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Everything posted by Thorfinn

  1. I went through that phase, too, @Yozo. Easiest way to get past it is to learn how not to get hit by playing single player for as long as it takes. Double headed are not that hard to deal with, 6, maybe 8 flint spears or so. Somewhere around there, anyway. I never paid enough attention; I just chuck spears until he drops, and I rarely have better than Improvised armor (firewood and grass) for at least the first storm or two. @DejFidOFF is right -- you have about even odds of getting a TG at just 25 surface drifters, which can happen on the first night if you are lucky enough to get Apocalyptic activity. I'm never that lucky. Usually I don't get Apoc except during the daytime, for at least the first month. There are first night drifter traps you can build that allow you to harvest with impunity, but do that sparingly. You need to get good enough to live through a storm.
  2. This is true for things like carrots, turnips and onions (though being biennials, seeds are year 2, which would really change early game), but not for grains, and especially not for the only one I really care all that much about, flax. The end stage is easily dealt with. Just stop wasting time planting stuff. One greenhouse on medium fertility soil will produce enough that you have to throw away rot.
  3. Same, but 2 crucibles instead of a crock. They stack, and, worst case, it can hold stacks of ore (lead, tin, bismuth, silver, etc.) in case I need to leave something behind.
  4. I didn't even notice it. Digging one block of clay yields several blocks in inventory. It can't be more than 1 per mold. Which are the bad molds? Maybe I should pay more attention.
  5. Maybe. Even probably if you do melee fighting. A couple points multiplied by good armor is worth it with a 20 attack nightmare, for instance. But anything above gambeson incurs such a nasty accuracy debuff that instead of being able to kill almost everything at range, I end up taking melee damage. It's particularly bad in cramped quarters like caves, or storms when things can spawn right behind you, and you are not fast enough at clearing out the ones in front of you. The way I play, a couple points combined with reduction for gambeson, just not worth it. [EDIT] All I'm looking for is enough HP to not get one-shotted. Some of those are pretty tough to avoid. If I can't avoid taking the second hit, that's on me. [/EDIT]
  6. You are right. There is no game point to cheese. Best case, it's 2.5 HP, but practically speaking, more like 1.5, assuming you are keeping the easy ones topped up. Just increasing satiety does not help that either, largely because it makes buying cheese that much smarter. Not sure how to address it without rethinking satiety to some extent. The difference between 20 and 22.5 HP is not enough to make all the time and effort worthwhile.
  7. Right. Again, I think the best answer is to not obsess about the animation. At this point in development anyway. It seemed to me that the issue likely arose because of how timing of cave ins worked. Knowing when a block is about to give way gets much more important when misreading a block's status can be lethal.
  8. Interesting ideas. However, you both remember that simply slowing mining rate by 20% was rejected by the community and patched back out just a single sub-release later, right? And the reason for the initial 20% "nerf" was to match the effect to the animation, right? If you want to have softer stones cause less wear than current, that could work, but we already know nerfing from the current specs (making some stones cause more wear) will spawn complaints, and not ones based on "realism". By extension, once the baseline expectation is established that sandstone incurs 20% less wear, that can never be reversed. We already know that creating an animation and matching mining rate to it is unacceptable. The effect would be to slow down the tuning of tools because each rock hardness would need it's own animations, by tool level, and instead of just changing an entry in a JSON for durability, you now have to rewrite animations. As it gets closer to full release, yes, both are great ideas. But at this stage? All the extra work of balancing and creating new animations?
  9. I don't use the map, so can't speak to that, but for the last couple versions, I've seen intermittent issues with mouse wheel. Mostly I just don't use the mouse wheel anymore except by accident, but every time I ran into problems scrolling hotbar, I'd scroll into backpack slots and that would seem to fix it. Mostly I stopped using it because if I had free space in hotbar, sometimes when I was trying to rapidly scroll, it would pick up something in the hotbar and place it in the empty slot. If I was in a hurry to get healing, and scroll past an empty spot several times, it might completely screw up the hotbar. Inconsistent enough and irritating enough that the wheel wasn't worth bothering with. Weapon in slot 1, torches in slot 2, primary tool (empty if picking up sticks or stones) in 3, healing in slot 4. 1&4 are selectable while holding down "w", 2&3 are convenient when I'm not busy dodging.
