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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. They do vanish rather quickly, yes. The chance for a temporal gear 1/75. Coming out of walls is not intentional and sounds really creepy
  2. A small update on this: I'm working on a "open savegame in repair mode" option. This should let you load up the world without crashing it by this particular crash, then upon leaving, and thus saving the world, it should run well again. (some other regions on the world may crash as well, but then the repair mode can be run there as well). Hope that'll fix the issue for your savegames.
  3. Oh, wow, that sounds quite major. More questions for everyone affected: - How did you exit the game? (Leave world button or the X-Icon on the window dialog?) - Did you use the prospecting pick? - Did this happy only in version 1.12.6 or did anyone experience it in v1.12.5 as well? - Can you elaborate on the everything gone part? Were all the chunks 100% reverted to their original state? Was it just certain chunks? Did it only revert to a very early stage?
  4. Hey Ch De, sorry for the troubles. Please send me the server-main.txt, it's located in the folder %appdata%/VintageStoryData/Logs
  5. Thanks for the info Aira, here's a page outlining what info can help me finding lag issues: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Debugging
  6. The newest devlog entry has an explanation
  7. Hi Daniel, please update to version 1.12.6, this crash is fixed there
  8. Tyron


    Update to v1.12.6
  9. Hi, this issue is fixed in v1.12.6, please install the update, apologies for the inconvenience
  10. This is now fixed in v1.12.6 and available for download now, sorry for the inconvenience
  11. This is now fixed in version 1.12.6 and available for download now, sorry for the inconvenience
  12. Dear community v1.12.6, an stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager Looks like I made a tiny mistake that will cause to crash the game for literally everyone To fix it I went ahead and quickly made v1.12.6 a stable release containing a fix for this. The reason was that the game used to ship with 10 main menu background images which change once per week, but at some point we exchanged them with 8 new ones without telling the game about it! I've now fixed that and made it so that the game also no longer crashes if any of the background images are missing. Apologies for the inconvenience. I've meant version v1.12.6 to contain a few more fixes and have some more testing done on it, but an early release of it is better than no working game at all, so these will have to wait for v1.12.7 it seems. If you want to stay on v1.12.5 Create the files assets\game\textures\gui\backgrounds\mainmenu9.png and assets\game\textures\gui\backgrounds\mainmenu10.png, for example by duplicating mainmenu8.png. The path can be found in your Vintage Story game installation directory, usually %appdata%. Game updates Fixed: Game crashing on startup View full record
  13. Dear community v1.12.6, an stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager Looks like I made a tiny mistake that will cause to crash the game for literally everyone To fix it I went ahead and quickly made v1.12.6 a stable release containing a fix for this. The reason was that the game used to ship with 10 main menu background images which change once per week, but at some point we exchanged them with 8 new ones without telling the game about it! I've now fixed that and made it so that the game also no longer crashes if any of the background images are missing. Apologies for the inconvenience. I've meant version v1.12.6 to contain a few more fixes and have some more testing done on it, but an early release of it is better than no working game at all, so these will have to wait for v1.12.7 it seems. If you want to stay on v1.12.5 Create the files assets\game\textures\gui\backgrounds\mainmenu9.png and assets\game\textures\gui\backgrounds\mainmenu10.png, for example by duplicating mainmenu8.png. The path can be found in your Vintage Story game installation directory, usually %appdata%. Game updates Fixed: Game crashing on startup
  14. Thank you, I will try to add more tracking to version 1.12.6 to narrow down the source of this issue.
  15. Dear Players, v1.12.6-rc.1, an unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager If everything goes well, then v1.12.6 will be the last stable release before I start working on the next major update. This is mostly a bugfix release with a few small features sprinkled on top Pictures Bauxite can now be turned into cobble stone, polished rock and stone bricks Updated 3D Model for the Toolrack "Add to Favorites" for the public server list entries Game updates Feature: Public server list tweaks Added "Add to favorites" feature to the public servers list Empty public servers that are using the default server name are now listed at the bottom, or in other words you get a visibility boost by naming your server Feature: Bauxite is now a fully qualified rock type. This means you can create cobble stone, polished stone and bricks from bauxite. Aira will be happy Tweak: Windmills with 2 or more sails now ignore the outermost corner block when testing for breakage or sail addition validity Tweak: Wolves, Boars and Chicken got a flee and chase speed boost Tweak: Updated trader caravans, which now utilize some of the new blocks Tweak: Game Server Performance optimizations (Locust nests no longer spawn locusts and item physics no longer tick when players are far away, fixed lingering firepits) Tweak: Reverted deposit scaling by world height, because not balanced Tweak: Increased amount of zinc deposits by 25% Tweak: Added ability to set world size to 2x2mil and 4x4 mil Tweak: Tool rack tweaks the lower rack is now extended to avoid overlap. Also has a new texture now Tweak: A