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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by dakko

  1. Could we please have a tree symbol for the map? I know I've asked this before, somewhere, but asking again 'for a friend.' I would also personally like a leaf symbol. Thank you. p.s. Also a longer time to post without having to log back in.
  2. I believe the constant rift thing was fixed in a recent build. There should be a command that can be entered for longer months (check wiki or ask in Discord). So maybe you can salvage your old game.
  3. I've been playing a seed from a youtuber. Playstyle, and realistic vs patchy climate, have made a big difference in whether I get the correct map or not. There are probably other settings that affect it too, but it sounds like we are both accepting defaults for most things. Aside from that, there have been some builds that change the starting world. One of those occurred in the late 1.15 series. It wasn't a huge difference (for me), mostly a trader moving position and a change in the ruins (and lots more brush and tall grass). Having said that, I believe there is also a way to copy your building to a new save, but I am not familiar with how that is done and have only seen someone mention it in discord.
  4. I'm not experiencing that in my game (newly generated in 1.16.1-rc2), and I'm not seeing that in the LP that I'm following. Maybe you've had bad luck.
  5. In case it would be helpful, this is what you would type: Is it possible that you left the brackets in the command? They are supposed to designate an option, but are not included. Please forgive me if you already know this. eta: dang, totally missed that Robert already mentioned the brackets. Sorry about that.
  6. By default, I believe the save files are under Users/(yourusername)/AppData/Roaming/VintagestoryData/Saves However if you want multiple installs at some point, you can modify a shortcut to force saves into the game folder. This is what mine looks like: Target: C:\Games\Vintagestory\VS13\Vintagestory.exe --dataPath=C:\Games\Vintagestory\VS13
  7. You're right, that is not how it is supposed to work. You might want to report this in the bug forum or on discord. Beautiful poodle, btw.
  8. Yes, can confirm cassiterite can be found by panning.
  9. I dunno. I'm a very casual player, mostly spending my time wandering around looking at scenery and ruins. I haven't had any trouble coming up with the odd temporal gear or two just in the course of my meanderings. Perhaps if you're focused on "gotta get that gear!", then it becomes a grind. Whereas if you just become immersed in experiencing the VS world, it happens naturally during the course of getting through the day/week.
  10. ...and it is a good idea to have an empty hotbar slot (your expanded inventory slots are not accessible while in creative mode).
  11. dakko


    If it helps... I've learned to associate branches on the ground, blueberries, mushrooms, and horsetail as indicators that I'm entering wolf country.
  12. I don't have a solution, but I'm watching for an answer. We've had this problem as well. I was told that our internet router was probably blocking access. The default port is 42420, if that is any help.
  13. Some 'biomes' don't have much in the way of wild crops. Are you in a jungle? I'm often surprised to find wild crops as I'm climbing around the hills since they can't always be seen from below.
  14. Just to let you know that it is about 1 or 2am for the person that will be helping you, so you won't be wondering why no one responds for a little bit. It is possible that someone in the discord server may have a solution: Vintage Story discord
  15. So much has changed! For one, the large map now retains the image of where you've been (instead of a radius around your current position)... and has player-chosen icons! Just right-click on a spot and a menu appears with options. Raccoons will destroy those hard-won beehives (not as hard to find now though), and also consume ripe berries! I believe they spawn from trees, so be careful how you design your bee area. The list goes on and on! I predict many happy hours of discovery in your future.
  16. PSJ has said that he is enjoying VS so much that he cannot stop playing. He has an interesting discussion going on twitter about the increasingly short attention span of children/young adults and that being a driving force for what is successful on his channel. Too bad, as he is brilliant when it comes to immersive gameplay and storytelling.
  17. The grid is only viewable when holding clay. I suspect that it must also be the same type of clay that you started with (so if you've started to craft the mold with fire clay, the grid may not be viewable if you're holding blue clay). To complete the mold, approach it while holding clay and the grid will be viewable again. eta: It is not free-form. You must complete the template as it is given.
  18. Make sure that an empty inventory space is active (highlighted) on your toolbar or else you won't be able to pick it up by right clicking.
  19. The picture looks like you're using bushmeat (from wolves and other carnivores) rather than fresh meat (from pigs, sheep, rabbits). Bushmeat can only be cooked over an open flame (by itself; not in a pot).
  20. I can confirm that the game only requires verification the first time you play, and only on startup. I've been playing single player offline for a little over 2 years and have never had it refuse to launch or end the game session in all that time.
  21. You will first need to build a fire: Make a firestarter - directions are in the handbook (open the handbook by pressing "H"). Wiki, First Day Guide (scroll down to "Light/Cooking") to see how to build a firepit. Use the firestarter to light the firepit. Once you have a firepit, right click on it to open and insert sticks/branches into the top slot. As long as the fire is burning, it will convert the sticks to torches. edit: oops. Sorry, I see that you already made a firepit so you only need the firestarter. I'll leave this here in case someone else might need it.
  22. Do you mean, 100 hours since the update that originally put bees into the game... or 1.10.6 (recent release) that fixes the spawn rate of bees? Hopefully 1.10.6+ will take care of that for you, although it won't add them to already loaded chunks afaik.
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