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Sypher Tendervine

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Sypher Tendervine's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. The only thing that disappointed me is that you can't produce a giant pot of soup using the Cauldron. All my dreams of opening a soup kitchen, dashed....
  2. Is there a config for disabling the custom currency?
  3. Commoner chads represent. In all seriousness, I feel like people greatly under appreciate how dramatic the Blackguard's drawback and the Hunter's drawback are.
  4. It took me a minute but as soon as you said it, I realized this was the problem.
  5. When using the !time command, the bot seems to think that it's Spring, even in the dead of winter. w/ Latest 1.15.1
  6. Hey caps, is there any documentation for variable handlers like {strength}? If I deleted it in my config I totally would've forgotten it was there.
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