowdin
  2. You can also try your current version, most likely it will still work on 1.19
  3. Medieval Fashion used some assets from another mod (models, textures), for which the author did not receive permission. Because he refused to remove other people's assets, the mod was removed entirely.
  4. Patch the recipe with "dependsOn": [{ "modid": "othermodid" }] or add a new recipe to assets/yourmodid/compatibility/othermodid/recipes/.../newrecipe.json . In the patch you can use "file": "othermodid:recipes/../originalrecipe.json"
  5. CompatibilityLib only adds mod-dependent patches or overrides. But it still follows the load order and undefined behavior to patch other patch
  6. @ZergMazter If the author doesn't change this, then you have only a couple of options: 1. You're lucky and your mod loads after MoreMolds. So you can create an empty file assets/moremolds/patches/moremolds-recipes-grid-plank-removal.json in your mod, this will overwrite the original patch. 2. Make a patch via C# 3. Modify mod files directly 4. Do nothing and just get over it
  7. @Quixjote I don't know if you will update the mod, but why you do a patch for this? You can simply create your own recipe
  8. Room way is right. Didn't you add references? I don't remember exactly where the rooms are, maybe in VSEssentials
  9. There are plans to integrate mddb into the game, this has already been partially implemented. But the use of CurseForge and this topic in general have long been irrelevant. This was three years ago.
  10. No longer relevant. VintageStory has its own modhub now. https://mods.vintagestory.at
  11. Usually you don't need to work with json directly from C# code. The game itself does this
  12. Iterate api.World.Block and get all with code "game:bed-*". Or attach custom BlockBehavior/BlockEntityBehavior via patch bed blocktype json and do code there
  13. What do you even want to do? What is the goal?
  14. You shouldn't work with json files directly as you would with strings. Either use a ready-made block/item from the game, or a patch. Patches are made through a fork of the Tavis.JsonPatch library using other json or C# code.
  15. If you want it without a mod just change assets/survival/blocktypes/plant/glowworms.json from your game folder and replace drops: [] with drops: [{ "type": "block", "code": "glowworms- {type}" }] Or try More Recipes. Although it is no longer maintained, but in general most things will work, this is a content mod
  16. Answered in MR topic
  17. @Bat_Tech419 It would be better to ask it here instead of ExpandedFoods. In any case, all MR files are on GitHub glowworms.json
  18. Yes, I'm busy now, just added a quick patch for the shelves
  19. You can also just add/change "enabled" to false in the recipe instead of removing it completely
  20. Nvm. Change /1 in the second to /0. You removed an array element, so now there is not two, but one element
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