  10. It goes by the worldgen parameters for the region. Brown bears spawn down to something absurdly low, like 0.1 forest or something like that. If you walk through a grassy plain, not a tree, not a bush in sight, it probably qualifies as 0.1 forest. If a bear has ever spawned in the area, yeah, that's bear country, and I'm not sure it matters what you do with that block. You can probably pave every tile and it can still spawn bears. Now in 1.19, brown bears live in much colder climes, so it's easier to be south of where they spawn. Walls don't work very well -- I think they have to be 3-4 high, but I think they obey a single fence. However, they have a substantial reach "through" that fence. Leave a 1-wide gap between your outer fence and your inner fence and you should be good.
  11. Haven't checked in a while, but I'm pretty sure you can set them to passive.
  12. Interesting, @UnderTow. How do you see that working? Would it extend the lifespan of tools? Increase tool speed for a defined number of uses? Something else?
  13. I'm a fan of rule of cool. I can't see myself ever using them, but why not? It would be nice if there were a Mod Suggestions subforum. Seems to me this idea would be great for that. If lots of people use that mod, then it would be a good candidate for adding to the base game.
  14. Oh, well that makes sense. I never thought to put the two together before. Would certainly explain why sometimes wild hives populate quickly, sometimes never. Sometimes my inability to grasp the obvious astounds even me.
  15. You have to develop an eye for it, because unlit firepits are only brightness 3. And last version I did that with (either early 1.18 or late 1.17 I think) you could not leave anything in the fuel slot and still have it emit light. Or maybe you had to leave the cooking slot empty. One or the other. I don't recall. You will figure it out. The point of putting it on a fencepost (which is less expensive than even a block of dirt) is to get it out above the tall grass so it can be seen from a distance. Another thing I have used from time to time is to make a hoe and turn a single block of dirt into farmland. Permanent, and cost you no more than 1/30 of a rock and a stick. I've even used non-native flowers. Something like Woad in a biome that is filled with Lupine or Lily of the Valley is distinctive once you get used to looking for it.
  16. Used to use the firepit, particularly one built on a single fencepost so you can see the faint glow in the distance (50+ blocks) at night. My current favorite is a block or 5 of packed earth placed at the top of a ladder I'm using to scout terrain. Visible during the day from hundreds of blocks away.
  17. Wow. Nope, never seen that. Coming up on first big harvest of the new version, so if I have time tonight, I should see.
  18. No. In some countries, wild animals breeding is not considered family-friendly. Instead, you have to go at things more like, "When a mommy chicken and a daddy chicken love each other very much..."
  19. There was a version of 1.18 that I wondered about the same thing. Never did get an angry swarm before the next update. No idea if it was bugged or I was just that lucky.
  20. At the moment, the closest thing to that I can think of is Bricklayers. https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/329 Not painting, exactly, but you can use colored glazes and the like to make pottery really pop.
  21. All it did in that case was keep you warm, assuming you were standing somewhere close to it. It's the bit @DejFidOFF underlined that is important. (BTW, good job explaining that, @DejFidOFF. Back when I had the same problem figuring it out, I was trying to parse the text several people posted to figure out what they meant. In retrospect it was easy, but your pictures would have made all the difference to me.)
  22. Sure, why not? In the meantime, rafts are pretty easy to make.
  23. They have triple now? That might have been it. I just assumed anything with more than one is a double. Mostly, I don't care that much about the loot, except very early when a rusty gear or strand of flax is worthwhile going after. I just noticed several seemed to have better drops when I was clearing caves, and I usually don't have all the flax I need when the first storm comes around. While this was admittedly a larger locust nest than I'm used to (or maybe it was 2 nests that spawned next to each other) there were 8, maybe 10 of the ruined nests and 2 (maybe 3?) of the nests that drop locusts with every hit, and I walked out with 3 Jonas parts.
  24. Spotting resources is an art. It takes some time to get good at it. I play with a guy who is awesome at it. Puts me to shame. Elevation helps a lot. Even 10 tiles above the ground is enough to see over all the high grass, 15 is better, 25 is about the limit of what I find useful for spotting copper. It gives you useful eyes on pretty much everything within 25-30 blocks, so some 3k blocks. Anything much further than that you can't really distinguish rock from copper (or at least I can't) unless in basalt. 35-64 or more is great for getting overall lay of the land, as well as spotting every clay and peat deposit, most crops, all berries, more or less all critters, all ruins, all traders, probably 1/3 of the resin that isn't obscured by needles, most of the TP/HFS, etc. Nerdpoles work, ladders work better. To get good at what things look like from that perspective, use Spear and Fang's Zoom Button, but before long you will find you don't need it anymore. In single-player, you can even open the handbook, slide it out of the way, and pause your game while you develop the skill of taking it all in at a glance.
  25. OT, but I think drifter drops have been improved. Pretty sure I'm getting flax often enough to make it worthwhile to go into night intending to go hunting instead of just running around sticking.
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