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Everything posted by DejFidOFF

  1. All right. You are fighting tough !
  2. I now finish and test passed for Czech translation of xlib. So please add it to the mod. Thank you for your great job ! Xeffects - https://www.vintagestory.cz/downloads/CZ_translate/xeffects/xeffects_cs.rar Xlib - https://www.vintagestory.cz/downloads/CZ_translate/xlib/xlib_cs.rar
  3. Ok here we go. Czech translate https://www.vintagestory.cz/downloads/cs.rar
  4. There is a mod for that. https://mods.vintagestory.at/temporalgearsstack
  5. Oooh a strong language. I was starting from the scratch 10 times at multiplayer server. And also many times killed by wolf and bears.. Once I went over 15k block without death, set the base, and find way to get TG from ordinery drifter. Cause there is a chance to get TG from base drifter. And after all you get it ! So maybe it is in you, not the game. I like this setspawn system. And, some servers (like mine cz server) have homes system. My dvice, be more careful and try to avoid deep woods and try to walk in the daylight. Don´t blame something that works fine for everybody else, but not for you. What I blame is sometimes OP wolves jumping above me in a pack. But it happens in nature.
  6. There is a mod for water wheel to power helve hammers
  7. To cook the meal you need fill at least two position with same amount of ingredients and recipe must shown up. If doesn´t show, it´s wrong.. and you aren´t able to cook this meal no matter how many firewoods you put there.
  8. Hey o/ Nice and simple hut. I like it. I was read the comments and I am definitely different. I never build a "starter" house. I always just hanging around until have enough materials for start to building proper house - starting with a walls and then gathering materials for windows, roof atc
  9. Vintage Story 1.19.3 SKYBLOCK 4 TRADERS Download skyblock Download modpack for skyblock A my take on Vintage Story Skyblock challenge map ( original by HONKCLUWNE ). This is simply a save so just toss it in your save folder. The world is 1024x1024 and completely empty besides the titular Skyblock and 4 traders island. Tree growth rate is increased and hunger is decreased to compensate for the lack of resources. The map requires some mods to play, but I recommend others to make the experience more enjoyable. Required Not Enough Sand https://mods.vintagestory.at/notenoughsand This mod allows you to turn stones into gravel which is essential to be able to acquire metal through panning in order to progress. Expanded Matter https://mods.vintagestory.at/em required for NES or Recommended Download mod pack to emprove QOL https://www.vintagestory.cz/downloads/mods10.rar Simple unpack to your VintageStoryData/mods folder. Enjoy and feel free to comment and put suggestion down bellow
  10. Did not experienced this since 1.16. Try to get animals different way. Find sheep build fence around and fence path with some trough and food to point where you want your sheep. Or find another your way
  11. I am using Th3essentials mod for auto shutdown the server and auto backup map. And Windows task scheduler to run server again. There is string in mod config to configure that. "ShutdownEnabled": true, "BackupOnShutdown": true, "ShutdownTime": "12:00:00", "ShutdownTimes": ["12:00:00", "04:00:00"], "ShutdownAnnounce": [1,3,5,10,20,30], I don´t know how change the path to output backup, that´s the downside.
  12. Btw do you try to use Th3 essentials mod? https://mods.vintagestory.at/theessentials Maybe there is solution.
  13. Hey o/ I hope you will solve this. I am also running Vintage Story server at Windows machine and I really like to use this qol bits.
  14. Bell pepper was in the game guess some 1.15-1.16 what I remember. You was about get the seeds but can´t plant that, Since that I never see the bell pepper plant in the game. Hope it will come back.
  15. Yaah I was missing that option too !
  16. Přidej se ještě dnes do skvělé CZ SK komunity více najdeš na https://www.vintagestory.cz/.
  17. Cg for new updete released! Good job ! Keep going !
  18. I guess because the chiseled stairs. The possible did not recognise as a block to step up.
  19. I usually build up 3 blocks, on 3rd 4 ladders around an fight from top block or around the safe area, so anytime can jump up to to ladder and be safe at the 3rd block.
  20. Did someone find solution? Need some commands too
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