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Everything posted by Philtre

  1. Calm = no rifts. It's the lowest rift activity. Edit: from riftweather.json: patterns: { code: "calm", chance: 0.5, mobSpawnMul: 0, durationHours: { avg: 15, var: 10 }, startTotalHours: 72 }, { code: "low", chance: 0.15, mobSpawnMul: 0.2, durationHours: { avg: 15, var: 10 }, startTotalHours: 72 }, { code: "medium", chance: 0.3, mobSpawnMul: 1, durationHours: { avg: 15, var: 10 }, startTotalHours: 0 }, { code: "high", chance: 0.1, mobSpawnMul: 1.5, durationHours: { avg: 9, var: 5}, startTotalHours: 72 }, { code: "veryhigh", chance: 0.05, mobSpawnMul: 2, durationHours: { avg: 7, var: 3}, startTotalHours: 480 }, { code: "apocalyptic", chance: 0.02, mobSpawnMul: 4, durationHours: { avg: 5, var: 2 }, startTotalHours: 720 }
  2. If you dig at random, the overwhelming majority of the time you will find nothing at all. By prospecting with the density search mode, you know the relative chance of finding the ore you are looking for in that chunk, and can get a much higher success rate than by digging blindly. And by prospecting with the node search mode (which you have to enable), you can determine exactly whether there is any ore nearby.
  3. The simplest option for getting cassiterite (along with other hard-to-find but useful resources) is buying it from traders (commodity traders, specifically). If you need rusty gears, panning bony soil produces some, as well as a lot of random loot that can be sold to other traders, in particular the luxuries traders.
  4. I said this in a different thread, but to expand on it in light of Streetwind's comments: I also preferred the older longblade behavior. Personally I don't enjoy combat; I understand why it exists, and I'll put up with it, but if I have to fight something, I don't want "engaging" combat mechanics, I just want to make the problem go away as quickly and with as little effort as possible. Like DrEngine said, the delay before and between attacks makes it harder to hit moving targets, and just generally makes the longblade feel slow and unresponsive. I always avoided melee with spears for that exact reason. The most recent tweak to increase the attack speed is definitely an improvement, but I still don't like the new longblade very much. I'd be OK with adding a second, lighter sword type with a fast swing similar to the old longblade but less overall DPS, as long as it had similar range.
  5. Have you tried clicking on the jug with a bowl in hand? I don't think you can "pour" jugs, just empty them into buckets/barrels. (Actually I think the only container you can "pour" is a crucible with molten metal.)
  6. You can't place source blocks with jugs. IIRC, you can use them to add water to cooking pots. Note that each serving of soup requires one liter of water, which is one bowl or one-third of a jug, so if you wanted to make a full pot of soup for some reason you'd need multiple trips with a jug or bowl.
  7. The wiki has a table of the necessary climatic conditions for the different types of trees. Apparently each individual sapling gets a bit of randomization in terms of its temperature tolerance, but I don't think there is any way of seeing the stats of a particular plant. I think you just have to plant them and wait to see if they die or not.
  8. If you're in a climate where it gets cold in the winter, wolves will have lower body weight and drop less meat and fat. Otherwise no difference.
  9. The forest floor turning into zero-fertility land sounds like a bug. Forest floor is new for 1.16 and may have some issues. As for water, you can gather small amounts for cooking etc. in clay bowls, and you can water your crops with a clay watering can. You only need a bucket to make a new water source block. Considering that in the real world it's not possible to create an inexhaustible source of water by dumping water in a hole in the first place, no matter how much water you use, needing a specific tool to do so doesn't break realism any further.
  10. Use bowls to take the food out; it will rot faster in the bowls.
  11. I think there is a mod to this effect, although I've never tried it. Also I think you can interact with the map while dead, so you can open it and place a marker at your current location before respawning.
