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Everything posted by Pamela

  1. Yes to other maps. I use the skillset commands to use the same profile on all my maps. I have NOT disabled all other mods, however.
  2. Singleplayer only. Yes, the menu shows up. I can earn experience and skill points. I can click on the button, but nothing happens....or....I assign a point to one skill, but when I try to assign a point to another skill it takes away the one I just assigned.
  3. When is the updated version coming out?
  4. I can if you tell me where I can find it? I also downloaded the newest files and put them in my game. The hot bar shows up, but I still can't assign any new points. I found it. server-main.txt
  5. But it doesn't work if I use those. At least with v0.6.10 rc1, it works somewhat.....
  6. Just to clarify, I was trying to use XSkills v 0.6.11 and XLib v 0.6.10 rc1. I tried using 6.11 with just 6.10 and it will run, but you can't assign any points at all. The only way it will work at all is to use v 0.6.10 rc1 for both.
  7. No message, it just doesn't show up. No hot bar, and when you press the hot key, you get nothing. It's like it's just not there.
  8. That's what I did, but it didn't work.
  9. So, I downloaded the newest version of XSkills, but there is not one for XLib, and it doesn't work without it.
  10. Awesome!!! Can't wait for the new update!!!
  11. Herbs have been moved to the Wildcraft mod. https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/308
  12. So, I will need to be sticking with 1.16.3 until this is corrected if I want to use XSkills, correct??
  13. Are you supposed to be able to add any mushroom to a stew? Because I can't in my game.
  14. When will the cooking with mushrooms be fixed???
  15. When will the fix be ready for cooking with mushrooms??
  16. Not trying to rush you, just wanted to know if I could use it yet....LOL!!
  17. Do you think it's safe to install the current version in worlds in 1.16.3? I REALLY want this mod, but not if it might ruin one of my worlds.
  18. Absolutely!! Please don't make us have to change the way wine works with all the other changes!!!
  19. Does this fix the handbook crashing?
  20. Awesome!! I LOVE this mod, but I like all the new variety of mushrooms, too so didn't want to have to get rid of it.
  21. I have the same issue. Running 1.16.0 and XSkills 0.6.7.
  22. Any idea at all when that might be???
  23. Any idea when we will be switching to Wildcraft for herbs??
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