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Everything posted by Bumber

  1. There's a lack of any real usable information here. Maybe contact the mod creator of that anonymous mod and let them know it's still not working in whichever way it's supposed to work? You can create a new world without deleting your current one to see if that does anything to fix the issue at all. Edit: Also, %AppData%/VintagestoryData/Logs/server-main.txt contains "[Error]" messages that usually describe a problem.
  2. Pretty sure you just need 1 since you can refill buckets with one you've placed.
  3. Boiling water seems to kill reasonably fast. I built a setup that just kills all drifters and lets you loot them safely. Creative mode prototype: There's a small opening on either side of the bottom block of glass that lets you butcher drifters while crouching. It seems small enough that you can attack them but they can't hit you back: It doesn't seem like you can butcher any wolves that wander in, due to their hitbox being shorter. Might be better to move the opening down a microvoxel or two. (Edit: Drifters can hit you if you do.) You'll take heat damage if you walk against the wall facing the center of the pit (or stub your toe while entering through the door) without crouching, so I opted to add some extra panes of glass to prevent that. The bottom pane serves as the floor you stand on (and can be replaced with a solid block instead,) and prevents the toe-stubbing damage. The forward panes prevent the damage from walking against the wall. The panes are all 1 microvoxel thick, and the walls of the blocks are 2 microvoxels thick. A view of how it all fits together: Here's my survival mode build, in which I added a microblock to the intake to prevent anything in the hotspring (e.g., loose items) from flowing down into the pit. There's a convenient spot right above it to place a block to shut off the water to the pit:
  4. They're medieval goggles, though, not modern ones. Compare power usage of ENIAC (174,000 watts) versus an iPhone (<1 watt) less than a century later. The night vision probably works by warping light or viewing an alternate reality, given the use in translocators to open wormholes.
  5. This one technically didn't involve spelunking: Was lucky enough to have one just sitting at the end of a valley. There's now an option in the mod to get the full materials back. (However, the OP stated they weren't interested in modding.)
  6. It seems exclusively useful for creating cupronickel ingots.
  7. For a long time I used no armor and wooden lamellar armor, relying on just a shield or kiting to avoid getting hit. This worked up until the eidolon fight, since I couldn't dodge the falling rocks. I skipped over gambeson and made a set of bismuth bronze lamellar. Not bad, except it got instantly shredded by a double headed drifter during the first temporal storm I used it in. I went to forlorn hope armor after I found enough gold, which was much better. It didn't get much time to shine, since I made steel plate soon afterwards. (Will probably use again if I go hunting for Jonas parts, since it has good move speed for the protection, and I don't want to be taking off my armor to move.) I've been using broken blackguard armor and other low durability trash I found in the archives just to run around in and kill wolves. (Will probably switch back to my lamellar after that all breaks.) During temporal storms I equip my steel plate. It's slow and noisy, but I don't need to move around as much.
  8. Borax tends to be rarer than resin, however.
  9. I doubt it's suitable for the same purpose. Starches tend to break down over time, especially if they're going to be exposed to moisture (i.e., outside,) and aren't durable enough for moving parts. You'd use it for book-binding, which isn't done in VS right now.
  10. Should be able to put walnuts into pies if you can't already. Edit: You can't. (Also increase their yield from trees, since they give only 40 sat each and rarely break even for replanting.) What's stopping you now? You can put almost everything into porridge and vegetable stew.
  11. Save file should be fine. Some mods will work, but others won't.
  12. 1. Don't know what the answer was back when this was asked, but they respawn in 24-72 hours now. assets/survival/config/dialogue
  13. Checked the mod's source code and found this: public static int GetMin(NatFloat natFloat) => (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Round(natFloat.avg - natFloat.var)); public static int GetMax(NatFloat natFloat) => (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Round(natFloat.avg + natFloat.var)); Which lines up with https://github.com/anegostudios/vssurvivalmod/blob/master/Systems/Trading/TradeItem.cs: Price = (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Round(Price.nextFloat(1f, world.Rand))), And https://github.com/anegostudios/vsapi/blob/master/Math/NatFloat.cs: rnd = (float)rand.NextDouble() - 0.5f; return offset + multiplier * (avg + rnd * 2 * var); Documentation for Math.Round: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.math.round?view=net-7.0#system-math-round(system-double) Turns out the "why" is "floating point issues". The price range is dependent upon the floating point representation of the result. Given this, there might only be a 1 in 2^23 (or 1:8388608 or 0.000012%) chance of getting the min/max value.
