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Fish? Tell me what fish you'd like to see added to an aquatic life type mod if one was made... y'know uh... hypothetically... yeah, hypothetically.

Cosmic Hermit

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I've been meaning to re-familiarize myself with C# and was looking for a good excuse. With the new focus on the ocean brewing in upcoming 1.20, I was wondering if possibly there'd be some interest in more swimming creatures mods and what sorts of creatures people would be interested in... y'know in case someone was going to make that kind of thing.  Who you ask? What are you a cop? What I do with my free time is between me and my ide. :)

P.S.: The more specific the better, hit me with your favorite obscure, near extinct hasn't been observed in the wild for 70 years, only member of its order, evolutionary remnant from the triassic, not even sure if its actually a fish species you've got. Or don't, maybe you like goldfish, I'm not here to judge.  And if you think fish are lame and that this is a bad idea let me know too. I'm just testing the waters here. Fishing for ideas if you will. Casting a line out and looking to see what bites. Okay I'll see myself out.

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I was going to say "longjaw cisco" until I realized they are were freshwater fish. Actually, basically all of the fish I know are freshwater.

Oh! I have a good one. The NZ grayling. I think that's the only saltwater fish to have gone provably extinct in the last few centuries.

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Trilobites, jelly fish, anemones to start...

Sea horses, barracuda (aka wolf of the sea), crabs, lobsters and giant clams.  OH!  squid, like KRAKEN type squid. 

And lastly, the mighty clown fish! coz the anemones get lonely if the clown fish aren't around.

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On 8/11/2024 at 4:53 AM, xXx_Ape_xXx said:


Darn it, you beat me to it!

Hmmmm, I'll have to think on it for a while, but otherwise here are some that come to mind:

Oceanic sunfish
Amazonian pink dolphin
Mahi mahi

Now I know some of those aren't fish(dolphins and whales), however they are aquatic creatures and from a medieval context they do count as fish, I think. Beluga, narwhal, and other whales would really help add life to the arctic regions.

Edit: Also not a fish, but--spider crabs.

Edited by LadyWYT
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These suggestions are magnificent, certainly enough to occupy my time for a bit.  Sunfish and rays occupy a soft, parasite covered, part of my heart.  The venerable coelacanth and most sharks are quite welcome [there are some ancient sharks that made some questionable head fashion choices]. Manatees are good people and yes the clown fish is truly the most MIGHTY of all aquatic species.  I think that crustaceans should be welcome too.  The New Zealand Grayling has an interesting fin layout, I'll have to do some research on it but I assume? it's a thunniform swimmer.  Basically I'm saying I like all of these suggestions and check back with me in a month or so to see some small percent of the implementation. I have no idea how mermaid commercial logistics would work though.  Manatee saddles? Fish bladders as buoyancy aides for the cart? I need to do some thinking.  More suggestions welcome of course and thanks for commenting! We will bring the seas to life! 

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I absolutely despise the ocean, but i love the sealife there!
I would personally like to see in no particular order (some are redundant to previous posts):

-Anglerfish (Maybe see their lights at night rather than the day considering its a deep sea fish.)
-Frilled sharks, or sharks in general
-Spider crabs
-Coelacanth (Rare spawn, but a nice addition since they're well known!)
-Shrimps (Maybe a fishing basket to catch and farm them? Tasty sea roaches~)
-Dolphins (Hate these fuckin things for a multitude of reasons...)
-Viperfish (My personal favorite fish)
-Blob fish (Funny fellas, look up how they look when they aren't crushed by the depths when they die and float to the top.)
-Tuna/Mackerel/Salmon/Cod, etc
-Perhaps types of clams? Clams are nice! They could also have a low chance to give pearls to craft pearl necklaces.
-Moray Eels!
-Oarfish! Lots of sea serpent myths come from these guys
-Octopi (Blue ring, Dumbo, Mimic, and Umbrella specifically.)
-Giant squids (Kracken bois)

And finally Seahorses! I love seahorses so much. And an idea i've always liked was to make them a sort of sea mount, although that might be difficult since mount code isn't readily avaliable for Vintagestory quite yet as of writing this.

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