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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by ruggbean

  1. I was planting an ebony tree for a planter, when I noticed that the file name was also returning some of the text from the asset files. Tree items include: Ebony Purpleheart
  2. ruggbean


    This is a skybridge and part of a larger build that I made for easier access to two traders, a translocator, and five halite domes within the same general area. I'm very proud of my work.
  3. So, I noticed when I was cooking that some of the ingredients would not return the actual ingredient name in the cooking text, but instead some of the JSON text from the asset files. Ingredient items include: Cherries Olives Lychees Breadfruit Pomegranites Mangos Oranges Peaches Yellow, Red, and Pink Apples Pears I looked through some of the more recent updates and the bug forum and I didn't see this as a fix or an issue that someone else had brought up.
  4. As I'm sure we are all aware, chiseling has four chisel modes - 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, and 8x8 - for when you want to chisel away or chisel back voxels for your projects. For those of us who are not currently using Workbench Expanded, if you have very specific chisel requirements for your projects, such as a lot of 1x1 chiseling, the process - while fun and enjoyable in its own right - can become somewhat tedious and take a lot of time. I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a slider mechanic for the chisel, to be able to cut as much as possible within the four modes without having to physically chisel it all one bit at a time. My thoughts were that it would function much as normal in that you can choose one of the four modes to chisel with (you can't cut the whole block out on a 1x1 or even an 8x8) however, it would also operate similarly to Workbench Expanded in that all of the blocks that you slide chisel on any of the four modes would accumulate usage at the same time once the decision was completed. So if you slide chisel out 16 blocks using the 1x1 slider, the chisel would take usage equivalent to you having physically cut 16 blocks one by one. In order to make the slide chiseling work, you would have to hold the left mouse button on the layer that you want to remove and release when you have all of the voxels that you want to remove, and vice versa for replacing with the right mouse. And slide chiseling could be toggled on and off in the tool mode menu so that you can accomplish both tasks of physical chiseling and slide chiseling.
  5. Hello, I have come across an error that I was able to replicate four times in succession. I have attached a copy of the crash report from all four instances to this post. I was attempting to mine some of the crystals with an almost broken pickaxe and each time, as the pickaxe broke against the ore crystals, the game crashed. I attempted to get video of this twice but I was unsuccessful both times. I was able to find two ore crystal locations near one another and the first one I was able to mine successfully without any issues; it was only when my pickaxe was about to break that I had any issues.Ore Crystals.txt
  6. For the sake of consistency, I would say have the Copper Age also be "Hold a copper Ingot in your main slot" instead of a copper pickaxe or tie the progression of each age [at least for the earlier ages] to both tools and ingots. I would also like to make a suggestion that plays on the ingots being the main source of transitioning from one age to another, if it is possible from a coding perspective, by tying the progression to copper and bronze ingots that you make yourself rather than those that you might find about the game. In the same way that you can access the lore books once for each entry, but if you have the same entry, you can't access the same lore book, tying the first copper and bronze ingot to a mold, but once you access the age, then you can't keep getting fanfare for reaching the age over and over again. For iron and steel, I agree that holding the ingot would be optimal, only because you cannot tie their creation to a mold and as far as I am aware, you cannot find them willy nilly in the game. A few questions for your progression, just for the sake of clarification - What happens if you happen to find enough tin and copper nuggets for bronze, in that you skip the Copper Age and go right into the Bronze Age? Or if you find a bronze pickaxe and a hammer (by chance) and you also find iron close by? Do you get all of the bonuses tied to the previous ages or do you just get the bonuses of the ages that you hit? And if the second one, do you get to go back and access the ages that you missed or should you be required to hit all of the ages chronologically? I know that in the Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, there are certain story characters that, if you kill them, you can still go about with your game but you may not be able to access the main storyline if they are killed too early and the game makes you aware of this by saying "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created." Some people might not care about the earlier bonuses if they are skippable, but some people might.
  7. If I remember correctly, the port number on the back of my server ID was not input correctly when moving to a new computer and I had to double check my server ID against the port number. It would also be very kind of posters to sometimes show screenshots or exact logs of the issues that they are trying to get fixed, especially because there are multiple reasons why an issue can occur, especially on such an early access game. Did OP fix the issue? If not, why not come back and tell us what they did to fix it. Not sure who hurt you, but to insinuate that what I said or didn't should constitute a ban is rather extreme and I hope you have a better day about that.
  8. Hello, This is a little bit of an inane question, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea of the day that the seasons change within a 30 day per month calendar. I'm trying to get a better grasp of the exact time when the seasons change, primarily to get a hold of crop growth and hunting before the harsh winter hits.
  9. Hello, I am having the same kind of connection issues as OP. I have tried several ways to address the issue, including reinstalling the game, logging out and back in, reattaching to the server, etc. I was previously able to access this server on a different computer but when I switched to a new computer, I suddenly had an issue logging in. Edit: So I think I fixed the problem as I am now able to connect
  10. Nice! Well, it seems that I have a loooooong way to go to get to the equator and I'm probably going to need a lot of translocators. Thank you!
  11. Hello, Maybe I'm just blind or maybe I just haven't hit the appropriate area yet, but I was wondering if anyone had any information on whether or not certain trees spawn in certain biomes or in particular conditions. I've seen maples, oaks, birches, and pines, but I have yet to see acacias, kapoks, or bamboo.
  12. This right here is why I've stuck with Vintage Story for as long as I have and it feels like so little time. I've seen Minecraft for years and thought to myself, maybe I can make something cool, idk. The day that I saw someone else playing Vintage Story, I was almost immediately hooked. I feel like I get to learn something new about both the materials and the processes that it requires to make the materials, and I feel very rewarded when I make the materials happen. It felt really good when I made leather for the first time, when I prepped loads of food for winter, when I went through the arduous process of making steel. And like you rightly said, it's not like Minecraft is a bad game for the way that it is set up. I am extremely grateful that it helped to pave the way to get to where we are now and I'm happy to have two fun voxel games that I can enjoy in different ways. But this game is where I choose to cut my teeth for the long haul and I'm very excited to be here.
  13. ruggbean


