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Everything posted by Stroam

  1. Too bad we can't do a poll. That's three for buckets unable to place water source blocks. How do you imagine pumps would be made and how would they work? I am familiar with modern water pumps and the Archimedes cork screw. Romans used siphons.
  2. Oh, so natural water carried by aqueducts would be able to power water wheels. What prevents an aqueduct from branching and powering an infinite amount of machines? Or do we care how many machines it can power?
  3. The only issue to aqueducts making infinitely flowing water is what's the point if water buckets can create water sources? Also, wood in contact with water is a good way to foul slow moving water. Romans used terracotta and lead though preferred terracotta. I've seen stone used, and of course, copper or copper alloy works great. Slime channels only use one block id but move entities fine though they don't slope which is probably why you need more than one ID. River gradients tend to be measured in meters per kilometer which honestly means in a block world it'd be one to three blocks per 1000 blocks. If I were to make water, I'd have water source blocks with the flow direction. Flow direction would be the eight cardinal directions, zero, and down. There would only be one non-source water flow block. Source blocks would be created by having the non-source water block over a solid block that isn't soil based(dirt, grass, gravel, etc). at which point the flow block would turn into a source block with the flow direction of the non-source block. The second way a source block would be created is if air is under the non-source block or a downward flow source block, it creates a downward flow source block. With this system, farmland could be irrigated by making channels from a river or creating aqueduct to bring in water from far away. Buckets would not be able to place down source blocks, nor would they destroy them. Wells would be a multiblock structure allowing one to fill up buckets as long as the center of the well had nothing but air between the top of the well and a water source below. This would make underground water useful and more of a hazard while mining. I would also make the oceans a separate source block that returns salt water and ocean blocks would void state to the ocean block. Meaning if you remove an ocean block by placing a block and then removing that air block would automatically turn into an ocean block. Basically stops people from hollowing out the ocean.
  4. I think he's talking about special world gen water blocks that can be used to power a water mill that when picked up by a bucket destroys it. Something like a strong current water block.
  5. I got tired of having so many different mods adding building stuff and then multiple mods needing the same tools so I combined them all into one large building mode. I welcome you to Brick by Brick! This mod adds a number of building materials. Grants access to some vanilla building materials only available in creative mode. Also includes smithing recipe for the chisel. Search the thread for the latest updates. 1.8.6-BrickByBrick.zip 1.7.3-BrickByBrick.zip 1.6.7-BrickByBrick.zip If any recipes say something generic like sand, it means any sand can be used. Special thanks to: Milo for helping out with the lamppost code. Novocain for doing various art such as the roman roads. Tyron for advice and creating such a wonderful game.
  6. @DMKW With stats increasing with breeding I don't know if players will need more encouragement. Any command is possible with enough code. I purposely used "wolf" instead of "dog" when talking about training to emphasize that while trainable, there are just some things that would be exceedingly difficult to train a wolf to do. @redram To go from a wolf to most of the breeds we have today would be unrealistic. Some of the older breeds could be in the realm of possibilities. While breeds do add on another degree of complexity programming wise, I do think it could be a good way to visually differentiate different breeds from each other. Especially if the graphical changes corresponded to functional wolf stats such as how I state strength changing how large the wolf is.
  7. This is an idea for a mod and not really for vanilla game content. No guarantees on if it'll ever be a thing but I thought I'd post is here for the sake of discussion and in case any ambitious modder was looking for ideas. I assume at some point wolf pups will be tamable. Everyone who has played Minecraft knows the tamed wolves are pretty useless. They do attack things the player attacks, scare off skeletons, sit, and follow. I think a wolf training system would make tamed wolves more useful and be entertaining. First wolf training would be a skill. Each time a player successfully teach a wolf a skill they get a skill point up to a max of 100. Some wolf skills can only be taught by a skilled wolf trainer. Simple enough Step one Bonding: Before a player can teach a tamed wolf anything the player must bond with it. Basically, the player feeds it when it's hungry and eventually hearts particles will popup letting the player know they are ready to bond. Once a wolf is ready to bond the player gets +1 wolf training and must name the Wolf. To name the wolf, take a whistle and click it on the wolf. Once named, a radial overlay will pop up when sneaking with the whistle allowing the player to quickly give it commands. This would work similar to switching wand foci in Thaumcraft if you've ever done that. Basically while holding a doggie treat and sneaking your mouse would appear in a center circle with all the commands appearing on the outside allowing you to quickly select an option. Step two Training: When after a player has bonded they can begin to teach their