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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Ain't that the truth! Got 12 huge hides waiting to be tanned. Seems that my 1.15 home was built in prime bear spawning territory. Pesky buggers took out my gen 1 pigs and the next one took out my gen 2 sheep. Fences are no longer sufficient security for animals. And even corners of full blocks may be vulnerable.
  2. A drifter's melee attack being able to kill in just two or three hits indicates they are quite strong. The local zoo has 2 inch think tempered glass for the outdoor gorilla exhibit. There's a hole that almost entirely penetrates that hardened glass from a gorilla throwing a rock at the glass. I bet a gorilla could also kill a human in just two or three punches should it choose to do so.
  3. That was causing me quite a bit of concern as winter is just starting (12 day months too) and I was starting to see significant parts of my reserves spoiling before it could be eaten.
  4. Question for you: What did that bear do to justify being thrown to the top of that tree?
  5. Seems like you happened to build your home in a temporally unstable area. run around the surface long enough and you will come across areas that are unstable without descending in the depths. My current world's spawn area is temporally unstable on the surface.
  6. Look for mods. Devs had stated that firearms will not be part of the base game experience.
  7. No joke! Went through my first medium storm in 1.17 yesterday. The normally flat landscape turned into rolling sea billows as I ran to the safety of my home. Truly awesome! I can see how it can induce severe nausea. Not sure I want to experience a heavy storm.
  8. I can confirm this. I had a pig pen fenced off with internal space of 6 blocks and subdivided into smaller pens of 3 block depth. Had a bear slaughter my three pregnant sows through/over a one fence height. Seems like two tall fencing for animals pens are a thing again, as a second bear has not killed my pigs once I build up the fence to a height of 2 fences. Has bear spawning conditions been reported anywhere? Asking since my homestead built in 1.15 seems to be bear central (have killed 4 in less than a month game time).
  9. I'd expect that 1.17 is now at the point where mods won't be broken by any future patches. Based on my experience Tyron is at the point of cleaning up loose ends and starting work on 1.18. I suspect there's maybe 1 more update, if that.
  10. Upgraded to 1.17.7 about a week ago and bummed that I was assaulted by a bear running between buildings. About 1 game month later a second bear showed up that climbed on my pumpkins and jumped to the roof of my kitchen building which was 3 blocks higher than the pumpkins. I think that same black bear slaughtered my pigs inside a fenced in area.
  11. Almost as important as backpacks, fur clothes for the long cold winter months.
  12. Well, there's just the one developer coding and a part-time assistant coder. Hopefully, the 1.18 story and lore update will have some help on combat as there is rumor that the game's first boss will be introduced.
  13. Acts like a round planet? uhhh.... Not exactly? On default settings there are 2 poles between spawn and the northern world border and 2 poles between spawn and the southern world border. That's very unglobelike behavior for a planet. Speaking of world borders. Should you travel to said Vintage Story geographic location you will see a cliff. Perhaps if you could fly out far enough you'd see elephants supporting the mantle seraphs cannot mine through.
  14. Not a bug. The hammer is required to be in the offhand while using the chisel, making it impossible to also hold a light source.
  15. In granite it is. I found some in claystone recently thinking it was some flint but surprised when the tool tip showed zinc instead.
  16. I'm curious to know what you consider not "that many sticks".
  17. Alls good in the hood. Just wanted to provide awareness of the dev's participation in the forums.
  18. Yes. Leaves break almost instantly with axes.
  19. I've thought that a tutorial world would be a good addition. Make it another gameplay option of default customized world settings that would basically be an "easy" mode beyond the exploring game mode.
  20. I'm working my way through a 750 page omnibus I picked up at Costco. Lovely embossed hardcover book with an attached ribbon for bookmark.
  21. It sounds like you think the devs (all 1.5 of them) peruse the forums or discord regularly for ideas. My experience has been that they are, for the most part, absent from either.
  22. Even in your situation branch mining is the worst thing to do. Better to sink shafts in the area with the highest node search readings.
  23. Early game you should be harvesting leaf blocks to generate sticks and seeds. Hint: shears make it much easier.
  24. Harvesting leaf blocks before felling the tree is the game mechanic to create more sticks and seeds than just cutting the tree. It's a good thing since mid to late game there's an over abundance of both sticks and seeds (except for the non-prolific tree seeds i.e. ebony).
  25. And let's not rule out sabotage, even though it is a low likelihood. someone may have had an "Among Us" moment.
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