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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Especially when dropping a huge number of clay bricks into pit kilns.
  2. Depends on how quickly you can find bees. My current world I didn't find bees within 2,000 block radius of my home. When I finally did find bees, I got a populated skep home just in time for it to go dormant for the winter.
  3. I've had them assault me in my settlement that is near (but not in) a forested area. I've heard wolves prior to upgrading to 1.17 but have not had wolf attacks within the same area as I've had 3 bear attacks. I'm not sure if the bears spawned in the forest and wandered into my settlement or if the spawned in the plains and found their way to my home. Additionally, in running through a heavily brush filled area (sans trees) I came across a bear, but I've also had wolves in that same area as well. Based on my experience it seems that bears spawn where wolves do and have other places they can spawn as well. Seems like desert may be the only place safe from spawning bears.
  4. Has there been any research in what conditions are required for a bear to spawn? In my limited experience it seems like it's similar to wolves, but I'm getting bears where I don't get wolves. Seems like bears may have more lenient spawning conditions than wolves.
  5. I can attest that bears may not go over fences, but they can (and will) attack through fences. I lost 6 pregnant gen 2 ewes to a bear attack after losing 2 pregnant gen 1 sows.
  6. Aged wood makes sense those are planks made from boards. Ebony wood is very hard irl, making it difficult to carve into a pan. At least that's the excuse I'll give for its lack of crafting into a pan.
  7. I believe you have to fill your hunger bar to get that benefit.
  8. Have you tried using an axe as a melee weapon?
  9. this is why I push for bees my first summer. Getting through that first winter when snow is flying (dowsing any torches) and spawning drifters sometimes almost relentlessly. Now that my settlement is lit with lanterns even apocalyptic levels of rift activity barely generate any drifter diversions from my nocturnal activities. Bears have been a bigger night time hazard than drifters since liberal use of lanterns have been applied.
  10. Mined 65-70 stacks of fire clay then traipsed 3,000 blocks to a translocator that takes me 8,000 more blocks south and mined out 3 black coal deposits (a total of 45ish stacks). Murderized a bunch of drifters in the process. Also doubled the size of my charcoal pit. The previous pit was barely able to keep up with my 2 cementation furnaces.
  11. I had lit my home with 4 torches and STILL had drifters spawning inside when rifts appeared just outside my house. Those drifter spawns stopped once I lit up my home with lanterns. The rifts stopped forming when I lit up the surrounding area. [edit] I watched drifters spawn before my eyes mere blocks in front of me.
  12. Natural tiles and low light levels would be my guess.
  13. Storms brew, move and dissipate. How much happens world wide, I do not know; but I have had weather overtake me when I've been relatively stationary. As you're finding out, this game is freaking AWESOME!
  14. The problem with spears (yes they have a drawback) is the amount of inventory space they require. If'n I'm on a long range resource gathering mission I want to maximize my ability to haul resources back home and spears are a definitive drawback to that goal. Recurve bow and arrows help solve that problem while capitalizing on the benefits of ranged combat.
  15. Looks like a chiseled plank block or slab.
  16. Until bears started spawning fences were sufficient protection from predators.
  17. Animals will be attracted to troughs of food. I string out some troughs every 25-30 blocks and put 1-2 grain in it. The final trough is on a pillar in the middle of a 2 block deep pit trap.
  18. In a few months. There could still be 1.17 bug squashing updates that come out before 1.18.
  19. I don't like slot machines, but watching the statistical outcome of the loot table was fun. I was less coherent last night at AfterBedTime thirty.
  20. From this experience, panning is a horrible way to get candles. Maybe if you can't find bees it would be a way to get the first lantern or two. But look at the number of candles I got from 180 blocks of bony soil. I averaged about 14 blocks per candle, and there were times I went 20 blocks without a candle.
  21. that floating block of long grass?!
  22. My inventory is 60 blocks worth of bony soil. The trunk contents are the previous 120 blocks of bony soil. Interesting that I got 2 temporal gears but only 1 silver nugget in 60 blocks while the previous 120 provided the same number of temporal gears and a much larger number of silver nuggets.
  23. Metal parts for translocator repair are dicey. I usually find them in cave ruins and almost always in the storage at a translocator. As for the topic at hand - I've successfully dodged drifter stoning by hiding behind terrain.
  24. Mine dropped from 1.5 years to about 50 days just by looking at them in the trunk they are stored in. Was also shocked when returning to the world to the crock that had about 5 days of freshness when I saved the game was spoiling when I returned. Hopefully when I update I'll see the times increase but ready to have to resupply. Fortunately the meat from the 6 dead sheep will be a good start to the resupply efforts.
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