wolf tricks. The player commands the wolf and watches to see what the wolf does. If the wolf follows the command the player should reward it with a treat. Rewarding the wolf has a chance to increase how often the wolf obeys. Different wolves will start off at different levels of being trained determined by the parents or random if from the wild. So one would might right off the bat obey about 50% of the time while another might only obey 10% of the time. They also have different learning rates. Some wolves will catch on quickly while others not so much. As the players training skill increases so too does the chance that the wolf will learn to obey more often when given a treat. At first, the players radial menu will start off with only sit and follow commands but more options will be added as both the players' training skill increases and the wolf learns more. The player needs to be careful not to give the wolf a treat when it disobeys an order or it might start unlearning a command. Step three learned skills Once a wolf obeys a command 90% of the time or higher it is considered a learned skill. At that point, the whistle may be given to another player who may not be high enough to teach that command but will have access to that command because the wolf already knows it. learned behaviors Wolves will get gain a deeper understanding of skills over time as it gains expierence. For instance, if a wolf is told to guard an area it will bark at any mob or player that enters the area. If it is barking at a chicken and the player commands it to stop all the time, it'll eventually learn not to bark at chickens. If it keeps getting attacked by wild animals or players, the wolf will start to attack other players and mobs on sight. breeding Over time by paying attention to how quickly wolves pick up things and how obedient they are at the start you may breed wolves to become more obedient, learn quicker, have more hp, and do more damage. Under the hood Mechanics
  8. Stroam

    Adventure locations

    I wish you would make rare unique features that have a chance of appearing in biomes.
  9. inside and outside corners would be awesome. Didn't like Minecraft's auto-connect stairs as it took some tricks to behave how you wanted it sometimes.
  10. If you could do a video on this. That would be awesome! The tutorial is great and by looking at your github I figured it out but a video would take more of the guesswork out.
  11. When Minecraft came out of alpha it went up to 10 euros back in June 2010. It had the overworld, biomes, the basic mobs, custom skins, minecarts, crafting, dungeons, creative multiplayer, and passed 20,000 in sales. When it jumped to 15 euros in December 2010, it had added redstone, boats, survival multiplayer, more mobs, more building blocks, sneaking, compasses, and the nether. One of the stunts Minecraft pulled was to make the game free to play when the authentication server went down for a weekend which made the news and pulled in a lot of new players who bought it when the servers came back online. I would say definitely not at the 15 euro mark yet. However, 8 years have passed since that release of Minecraft, inflation, and everything I could see 10 euros. I do like copygirls' idea of early adopters being able to buy copies at the origonal purchase price for friends and family. I think a couple free trial weekends at key times when kids get out of school for the summer or go on break would help bring in fresh players. I am still going to vote don't raise it because it seems like the intelligent way to go. The barrier to entry needs to be low enough that the game can build momentum. A player base that will attract more players. I joined very recently and did so because of the youtube videos, seeing some people I was familiar with in discord, it's comparison to TFC, but mostly because I was looking for a project. I was already looking into various Minecraft clones to see what was out there. Something I could contribute to and help shape and I feel that is the state VS is currently in. Tangent: Because I'm tired.
  12. I'll be adding ore specific pages that'll have pictures showing ore distribution so players have a graphical understanding of how deposit spawns looks for each ore.
  13. @tony Liberatto It has been updated on the wiki.
  14. code: "bituminouscoal", blockcode: "ore-bituminouscoal-{parentblocktype}", parentblockcodes: ["rock-*"], placement: "followsealevel", radius: { dist: "gaussian", avg: 5, var: 5 }, depth: {dist: "uniform", avg: 0, var: 0.7 }, thickness: { dist: "stronginvexp", avg: 1, var: 2.3 }, quantity: 1.5, surfaceBlockCode: "looseores-{parentblocktype}-bituminouscoal", withOreMap: true @Milo what do you suppose quantity functions as? Also, I see some with avg = var, Do you think that sometimes when it tries to spawn there's a chance for none to spawn? Also, there is now an ore deposit page on the wiki. Feel free to add to it. http://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Ore_Deposits
  15. 256 * 0.43 = 110 so sea level couldn't be at y=115 (absolute) and at 0.43. Standing on the mantle is -114. Standing on top of the highest point I can build is 139. 139+114 = 253. I assume the missing three is under the mantle so that means the bottom would be at -117. That would make y=0 (relative) at y=117(absolute).
  16. Alright, so it's uniformly distributed from 0.6 * max map height to the bottom of the map. If sea level is at y=0 and the max map height is 256 then 256 * 0.6 = 153.6 so then relative height such that V shows would be 153.6 - (256 * 0.43) = +43.52. So Cassiterite has an even chance(uniform) of spawning anywhere from +43.52 to -110. In theory at least because it's programmed that way though sometimes programs don't do quite what you'd expect. @tony Liberatto Chunk size is 32 so every 32 blocks.