  12. By default, the pole-equator distance is 100 thousand blocks, if I recall correctly (I suggest setting this much lower if you start a new world, to make it more feasible to visit multiple climatic areas). It will take a couple of real-world hours to walk from a default temperate start to a equatorial region. If you explore around enough, there are mechanisms in the game to travel long distances in short periods of time. Unfortunately, they go in semi-random directions, so there's no guarantee it will take you anywhere significantly different from your current location in terms of climate.
  13. Drifters should still be affected by sunlight, but I think they now require brighter light to run away, so you may have to wait until later in the morning for them to wander off on their own. If they aren't ever leaving, that sounds like a bug.
  14. Thanks! I may need to do some remodeling to my blacksmithery (those big wheels are big), but otherwise it sounds good.
  15. So now that I need to spam lanterns to riftproof the area around my base, I need to get my helve hammer setup streamlined. 1. What is the best way to run multiple items off of one windmill? Is the big cogwheel the best option? (I don't have a need to adjust torque/speed.) 2. Is there any way to run an axle line into a building while keeping the room winterproof?
  16. As far as I understand it, rifts will not spawn in well-lit areas. The cutoff is quite sharp; I have a tiny 2-block spot in the middle of my farm that isn't quite reached by the lanterns around it, and it gets rifts pretty consistently. Look around your base at night, and light up any spot that isn't clearly within the bright-light radius of a torch/lamp/lantern.
  17. Is it an existing world? If so, they will only spawn in newly-generated chunks, so you may have to travel a bit. They seem to be much more common in warmer climates. I've only found one or two fruit trees of any kind in temperate climates even while flying around in creative (on a newly-generated world), but in warm or tropical climates you can find a lot more. It seems like they tend to be in flattish areas with a moderate scattering of trees; not forests, but not quite open plains. They tend to show up quite distinctly on the map, as pale (almost white) roughly diamond-shaped blobs.
  18. There have been attempts to come up with color palettes that work for color-blind people. They tend to have a limited number of colors (and unfortunately also are frequently quite ugly.) Here's some examples: https://thenode.biologists.com/data-visualization-with-flying-colors/research/ https://medium.com/cafe-pixo/inclusive-color-palettes-for-the-web-bbfe8cf2410e
  19. My point is that we don't need 100 colors, much less 16 million, because there is no point in including colors that are too similar; they all need to be distinct enough from each other that they can be clearly told apart. Ideally, you'd want a set of colors hand-picked to give good contrast and readability, and considering the size of the map icons, I doubt that you could find a set with more than maybe 20 colors.
  20. Currently I don't think individual actions can have separate settings; that is, every action that uses "shift" as part of its input will be affected by changing "shift" to a different key. Basically, the game just checks if you are crouching when you perform the action or not. So you have to make sure to set "crouch" and "sprint" to keybinds that can be combined with other keys/mouseclicks.
  21. I preferred the original fast, less weighty swing, personally. It felt more fluid and immediate. I don't have a problem with the longblade feeling like a bigger version of the knife.
  22. I don't think 32 colors is necessary; at the size of the icons, I don't think more than about 12-16 would be clearly distinguishable. The grid palettes are a bit slower to use than a standard dropdown, because you have to move the mouse more....
  23. Yay! Time to mess with lotsa new stuff! I think there was mention of a server command to disable rifts: does anyone recall what it is?
  24. Farmland does not drop anything, ever. It's to prevent you from cheesing the crop rotation mechanics. If you want to be able to pick up farmland, there's a mod for that.
  25. I'm not sure how you would go about respawning ores in a game like this, where you have to physically remove terrain to extract the ores. And there's many resources that are finite and can be exhausted in a well-populated area, from digging up all the clay or peat to transplanting all the berries or cattails. In general, it seems to me that if you want a long-running multiplayer server with dense population centers, and also want new players to be able to join at any time, there has to be some sort of on-boarding process where the existing players help the new people get kitted out, or a policy of having people spread out so that they aren't all collecting resources from the same area.
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