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How do I make bread in the clay oven that does not come out charred?

Go to solution Solved by Streetwind,

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I'm using 1.19.5 on Linux installed via flatpak.


I am unable to make bread in the clay oven that does not come out charred, even though I remove it right after it is done. Meaning when it no longer says (part baked). I've tried maximum six pieces of wood in the clay oven, and I've tried two. I've tried keeping the clay oven temperatures under 200C, and even under 176C, and the result is the same. I also notice that this last time when I made flax dough with the jug and water, that the dough before cooking showed as charred. That doesn't seem right unless I am missing something obvious.

Is this a bug, or am I missing some crucial step or information?

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Hello Streetwind! :)


No mods. I am brand new player so trying to understand and play the game completely stock first. Tried it again last night, and made flax dough with the bucket, and it again showed as charred before it is even cooked. Screenshot attached. 2024-03-30_23-24-50.thumb.png.563ec380c4de3d2680eeb3397745baba.png

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That looks normal, it's like the objects always report their end state; What they directly go to when cooked in a campfire.

I've never seen it happen like that when removed from an oven though, maybe try moving the oven or making a second one and see if it still does it, it's a tight window for removal before charred but they shouldn't cook past like that.

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Yeah, you wouldn't know this as a beginner, but the "bakes into" line in this case is actually not referring to the clay oven at all.

It refers to putting the dough into the firepit. Which is how we baked bread in old versions, before the clay oven was added to the game. When the update came that added the oven, the act of baking in the firepit was nerfed to produce charred bread, in order to incentivize players to make and use the new oven.

The "baking temperature" line is the same. It refers to how hot you have to get the firepit. The clay oven actually doesn't use that target temperature, and will in fact finish baking even a bit below 200°C.

The reason the finished bread still has these two lines is because the finished bread is still a valid input item for the firepit, and it will produce charred bread as an output item when heated to 200°C.

The two lines are likely auto-added by the recipe handler code just because it detected a valid firepit recipe for this item.

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21 hours ago, Streetwind said:

The "baking temperature" line is the same. It refers to how hot you have to get the firepit. The clay oven actually doesn't use that target temperature, and will in fact finish baking even a bit below 200°C.

It's more than a bit, 160C is enough.

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I've seen many players mistakenly light the dough with their torch.  Light firewood in the oven, let it burn out, THEN add the dough to the still-hot oven.
It sounds like that's already how you're doing it, though, so I'm stumped.

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Just to clarify, I am not baking the bread in the fire pit, and didn't actually know that was possible until after this forum post.  And I usually make the dough away from the fire pit outside by  the clay oven. Same result. And I stand and watch the cooking process and remove the bread as soon as it is done, so timing wise I don't know how I could get any faster to remove them. I've tried moving the clay oven and bread still comes out charred. Though pies come out fine.

And yeah, I put wood in the clay oven, light the wood, let it burn, then put in the dough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Streetwind,


My apologies for the delay with getting this. I ran south for many, many game days to avoid Winter a third time. Now with a new warmer base setup, and a new clay oven, I have the same results. The dough shows as charred even before you make it, and after. And all the bread, of the three types of grain I tried come out of the oven charred. Many screenshots showing this:

This first batch of photos is making four spelt bread dough and bread.


I guess I missed the screenshot for these four spelt breads coming out of the oven. But you can see in the last picture in the next batch of screenshots, that these four, plus the one other spelt bread I made is all charred.


This next batch of screenshots is making one each of spelt, sunflower, and flax dough, then bread:



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Posted (edited)

Yeah, it's as I suspected. The bread is not, in fact, coming out charred - you're just misunderstanding the tooltip :)

The "(charred)" part is not a line of its own that describes the item. It's part of the line "Bakes into 1x <something> bread (charred)". The tooltip window doesn't fit the entire line, so the last word wraps into the next line.

As mentioned in the fifth post in this thread, this line simply means that if you stick this item into a firepit, you will get a charred item as output. It does not describe the item's current state.

If the item itself was actually charred, it would say so in the bold heading of the tooltip! You can verify this by leaving the bread in the oven until it actually chars, or by just sticking it into a firepit and letting it bake there. You'll see the difference immediately.


EDIT: the satiety value is another indicator. Charred bread does not yield 300 sat, as you can see in the ingame handbook, but your bread does.


Edited by Streetwind
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