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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. We don't know what's up with that, man. I don't wanna say "just trust us", but Jake didn't add anything malicious. You can look through the .dll yourself if you want. But bringing over the old dll. wouldn't include the new changes from this one, which kind of defeats the purpose.
  2. l33tmaan


    Pretty sure it's CTRL + RMB.
  3. Updated to 1.3.2! Memory leak during multiplayer fixed (among other issues) Keys swapped for screw press; it now displays how much time is remaining Milk bottles now give dairy instead of protein Bottles and screw presses don't explode in water Pemmican buffed; now gives 3 balls instead of 1 Mixing bowl can no longer accept infinite liquids
  4. Yes, that meal recipe should work. As for the pemmican, I've tweaked the nutrient values so they're individually less good, but they now give 3 balls instead of 1. That's a nice idea. We'll see.
  5. That's correct, they're already bonkers enough in soup. You should be able to add them to meat/vegetable stews, though.
  6. Are you playing on a multiplayer server? I can make dumplings in my singleplayer world just fine. You're using uncooked ones, right? The sauce/syrup recipes are just grid recipes. Nothing fancy there.
  7. You might want to talk to @jakecool19 about how he got the glass bottles in EF to render properly. I know the contents of the bottle have to be opaque and not use the liquid rendering method, but that's about it.
  8. He's in the mountains, unless he moves to the equator it's always going to be freezing up there.
  9. I'm the kind of guy who likes BIG, FLASHY bonuses. Doesn't matter what kind of game or genre it is, I'm an unrepentant power gamer. I'll take limited flight, but I want it before I beat the game.
  10. Sounds like you should put those freeloaders to work!
  11. It seems to be craftable with every kind of log except kapok. Not sure why.
  12. One important thing I think VS could rip off from Thaumcraft or Bloodborne is some kind of "hidden world" in conjunction with our own - maybe the Rust World I've heard rumors about. After a certain point in the progression, whether it's by crafting an item or raising an Insight stat or whatever, the player is capable of "seeing" the Rust World in its true glory, and you can see all sorts of new monsters and bosses and resources. Most importantly, this is not separate from the regular world, but you're just seeing what was actually there all along. With this, even a well-established player with a good base can have new enemies introduced near them without having to go to another world. It would be cool to see a giant temporal monster a few hundred blocks from your base in an area you've heavily used before. Having machinery that interacts with this 'Rust World', or temporal stuff in general, is another aspect of progression I think the game should lean into. You can't have all this cool mechanical stuff in a Lovecraft-themed game and not have them do something together. You could have temporal beacons, which attract or repel certain monsters, or you eventually gain the ability to make your own transporters, or make temporal weaponry that teleports things you hit into the Rust World and vice-versa. Perhaps part of the progression is 'discovering' the Rust World, making machinery to traverse it safely, then gain loot from exploration/bosses that unlocks more ways of progressing through the world? I really think a cool end-game goal (like, once you "beat" the game) would be giving the player access to Creative mode flight. It would be very satisfying to "win" Vintage Story and be able to fly around your world at leisure. Sure, you can always type /gamemode 2, but that's not the same, is it?
  13. I guess the ratios aren't mentioned in the handbook, but it does mention that you put it in the press and activate it to use the press. Do you have the floaty visual display disabled?
  14. Perhaps 'progression' would be a better thing to focus on than 'goals'. Minecraft doesn't have very good progression, but Thaumcraft does. But your progression is still (theoretically) tied to what the overall goal of the game is. I certainly wouldn't be averse to Elona+ style skills, but I like skill grinds in general. The problem with survival games like Kenshi and Minecraft is that there's not really much to do after a certain point and you just aimlessly stop playing, and most importantly, this happens once you feel like you have nothing left to do. This is what happens when people reach steel production in VS. In many games, people just kind of start building stuff at this point. In a game as dynamic as Elona+ or Dwarf Fortress or even The Sims, once you reach a point where you feel kind of 'safe' and established, there's always so much going on around you to respond to that there's still a reason to keep playing. I think working on more dynamic systems would be the way to go for VS, too. It already feels so realistic and immersive, so leaning harder into that would help fill out its niche. To make this related to your thread, I would make drifters and other enemies more dynamic. Animals should have Nests that they spawn in and live around, which the player can replicate. I should be able to kill some wolves and take the pups back to my animal pen where I've set up little beds for them to rest in, and after a while that becomes their Nest and they start treating it like home. Wolves past a certain generation could turn into dogs, which 'resets' their generation back to 1 and subsequent generations can be taught more and more 'tricks', like attacking enemies, guarding your home, or patrolling areas. Dogs that are unfed for an in-game year turn feral and attack whatever they want. I should be able to track a wolf out of its Nest to its hunting grounds to find rabbits and chickens, or see its markings in the environment so I know I'm entering its territory. This behavior can easily be extrapolated to more dangerous animals like bears, bison, elephants, lions, whatever. Drifters have more leeway in how they can be handled. I think they should only spawn in areas that have low light and are temporally unstable. Perhaps their mere presence causes instability, and as they make the land more unstable more drifters start to spawn there. Unattended areas of the surface can get totally messed up and start spawning corrupt drifters in broad daylight and stuff. This should probably be accompanied by visual representations of instability in an area, like grass slowly turning into metal spikes or gears growing out of the ground or something. Even something as simple as this would give people reasons to 'clear out' areas, especially if drifters naturally spawn in ruins and dungeons with treasure and lore stuff in it.
  15. It would be awesome if the traders actually moved between various spots in the world. I have no idea how feasible that is, since it would require a decently advanced pathfinding system?
  16. It's not a 1:1 ratio and you need to ctrl+click it to start the press. You need 4 berries to make a portion of juice.
  17. Are you able to make anything in the mixing bowl while in multiplayer, or is it just a pretty decorative block?
  18. C'mon Thalius, I was trying to avoid talking about Nests again.
  19. Updated to 1.3.1! Multiplayer issues fixed (hopefully) - there are some issues with salad names at the moment Mixing bowl has new sound Can now add daisies to salads Seeds from Wild Farming can be squeezed into seed oil Fixed mixing bowl's axle shape Fruit in mixing bowl buffed to give 50% nutrition boost Clay/smithing recipe duplication fixed
  20. Cooking Simulator, but in VS. I'm not joking, either. It would be somewhat tedious, but being able to place carrots on a cutting board and manually chop them up with a knife would be awesome. Especially if that led to blenders and stuff. Wait a minute. Blenders...?
  21. I think the issue with people quitting once they build up tech is because that's really the only form of progression the vanilla game has right now. This is why something as simple as XSkills feels so good. The game needs some kind of goal to strive for, but what that is could be a lot of things. You could have a final big boss like in Minecraft, a series of bosses that gate progression like Terraria, escaping the world like in Rimworld, cleanse the world of instability, or a whole bunch of other things. To be more on topic, I think both are good. XP is great for intrinsic character growth, while loot offers extrinsic growth. If I have a lot of XP, then my character can be naked in the wilderness and still useful. If I have a lot of loot, then I can have signed onto the server 5 minutes ago and grabbed it all. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and I don't think picking one over the other is a good idea. Combat should build towards whatever the end goal is supposed to be, but I don't know what that is at this point..
  22. I just wear fur coats 24/7. I live in luxury, with only the finest fineries.
  23. This is difficult to troubleshoot, since neither Jake or I run our own servers. Give me about an hour and I'll upload a hotfix.
  24. You should be able to make dumplings according to that picture. What kind of cabbage is that? Is it cooked? You can also use JUST soft dough, for some plain dumplings:
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