  14. I'm trying to figure out how traders calculate their min and max prices for goods, but I'm stumped by an inconsistency. Here are some trades from an agriculture trader: Sells: honeycomb | avg=1, var=0.25 | calculated range 0.75 to 1.25 | actual price 1 2x beeswax | avg=2, var=0.5 | calculated range 1.5 to 2.5 | actual price 2 2x cabbage seeds | avg=6, var=1.5 | calculated range 4.5 to 7.5 | actual price 4 to 8 Buys: woolen shirt | avg=6, var=1.5 | calculated range 4.5 to 7.5 | actual price 4 to 8 aged wooden crate | avg=3, var=0.75 | calculated range 2.25 to 3.75 | actual price 2 to 4 I got the actual prices from the Extra Info mod handbook, but it seems to line up with the in-game result. As you can see, the first two seem to result in a single value rather than a range, while the rest have a price range that is rounded down/up for the min/max. Honeycomb not rounding down to 0 is understandable, and 1.25 not rounding up to 2 makes sense if it's consistent everywhere, but why doesn't beeswax result in a price range of 1 to 3 instead of just 2?
  15. They take 336 hours (14 days) to grow up after spawning. The natural pup must have been around for a while before you caged it.
  16. Just had this happen from eating 2 flax grains near low hunger. Stayed at 148 saturation for a considerable time despite 150%+ hunger modifier. I've also had it happen from eating a meat stew just after respawning (i.e., 750 sat.) The effect persisted through 5+ deaths to a double-headed drifter, the end of the temporal storm, and through part of the next day. The actual annoying part of this bug is that nutrition continues to drop and you can't recover it while your saturation is full. (And dying cuts your nutrition dramatically, so killing yourself just to lose 750 saturation points is a nonstarter.) Edit: Exiting and re-entering the world in singleplayer seems like it fixes the issue?
  17. The workaround for this is to click a hotbar slot before pressing tab. Still somewhat annoying.
  18. I went ahead and tested this and it seems to be correct. I constructed a large artificial platform over ocean so that there wouldn't be any nearby surface caves to spawn in. I checked "/entity count" multiple times throughout the night and there were no surface or deep drifters ever. (Tainted drifters and lower were confirmed to spawn in caves under the ocean.) Results were the same after enabling rifts and restarting. No active rifts on my platform meant no drifters.
  19. I'm pretty sure nightmare drifters don't spawn on the surface aside from world-wide temporal storms, which you can't escape from (aside from disabling them in world settings.) You mean like a Rift Ward? Those just block the usual rifts, though, which aren't the same level of threat.
  20. There's absolutely no reason why this would be the case. They spawn in light* level 7 and lower, from 85% of the way from mantle to sea level, up to the top of the map. Maybe a full moon is bright enough to prevent spawning while it lasts. If there's too many (i.e., 14) surface drifters in your caves, then they won't spawn on the surface until the old ones despawn. The despawn condition is farther than 32 blocks for 30 seconds, so that's unlikely to be an issue for long, especially if you or the drifters are moving around. *Uses MaxTimeOfDayLight, which is the higher value of the current sunlight/moonlight or artificial light.
  21. I find that the ResinOnAllSides mod also helps a lot in not missing the trees with resin.
  22. I decided to look into this more after noticing they have "fallIntoDamageMul: 30" in the JSON. (Checking the source code, this number is multiplied by falling speed to get the resulting damage.) Testing in creative, I noticed that drifters that die from this damage aren't crushed. In theory, this would mean that you could have them fall from a great height onto the spikes and they'd instantly die while still providing the full loot. However, it looks like the damage calculation is bugged somehow. Most of the time, anything that lands on the spike (including the player) takes about at most 3 damage from the spike (regardless of height) and receives 0 falling damage!
  23. They do, but it can be very slow. (Might not happen while unloaded?) A tip I heard is that you can just till the soil below them without needing to break and replant.
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