bunch of other minor tweaks. Added more debug logging and another netbenchmarking stat Tweak: Music played by the echo chamber is now classified as Ambient sound and affected by the ambient sound slider Tweak: Added debug logging to find the invisible bread crafting bug Fixed: Partially worked iron blooms are now titled as such to avoid confusion Fixed: Branch textures inside the brancy leaves being very low resolution Fixed: Drifters and Traders on ladders rotated in a derpy way Fixed: Bows on toolrack wrongly attached Fixed: Texts cut-off in the trader window when using german translations Fixed: Able to place client-side only firepits inside claimed areas Fixed: Able to create invalid waypoints that crash the game. Fixed game crashing when trying to load invalid waypoints Fixed: Trader run animation speed too high. Missing run animation for the balanced personality trader. Fixed: Issues with recently removed firepits replacing blocks Fixed: The armor attribute "Ranged Weapon Charge Time" penalty was denoted with a "-" giving it the impression it actually reduced the charge time Fixed: Main menu performance optimization (30% GPU usage => 10% GPU usage. Technical info: No longer run postprocessing shader effects while in the main menu) Fixed: Windmill sails rendered too dark Fixed: Mitigate a client crash caused by the weather system Fixed: Text overlapping issues on the multiplayer screen when using german translations Fixed: Some cases of firepit cooking text not updating for other players Fixed: Sign post GUI not ungrabbing mouse Fixed: Clouds again not sunset colored?! Fixed: Might fix the game crashing on linux when using Mono 6 Fixed: Mitigate crash issues when a joystick is connected to a windows machine that has more than 64 buttons. The game will now ignore those. Fixed: Issues where there was rain but not rain sounds Fixed: Placing sign posts in invalid positions consumed the sign post and did not place a block Fixed: Various missing translation entries Fixed: Firepit was not properly unloaded, causing it to overwrite existing blocks and other oddities Fixed: White text on signs, labels and signposts way to dark and hard to read Fixed: Text cut off in the trader dialog when using german translations Fixed: Able to chisel blocks in claimed areas Fixed: Memory leak related to disabled buttons Fixed: Minor fixes. Mitigate z-fighting issue with firepits. Fixed placing raccoon pup crashing the game. Added handbook info text for the crock. Added some missing translatables. API Feature: Can now easily add text sections to the handbook by just adding info the the lang/en.json in this format: "block-handbooktitle-crock-burned-*": "Used for", "block-handbooktext-crock-burned-*": "Long term storage of cooked meals and pickled vegetables. Seal with fat or wax to make food last even longer.", API Fixed: Chiseled blocks exported by .gencraftjson would crash when used as a recipe ingredient View full record
  16. Dear Players, v1.12.6-rc.1, an unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager If everything goes well, then v1.12.6 will be the last stable release before I start working on the next major update. This is mostly a bugfix release with a few small features sprinkled on top Pictures Bauxite can now be turned into cobble stone, polished rock and stone bricks Updated 3D Model for the Toolrack "Add to Favorites" for the public server list entries Game updates Feature: Public server list tweaks Added "Add to favorites" feature to the public servers list Empty public servers that are using the default server name are now listed at the bottom, or in other words you get a visibility boost by naming your server Feature: Bauxite is now a fully qualified rock type. This means you can create cobble stone, polished stone and bricks from bauxite. Aira will be happy Tweak: Windmills with 2 or more sails now ignore the outermost corner block when testing for breakage or sail addition validity Tweak: Wolves, Boars and Chicken got a flee and chase speed boost Tweak: Updated trader caravans, which now utilize some of the new blocks Tweak: Game Server Performance optimizations (Locust nests no longer spawn locusts and item physics no longer tick when players are far away, fixed lingering firepits) Tweak: Reverted deposit scaling by world height, because not balanced Tweak: Increased amount of zinc deposits by 25% Tweak: Added ability to set world size to 2x2mil and 4x4 mil Tweak: Tool rack tweaks the lower rack is now extended to avoid overlap. Also has a new texture now Tweak: A bunch of other minor tweaks. Added more debug logging and another netbenchmarking stat Tweak: Music played by the echo chamber is now classified as Ambient sound and affected by the ambient sound slider Tweak: Added debug logging to find the invisible bread crafting bug Fixed: Partially worked iron blooms are now titled as such to avoid confusion Fixed: Branch textures inside the brancy leaves being very low resolution Fixed: Drifters and Traders on ladders rotated in a derpy way Fixed: Bows on toolrack wrongly attached Fixed: Texts cut-off in the trader window when using german translations Fixed: Able to place client-side only firepits inside claimed areas Fixed: Able to create invalid waypoints that crash the game. Fixed game crashing when trying to load invalid waypoints Fixed: Trader run animation speed too high. Missing run animation for the balanced personality trader. Fixed: Issues with recently removed firepits replacing blocks Fixed: The armor attribute "Ranged Weapon Charge Time" penalty was denoted with a "-" giving it the impression it actually reduced the charge time Fixed: Main menu performance optimization (30% GPU usage => 10% GPU usage. Technical info: No longer run postprocessing shader effects while in the main menu) Fixed: Windmill sails rendered too dark Fixed: Mitigate a client crash caused by the weather