    I think the closest thing the game has is adding fly agaric mushrooms to your food - they deal 10 HP per bite. Are you talking about other kinds of poisons, like alchemic?
  14. I have yet to get into the mod scene for VS, but I'm very excited to see the different kinds of mods that are being introduced and updated along with the base game. Also, having looked at the post that you linked this post with, I'm happy to see more people who want to see this being worked, albeit with different keywords. If they haven't implemented the mod as a feature by the time I upgrade my computer and workspace, I'm definitely going to check it out; thank you!
  15. So with the addition of bone soil panning, I've noticed a huge increase in the amount of copper spearheads that I've been getting. While I do appreciate being able to have this supply of weaponry at hand, it can get overwhelming very quickly. I know that at least two people have spoken on this topic previously, but I have a very particular suggestion for this implementation that I think would be ideal. Provided that the tool has not been made yet, you can melt down the spearhead back into their base or alloyed metals, but you need multiple spearheads instead of just one to make one ingot. Some of the original ingot has to be split and hewn in order to make the item that you wanted to make in the first place, so it requires more pieces for you to recreate one ingot. You could even make it to where small items like shears require four times the amount of metal, medium items like pickaxes require three times the amount of metal, and large items like swords require twice the amount of metal. (So one sword would be equivalent to 50 units of metal, one pickaxe would be roughly equivalent to about 33.3 units, and one shears would be equivalent to 25 units) This would probably make the quick click mistakes that are made (you clicked sawblade when you really wanted a sword) a little bit more tenable in the long run because you're not losing 100% of the work that you've made, despite there being no real way to mitigate the loss that you would take to your resources (metal, charcoal, and hammers). And for people who choose to be on smaller worlds, it allows them to save as much as possible by recycling. I, being on 1M seed, am going to have more resources to take from than someone on a 50K or 10K seed.
  16. ruggbean


    I've been wondering about trees. I want to be able to plant trees for aesthetics and also repopulation purposes.
  17. I think I was able to get the issue resolved, but I will have to keep all of this in mind for next time. Thank you for the insight.
  18. I did try right clicking on it, left clicking on it, saved and reloaded a few times, and it was like the stand didn't have access collision. The issue kind of fixed itself about ten minutes ago - I was able to access the stand and the armor and move it - but I spent almost all of my time from the point that I posted this to the issue fix not really being in my base, so I'm wondering if the stand just reloaded its collision.
  19. Hello, So, I'm trying to rearrange an area in my base and I find myself unable to move or otherwise interact with the armor stand. Can't remove the armor, can't pick up the stand, and it isn't even showing up in my UI. Is this a bug or is there a way to interact with the armor stand that I am just woefully unaware of?
  20. No, we don't necessarily need an unrealistic survival game, but even games like The Long Dark did the "Escape the Darkwalker" Halloween event. Personally, I'm enjoying VS way more than other similar games like Minecraft or The Long Dark because of the elements that you're listening, but fantasy and some cosmic horror appeal to me more than strict realism.
  21. If I'm not mistaken, you can turn off the aggressive mobs by using the world config command or initial configuration.
  22. So, the parts of this game that include drifters remind me a lot of The Shadow over Innsmouth and the subsequent game that was based on that story, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. From the wiki: The narrator finds Innsmouth to be a mostly deserted fishing town, full of dilapidated buildings and people who walk with a distinctive shambling gait and have "queer narrow heads with flat noses and bulgy, stary eyes" I think that the drifters used to be people a long, long age ago, however they incited an apocalypse event through the discovery and usage of temporal technologies, which can be evidenced by the use of the translocators and other machines that we are not privy to yet. Looking at concepts like the butterfly effect or flashpoints, which are basically cautionary tales against accessing the stream of time, I would probably guess that their usage of the temporal technologies and accessing the stream of time caused some kind of Deep Ones transformation on the population of the Earth and pockets of temporal stability or instability began to show up all across the planet. This would probably explain the aspects like the falling to their knees but also the different types of drifters that exist - temporal instability affects some people in different ways. Some are going to be surface drifters, some are going to be nightmare drifters. Now, as to how the drifters transformed from people to creatures, I have two theories: The people started to trap power within the temporal gears - the temporal and rusty gears have the same design, so I would imagine that the rusty gears are old, empty temporal gears (Fallout series bottlecaps as currency). You have to put gears in the translocators to work so the usage of too many gears at once created massive destabilization, which in turn shifted the people and the landscape. As to how they managed to trap this power in the gears is yet to be seen (maybe the locusts and subsequent creatures like it were a part of harnessing the energy) If you've listened to the Daylight soundtrack, there are some parts where it sounds like there is a whistling. Considering that this is based on Lovecraftian horror, I would surmise that there may or may not be eldritch deities that have yet to be actually put into play, who may have something to gain by turning the people into drifters, who were angry that the people were accessing technologies that they did not believe should have been accessed (for a variety of reasons), or who are trying to hide something that is trapped within the stream of time that the people were accessing for their purposes. It's possible that it's some combination of both or neither, but at the very least, I think that the drifters were punished in some way for their ambition and hubris and you are left to pick up the pieces of what they left behind.
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