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  1. I bought and tried it out quit a while ago but I never really got into it, was a bit lost in the intro part (walking around not knowing what to do)
  2. I like the idea and the way how it is presented! Thanks!
  3. I really want to support this discussion topic by describing some possible specs/solutions. In particular I have two favorite solutions that could easily coexist (without further preference, except the point that 1. is probably faster/easier to implement) 1. Linen stacks are stackable when empty (lets say up to 16) and are placeable/pickable on the ground when full (same mechanics as beehives). A placed linen sack should occupy 1/4 blocks as Yukihira suggested (0,5 x 0,5 x 1,0), per default oriented like 1/4 block pillars. In this orientation it should be easy to pick them up, but it should not be allowed to place other blocks on top of them. 2. Dropped items of an irregular "rounded" shape (ore chunks, coal, stones, nuggets, etc.) will add to a loose irregular pyramidal "pile-of" (multi-block) structure of given type with a constant 36° angle of slope (2/5 block height for each block width, means a pile of 2 block height has a with of 5 blocks). The area of the pile grows with the number piled items the (8 items covering each block, times 8 for nuggets). The length of piles can of course become greater than the width, forming kind of rampart. Solid structures should be able to stabilize the side of a pile, forming a kind of bank. Getting items from a pile means "digging" block by block, causing loose material to slide. This could be part of general block physics where (uncompressed) sand, gravel, and soil would behave the same way. This could also be part of world generation, forming talus slopes and crees.
  4. Distro / Kernel release : Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS / 4.15.0-22-generic Mono / .NET package version : mono-complete Graphics driver version : NVIDIA binary driver 390.48 (proprietary) Works for client, mp server or both : client + multiplayer server Installation method used : server.sh Hacks (if needed) : none
  5. As we have a decent number of Linux users in the community, I would be great to collect the experience, for which distros/configurations it could be managed to run VintageStory. Please share in the comments your working VS linux configuration in the following way: Distro / Kernel release : Ubuntu Studio 16.04 LTS / 4.4.0-127-lowlatency Mono / .NET package version : mono-complete Graphics driver version : NVIDIA binary driver 384.130 (proprietary) Works for client, mp server or both : client + multiplayer server Installation method used : server.sh Hacks (if needed) : server.sh needs at least wget version 1.17.9 (not in the standard repo of Ubuntu 16.04) Update as of 8th of March 2020: From a bug report it looks like mono 4.2.1 is not sufficent any more, even for a server only!
  6. @tony Liberatto Maybe you and the other mods want to disclose their personal info to the friendly community, too. This would allow to communicate at the same level of information.
  7. #metoo please I already joined after setup but that was before the whitelist was set up Vintage Story Player name: skol Age: 100/2 - 1 boring old-fashioned IT-Professional from Germany Do you agree to follow the server rules?: of course
  8. You're right, the player should by no means sit around and wait. I think this could be solved in different ways. He could have a short trip to a specific ethereal dimension (maybe after longer lifespan with lots of experience, or shall we call it "karma" - the ethereal dimension could reflect your lifespan experience in a way that you could call it your personal heaven or hell depending on the gameplay that happened before). Or he could awake in a kind of "spectator mode", only able to interact with specific items he has to find to fulfill his resurrection quest. The world around him would be in a "time lapse" mode in order to compute the time-based decay. For a short "lifespan" and a short "resurrection delay" the world change should be minimal and could be neglected. This means daytime could be switched, let's say to midnight and the character awakens in this "in between" state in order to find and bury its own corps in order to became fully resurrected and free to continue normal gameplay. The really good thing: For all cases, the story mode provides the option to implement the ethereal episode (even the short ones) as a textual summary to explain an uncertain amount of time passed (and implicitly the random changes in the world): decay damage of unmaintained player structures suffered in the meantime. Or empty chests whose "looted" items can be found in the (new spawned) village nearby. Or your old manor that has been extended to a castle and occupied by a clan of well-armed strangers ... That's the great thing with a story gives you a good immersion but leaves room for imagination - it boost up the ideas.
  9. Luk, I read the new excerpt and I really like it. You painted a credible picture how a player character could fit into the world setting and you created sufficient space for imagination that demands to be filled by identification. I especially love how you introduced the concept, that the player character will always return - sometimes after a longer period, sometimes after a shorter period. This raises a question that has been on my mind for a long time: Is it possible that (in story mode) a certain amount of game time will pass between death and resurrection? In the way that maybe my fields are abandoned, my house started to fall apart ... I know that the Wurm sandbox game has this concept but I didn't tried it, yet. For me it would it could be a really cool option, if the time of decay between death and resurrection could be modified by the level of difficulty and the length of life you "lived" before your death (the longer the life, the longer the delay). Maybe you can get the option to "pay" for a faster resurrection (e.g. with experience). Another parameter is the place of resurrection: nearby your home (spawn point) or nearby your grave (or maybe a place in between like a temple or shrine that you visited). Maybe after resurrection you are somehow "cursed" like a ghost and forced to bury your own corps (or fulfill another quest in the ghost world) to order find peace and became free to return to your home. Or to "pay" for skipping the "ghost" quest. So much fun ...
  10. Only because you referenced my suggestion: my suggestion was not targeted at focussing and limiting the game to whatever specific mythology. my suggestion was the opposite: don't bother about mythology (unless you are a mastermind like tolkien of course ) instead: just leave it open and vague, but maybe steal elements, when you really need such elements in the story look in the real world: there is no one mythology to rule them all, there is a mix of beliefs, cultures, mythological elements a game world with one ruling true mythology would be boring, because it might kill your imagination or it would repel some players because they want to play a game, not forced to think about a specific mythology only subtle mythological elements are needed to create a mystical aura, because mythology is about facing the unknown and unnamed. but this reduced elements need to grant players the full freedom of interpretation and imagination of the unknown and unnamed so its only the players personal interpretation and imagination to name the open and vague elements (some alphabetical examples): african, atztec, babylonian, buddhistic, celtic, christian, egyptian, greek, hindu, hopi, islamic, jewish, norse, oriental, pagan, slavic, sumeric ... the unnamed element should resemble a common archetype, the rest is only in your personal mind
  11. Hi Luke, I intentionally took some time to carefully think about the story approach that you presented so far. You asked for suggestions and critiques and I try to give a useful feedback, knowing this might probably fail (in german we say "Ratschläge sind auch Schläge"). After reading the story approach I asked myself: what is needed as a narrative aspect for a survival sandbox game? Simply explain the starting point and give a goal. Leave room but provide a source of inspiration. The best storylines are simple, heavily inspired by already existing stories and myths get back your lost whatever (honor, family, kingdom, paradise, knowledge, power, ...) search and/or destroy a nasty whatever (item, enemy, ...) Especially the survival genre has its popular archetypes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinsonade or maybe with focus on fighting some topics from the Conan stories ("searching the secret of steel") My humble opinion is: keep it simple steal from the best better not inventing a new mythology (the popular existing ones are probably better)
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