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  1. The devs added a separate package for v7 dotnet to the Arch Linux repositories, so all is good. As for moving to .NET v8, I agree that it is better to do it when it makes sense. And probably not even to version 8 of dotnet, but to wait for version 10 for example and so on. If the difference between two adjacent versions may be insignificant, it may already be a difference between several versions in terms of performance or different functions.
  2. .NET 8 has a lot of serialization improvements, improved randomness and cryptography (that would be important for account security), UTF-8 improvements (I don't think this is needed for VS really) and adds a few new performance-focused types. So VS doesn't need to update and rewrite itself to new .NET 8 features really, but I think it would improve performance for a bit if new v8 features is used correctly.
  3. I am using Arch Linux and I got dotnet-8.0 update recently. But Vintage Story doesn't support it and I had to rollback to 7.0.113 by arch package archives and add all dotnet-related packages to pacman ignore list so they wouldn't get updates. It would be really nice if I could use newer .NET version to run the game.
  4. Never really thought about the need for such an innovation, but if you think about it, the mod grouping is really lacking. So I absolutely support this proposal. Also, It would be very nice to have a filter, thanks to which the mods in the folder 1.17 (when you play on 1.18) will not automatically load (as in minecraft, mods for different versions are stored in different folders).
  5. I think that bears (at least) should make some stick-cracking noises when rushing to you
  6. I think the developers should make spawn of aggressive animals like wolves and bears at least more logical and dependent on the time of year. So that bears, for example, did not spawn in winter, and those that have been on the location for a long time, hibernated. Well, and that wolves and bears on the meadows and fields did not appear so often and did not linger on them. But ran away into the forest.
  7. System Info: Distro / Kernel release: Arch Linux x86_64 / Zen (6.5.9-zen2-1-zen) Mono / .NET package version: dotnet-runtime-7.0 (7.0.13) Graphics driver version: mesa 1:23.2.1-2 (amdgpu wayland) Works for client, mp server or both: Only tested client Installation method used: without installing, just running Vintagestory executable (native version from client area) VS version: 1.18.5 Additional System Info: DE / WM: GNOME 45.1 CPU / GPU: Intel Xeon E31260L (8) @ 3.300GHz / AMD ATI Radeon RX 570
  8. I am also not a lefty, but I think that this feature is must-have QoL thing, if the game is going to be actively distributed
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