system Fixed: Text overlapping issues on the multiplayer screen when using german translations Fixed: Some cases of firepit cooking text not updating for other players Fixed: Sign post GUI not ungrabbing mouse Fixed: Clouds again not sunset colored?! Fixed: Might fix the game crashing on linux when using Mono 6 Fixed: Mitigate crash issues when a joystick is connected to a windows machine that has more than 64 buttons. The game will now ignore those. Fixed: Issues where there was rain but not rain sounds Fixed: Placing sign posts in invalid positions consumed the sign post and did not place a block Fixed: Various missing translation entries Fixed: Firepit was not properly unloaded, causing it to overwrite existing blocks and other oddities Fixed: White text on signs, labels and signposts way to dark and hard to read Fixed: Text cut off in the trader dialog when using german translations Fixed: Able to chisel blocks in claimed areas Fixed: Memory leak related to disabled buttons Fixed: Minor fixes. Mitigate z-fighting issue with firepits. Fixed placing raccoon pup crashing the game. Added handbook info text for the crock. Added some missing translatables. API Feature: Can now easily add text sections to the handbook by just adding info the the lang/en.json in this format: "block-handbooktitle-crock-burned-*": "Used for", "block-handbooktext-crock-burned-*": "Long term storage of cooked meals and pickled vegetables. Seal with fat or wax to make food last even longer.", API Fixed: Chiseled blocks exported by .gencraftjson would crash when used as a recipe ingredient
  17. Thats intentional. You can use /time calendarspeedmul 0.0001 to nearly stop the sun from moving
  18. Thanks for the report! Was not able to reproduce this as of yet, do let me know if it happens again.
  19. Hi Arsat, yes, this is a known problem, I have not been able to find a good solution to it yet.
  20. Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in v1.12.6
  21. Oh yes, that world gen bug is my arch nemesis. Tried to fix that one multiple times, but with no success just yet.
  22. Dear Players v1.12.5, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager Game updates All the changes in rc.1, rc.2 and rc.3 Feature: New item model for the magic wand (creative mode tool) Feature: New item model for the bow Tweak: Ore deposit quantity now scales with world height (double world height = double deposits) Tweak: Reduced deposit quantity for chromite, ilmenite and pentlandite, which have no use right now Tweak: /stats command now shows the amount of active entities Fixed: Mitigate a client crash caused by the weather system Fixed: Text overlapping issues on the multiplayer screen when using german translations Fixed: Might fix an issue with entities not turning inactive, and thus increase server load. Tiny performance optimization on inactive entities. Fixed: Waypoint colors turnring into hex numbers (red when edited will be red again) Fixed: Should mitigate a bug where harvesting an animal and taking out the items made them disappear Fixed: Might fix ipv6 ips not working to connect to or host a server Fixed: Knapping animation getting stuck and repeating forever Fixed: Temporal stability indicator not correctly scaling with the GUI SCale Fixed: Server side frame profiler not pointing to the right systems API Fixed: Item shape alternates overly dark shaded View full record
  23. Dear Players v1.12.5, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager Game updates All the changes in rc.1, rc.2 and rc.3 Feature: New item model for the magic wand (creative mode tool) Feature: New item model for the bow Tweak: Ore deposit quantity now scales with world height (double world height = double deposits) Tweak: Reduced deposit quantity for chromite, ilmenite and pentlandite, which have no use right now Tweak: /stats command now shows the amount of active entities Fixed: Mitigate a client crash caused by the weather system Fixed: Text overlapping issues on the multiplayer screen when using german translations Fixed: Might fix an issue with entities not turning inactive, and thus increase server load. Tiny performance optimization on inactive entities. Fixed: Waypoint colors turnring into hex numbers (red when edited will be red again) Fixed: Should mitigate a bug where harvesting an animal and taking out the items made them disappear Fixed: Might fix ipv6 ips not working to connect to or host a server Fixed: Knapping animation getting stuck and repeating forever Fixed: Temporal stability indicator not correctly scaling with the GUI SCale Fixed: Server side frame profiler not pointing to the right systems API Fixed: Item shape alternates overly dark shaded
  24. Asdf v1.12.5-rc.3, an unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager One more step towards version 1.12.5, which fixes a lot of usability issues. \o/ Screenshot by EccentricEngie Game updates Tweak: Can now place meteorite blocks in the mining bag Fixed: Text sizing issues with non default gui scale and sign blocks and labeled chests Fixed: Game crashing when customizing a world Fixed: Minor ui issues Fixed: More debug logging to narrow down some crashes Fixed: Translocator not showing how many temp. gears it needed for repair in block interaction help Fixed: Vine cause block placement lag and weird issues with spoilage rates in containers Fixed: Smelting info not shown for moldable tools in the handbook Fixed: Black square when breaking an opened container Fixed: Boar attack sounds not playing Fixed: Added missing clay forming description texts in the recipe selector dialog Fixed: Crash when entering too-large number into waypoint color input. Better handling of wrong color values. API Tweak: "Created by metal molding" in the handbook now configurable by the createdByText attribute View full record
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