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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. In essence the game already does that. Growth speed slows dramatically as nutrients are depleted from the soil. Low fertility soil will take forever before crops come to maturity. Full growth on medium fertility soil takes longer than terra preta. For the time it takes crops to grow in terra preta the lesser fertility soils will take longer and thereby yield less crops over the course of a growing season.
  2. You're not alone. Others have posted similar comments. Regarding future additions I will refer you to how things currently are in game (ambience and logic reasons for everything) and the writings of Mr. H.P. Lovecraft. The development team have done an excellent job presenting a Lovecraftian environment and I doubt they'll fail to do so in upcoming updates, such as 1.18 that promises the games first boss. I would expect to see additional mobs accompanying said boss.
  3. Maelstrom


    Using some brick blocks would also break up the uniformity in the build as well. Additionally, using some stone blocks of different materials can help, such as pairing granite with suevite or andesite. Alternately contrasting colors can look good too; such as sandstone and peridotite.
  4. Thank you for the halite example. I have a halite reading with 35ish ppm and the surrounding chunks are 25-30 ppm each. Didn't find anything in the highest rated chunk but will explore into the others as well.
  5. You can make floating torches by removing the block they're placed on.
  6. Having visited geysers and hot springs I can attest that they do not provide that much of a benefit. The only way to utilize the heat generated from such features is to enclose it in a building.
  7. I currently locate the highest reading by the description and only use the ppm results if I have multiple descriptions of the same level, i.e. very high. Does the ppm result provide any benefit when used in such a way?
  8. Rabbits are too small to use a large trough. Otherwise excellent suggestion.
  9. I think the devs are doing a fantastic job of incorporating Lovecraft into the game. Lovecraft's horror has a scientific/technology base rather than a magic/occult base of most other horror. Read The Shunned House to get an idea of what his kind of horror is like and see how well the devs are representing Lovecraft in the game.
  10. @Streetwind update on my borax - harvested an ungodly amount of flax in what will become my southern outpost, made a full suit of gambeson armor and snuck off home to do some caving. First cave I found (about 150 blocks from home) had borax.
  11. Temporal storms are actually EASIER than normal rift activity. Before the first 1.17 release I had drifters spawning as if it were a 1.14 temporal storm - i.e. inside my house and literally less than 3 blocks away. After disposing of the 3 invaders to the sanctity of my home I found a rift had appeared less than 10 blocks from my front door. About one in game month later I was fighting another horde of drifters popping into my home unannounced and not bothering with the front door. This in 1.16.5. As soon as spring comes and I get my first harvest of beeswax I'm crafting an ungodly number of lanterns to stave off the damned rifts. Already have a 36 skep apiary waiting for the snow to disappear. Don't know when that'll be as it's mid-March and still getting night time temps of -15. *sigh*
  12. Wish we could collect the glow worms from caves and use them as light sources in our homes.
  13. I don't want bunny pets. I don't want to serve a cute, furry evil overlord named Miss Cuddles. Those glowing red eyes when she's angry and the loud thump when she pounds the ground with her back feet? Miss Cuddles has a mean streak a mile wide and only hand grenades are sufficient to manage her foul mood.
  14. If it's in the creative menu I would expect at some time it will be implemented. The question becomes when does it go from the roadmap to the to do list.
  15. Thanks. Pretty much everything I've learned so far. Was hoping you might now something I didn't.
  16. It's not primitive survival. It's Creatures and Critters that adds crocigators.
  17. @Streetwind I'm having the darnedest time finding borax to begin steelmaking. What do you recommend I do to have the highest degree of success in finding this elusive mineral?
  18. I think primitive survival adds alligators. If not that particular mod a different one does.
  19. I would argue the climate is what impacts spoilage rate, not the temp. I don't know for sure one way or the other, but shouldn't be hard to test - see if spoilage rate differs for the same temp in different climates or not..
  20. There's already a reason to add trains. That far off iron mine (and any other ore mines nearby). Have you ever mined out an iron deposit and then spent three or four trips lugging all the iron chunks back home for processing? It's pretty bad when that trek is 1,000+ blocks, one way.
  21. My first encounter with a bell... Descending a ladder to the bottom of a pit, heard the claxon go off and started looking around. NO side caves whatsoever! WTH??? Where's that dang bell at? Keep looking around coz I know there's drifters and locusts being summoned. Only none appear coz there's no place for them to spawn. Figuring the bell is in a nearby blocked off cave I keep descending and the clarion calling of the bell fades as I descend until I hear the claxon of ANOTHER bell!! And this time I can see the bottom to this deadly pit and the drifters and locusts gathering for the party. The ogre men are still inside, the two-way mirror mountain You gotta keep down right out of sight You can't see in, but they can see out "Ooh, keep a lookout" Come tonight Come to the ogre site Come to the ogre battle fight
  22. temp doesn't matter for spoilage rates, iirc. Temp only impacts the seraph.
  23. you have to craft packed dirt (see handbook for recipe) from soil you dig up. I'm questioning myself a bit on the spoilage. Your cellar might not be recognized as a cellar. First - make sure the internal dimensions (air space as previously mentioned) is no more than 7x7x7. If that is true, then where do you see the spoilage rate?
  24. Yes you have a cellar. The spoilage rate is what indicates the cellar is recognized. Cellars do not need to be 7 blocks underground. They just need to be no more than 7 blocks (cubic) internal space built out of dirt or rock material - packed dirt, cobble, etc. Wood does not a cellar make. Increased benefit if you do dig it out of the rocky ground though.
  25. Probably best to sign up for the Discord server. Devs are much, MUCH more active there than here.
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