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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by RogueRaiden

  1. It was a regular chicken egg, but i just tested with a water-glassed one as well. crashed the client from the server. We don't use More Animals.
  2. Just checked, yeah its still there from my previous testing "Value": [ "hotbar", "backpack", "craftinggrid", "mouse", "character", "xskillshotbar" ]
  3. xSkills 0.6.13 PlayerCorpse 1.5.0 Vintage Story 1.17.8 Soulbound Strongback items still get placed into the Corpse in my testing
  4. Trying to break an egg on a bucket produces this server exception and kicks the player from the server: and there are some spammy console log entries
  5. https://github.com/DArkHekRoMaNT/PlayerCorpse/issues/9
  6. user was putting rot into a barrel and crashed with this log https://pastebin.com/yxLDJu3M hasn't seemed to happen again though
  7. When having the Strongback perk and the Soulbound perk along with the PlayerCorpse mod, the soulbound slots still get placed into the PlayerCorpse instead of staying in the inventory. Not sure exactly what mod would be the culprit... haha
  8. Getting this error sometimes when the server is shutting down. Didn't see anything else in the debug log, this was in the console. https://pastebin.com/KYPjT9W8
  9. thanks a bunch! we got them back on
  10. Getting the same with a player on my server each time they load in
  11. was flying around in 1.17.1 when the game crashed using v0.6.10-rc.2 https://pastebin.com/HV2kjjUe
  12. this is exactly what is happening while playing on my server. my client sometimes loads up to 11gb when joining. it seems to slowly drop to around 5-6 but will grow when moving again. a fresh world with same mods only used about 5gb on joining. i believe this is prevent some players from being able to join as the game crashes due to running out of memory.
  13. Having problems with the saplings as well on my server. Seems mostly like Oak saplings. As well as some of the fully grown trees do not cut down properly, leaving tops floating in the air. Disabled "harsh saplings" but that didnt seem to change anything.
  14. It is a public dedicated server, so yes.
  15. Worked fine in single player when I originally set the config stonequarry.json
  16. Did my test on game version 1.16.4, only loaded Stone Quarry mod on server. Trying to hammer plugs, they ignore timings set in config. Hammer all plugs, stone area disappears, nothing drops. Relog OR unload/reload chunks and plugs and stone is back. Hammering the plugs this time follows config timings correctly. Stone slab and plugs drop normally.
  17. Game version is 1.16.3, and yeah there are other mods. I'll setup my test server later with just SQ in then. After the stone disappears, a relog will show the plugs and stone, and you can then hammer them to completion.
  18. in Stone Quarry v1.16.1, I only experienced desync and problems when using the Steel Plugs on my server. in Stone Quarry v1.16.3, Every plug would desync out (at 2x2 size at least, on same server). Stone blocks and plugs disappear until the blocks update, then they show up again.
  19. Running a server on Ubuntu and the config files generate in a strange way. instead of being in /modconfig/xleveling, they generate in /modconfig/VintageStoryData/modconfig/xleveling an empty xleveling folder does generate in /modconfid/xleveling and they will not take to changes. keep resetting on server start. change permissions, upload them in several ways. edit them with the server panel. they always reset. none of the other configs reset, and uploaded in the same way. Edit: if i place the edited files into the empty xleveling folder, those changes will load. but if i remove the /modconfig/VintageStoryData/modconfig/xleveling folder, the mod cannot load any configs and throws tons of errors
  20. The game updated. Planks can now be placed vertically or horizontally. Chiseled planks cannot be cloned in the workbench because the planks are not considered a valid material to clone.
  21. Seems the workbench is not currently compatible with chiseled planks, since the change to planks that lets you place them differently
  22. Any chance for an update to 1.16.3 and uploading to the database? Was looking for exactly this!
  23. What I was going to start a new thread for: simply a toggle option just like the Toggle Sprint option for when you press the "lock/unlock" cursor button. So you can have BOTH the options to press and hold a button to keep your mouse unlocked OR press it once and its unlocked then press again to lock. It would help out immensely in Immersive Mouse mode, especially when I'm looking to clear my inventory with 9 chests open I wont have to hold the cursor unlock button for 5 straight minutes or longer
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