  17. You are right. For grinding they tended to use people or livestock to move a wheel around in a circle.
  18. I went into creative and punched 20 16x16 holes about every 70 blocks heading in a straight path due north. I kept track of four ores and their height each time I found them. The results are: bismuth cass gold silver -104 -96 -97 -88 -45 -69 -100 -77 -94 I also looked at the game files and gold and silver spawn in the same way. What this tells me is for this test Bismuth was rare this map despite the game file saying it has a higher chance than tin. Tin spawns below -50 and be found at about every 10 levels down till the bottom of the map. Gold and Silver is always found in quartz usually at around -97. According to the game files, the deposits of tin and bismuth are generally small around 4 ores in a deposit and the deposits of gold and silver tend to be 2 or 3 ores. In extremely rare circumstances there can be a massive cassiterite deposit. Consider yourself extremely lucky if you find one. Take this information with a good helping of salt as this was a very small sample with varying distances, propicking only when ores were found, and if you are playing on the public server then there's no telling when ore spawns might have changed and when that chunk was generated. Based on this information and the fact I tried cave exploring in creative mode to no avail my guidelines are propick every 64 blocks until you pick up on the deposit you want and then every 16. Then keep propicking until you locate the "center". I would then dig down to -57 and make exploratory branch tunnels out 16 blocks in each direction. I'd double check with the propick on each tunnel. I'd then continue down 10 levels and repeat until I hit -107. For Gold and silver, I'd dig down until I hit a quartz layer around -100 and then branch mine through the quartz at around that level. I had much difficulty finding ore in creative mode so know it's going to take a long time even with this technique to find ore. With more data we could eventually improve on these techniques.
  19. I think just as blocks placed by players will have bit showing it was placed, so to should liquids and that player placed liquids should not be able to power water wheels. Plus I like windmills more. I'm sure rivers will come in time.
  20. I've been doing everything but the narrowing in. I need to do something different because I can't seem to find bismuth or tin by exploring caves.
  21. No, I have not. I might do that next time I'm feeling nostalgic for the game. Skyrim is the only single player game I've spent over 200 hours on. In fact, on Steam it says I've spent over 300. Right now about the only game I feel like replaying is Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Which to bring us back to the subject. Heart canisters is another reason I've explored in the past. ^^ and puzzle dungeons
  22. -I want to know what gets you out to explore in video games. Nearly everyone loves exploring. Early game you explore to find basic resources. Mid to late game it's for ore and pumpkin seeds. If the game is to support master crafters then you shouldn't be able to find things better than can be crafted. Some things that make me want to explore are: Interesting terrain. I like building in jungles and on mountains, cliffs, and other extreme vertical landscape. If I got to choose one biome to add to the game it would be a cloud forest because it combines my love of vertical extremes, tropics, large trees, and fog. Another is underground structures. For instance, I completely explored every inch of the dwarven cities in Skyrim and caves. Speaking of which I should add mineral formations in caves as a suggestion. My favorite parts of exploring caves and underground structures were finding glowing stuff and large open areas. I mean who doesn't like glowing mushrooms, worms, jellyfish, trees, etc. Unique above ground structures but at least in Minecraft, those are usually player made. Like mountaintop temples and such. Useful uncultivatable herbs. I go every year into the mountains to find huckleberries, wild strawberries, and other delicious uncultivatable foodstuffs. Finding animals. Lots of people like collecting every animal in Minecraft. However, that does lead to lag in some cases when people have huge herds of animals. I do wish animals couldn't survive very well outside of certain Biomes. Like camels where it snows, or tigers in the desert. I also wish animals took maintenance to limit people from making huge herds they rarely attend to. Also if fishing is ever a thing then different fish in different places. In Monster Hunter and Shadow of the Colossus(an Awesome game that just got a graphics makeover and it was beautiful to start with), it was just to hunt down big things to kill. Actually, in a lot of games, I enjoyed finding big things to kill. I'd be lying if I said I never went into a dungeon for loot. Finding fat loot to sell, collectibles, gold/bottle caps, rare materials, etc. Of course in those games limited inventory wasn't a huge deal, though I always wished some merchant would follow behind me and pick everything up, giving me a lion share of the profits. Well, there's a few of my things. Let me know if some of them also apply to you and if there are other reasons you explore. Thanks
  23. I've added a few pages and done a bunch of edits. If anyone is looking for some information on the wiki and can't find it please let me know and I'll see about adding the missing info.
  24. There's a lot missing from the wiki. What is this bony soil I have? Saltpeter? What are the uses of the various crops? I've signed up using the same name as here.
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