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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. Dear Homesteaders v1.16.0-rc.3, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. Besides the usual round of fixes, we've also added a few extra creative mode blocks that felt lacking. They are essentially a subset of the current creative blocks, but light emitting. One with light level 22, and the other one with light level 4, the latter of which allows for some interesting chiseling possibilities. In total, there are 58 new creative mode light source blocks. I hope it inspires you to make some fancy colorful builds Here are all the strongly light emitting ones And a smaller selection of the faint light sources, but still strongly glowing ones, chiseled into rock: Game updates Feature: Added 2 new sets of colorful creative mode blocks. One set of strong light and another with weak light, but both with max glow. Feature: Leather can now be dyed to make certain clothes (and a shield) instead of making the clothes in a barrel. Tweak: Boosted durability of steel armor to make it worthwhile (lamellar: 950->1600, brigandine: 1900->2600, chain: 1000->2000, scale: 2000->3500, steel: 3200->5500) Tweak: Added guides for alcohol and fruit trees, and other minor handbook entries. Tweak: Added recycling recipes for hay bed and thatched roof Tweak: Improved 1st person sling animation. Tweak: Leather is now a 3d model instead of a 2d sprite. Tweak: Slightly reduce fern tree density Tweak: Game crash resistance against corrupted large gears on TOPTS Tweak: Reduced cave art material cost by 50% (consume the pigment every 1/15 times instead of 1/10) Tweak/Fixed: Moving liquids on stacked liquid containers should now work correctly Fixed: Game crash when looking at rotten pots Fixed: Game crashing when an invalid language was set in the clientsettings.json Fixed: Should fix "incorrect srgb profile" error log spam on Linux Fixed: Should fix startup issues on some Linux distris Fixed: Waypoint names lost Fixed: Player intoxication not removed upon death Fixed: Server side crash when using a spear Fixed: Items in gui not glowing Fixed: Unable to place water with the bucket in some cases Fixed: .tfedit with empty hands left the mouse unlocked Fixed: Unable to remove cave art with the watering can Fixed: Transforms of the jug too large Fixed: Wrong flowering/fruiting/ripe info on fruit trees. The same issue probably also broke the fruiting cycle upon chunk reload. Fixed: Earthball texture inconsistency api Fixed: Unclear error with the new addeach json patch feature api tweak: Toggling LShift now shows/hides attribute info over hovered items right away
  2. Dear Homesteaders v1.16.0-rc.1, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. [Edit:] Also released rc.2 to fix a crash bug. Alrighty, 12 updates later v1.16 is feature complete. All that is left is to balance some mechanics and fix (hopefully mostly minor) bugs. As with the last major update I will only list everything new since pre.1 and then for the first stable release present you with a complete feature list again. Anyhow, check out our update video! Game updates Everything listed in the pre.1 blog post + tons of bugfixes for all newly introduced features Feature: Easy multimaterial chiseling - can now easily add more materials to a chiseled block, by dropping blocks into the tool model selector dialog Feature: Added rare polar bear spawn. The other bear types should get added in the future. Feature: Added vertical planks block Feature: Added 11 colored tailored gambeson + recipes Feature: 3 more fruit tree types: Breadfruit, Lychee and Pomegranate Feature: Added Rifts. These appear and disappear at random in the world. Drain your stability when close to one. Surface drifters now only spawn within a 25 block radius of rifts. Feature: Clockmaker exclusive feature - hacking spear. Each hit with a hacking spear gives the clock maker a 15% chance to hack a locust, which will then fight by his side. Beware, hacked locus are extremely jealous on one another Feature: Mushroom worldgen & growth rework Mushrooms no longer leave stumps when harvested, but will still regrow over time Completed Mushroom world generation mechanic. This produces distinct regions where certain only a subset of all mushrooms grow. Feature: Added another 7 more mushrooms Feature: Server side moddb install utility - /moddb Feature: Added jugs for drinking Feature: New world config to disable class exclusive recipes Feature: Added Alcohol-soaked bandages, and grid recipe for solder bars Feature: More combat rework Added crude wooden shields, when standing 15% chance of blocking 1.5 to 3 damage, when sneaking 85% chance of blocking 3 to 5 damage, depending on the shield type Mitigate cases where creatures attack players while looking away Ranged aiming accuracy buildup is now about 50% quicker The hurt screen overlay effect now indicates from which direction the attack came from Feature: Added admin longblade for testing purposes. (Creative mode only) Feature: Chatting while drunk now produces slurred words Feature: Added command /gm shorthand for /gamemode Tweak: Improved creative inventory search, e.g. when searching for "stone" the loose stones are near the top now Tweak: Major Crop rebalance. Doubled growth times and yields for most crops with some exceptions. (Experimental) Rye Cold Dmg changed to -12, Cold Mult to .75, and Heat Dmg to 27 (same heat dmg as turnip). Spawn conditions of Rye were changed to be in the -12 to 14 temperature range. Overal rye should now be more suited to northerly climates. Rice Heat Damage ceiling increased from default to 46. Peanut growth time was doubled, but yield was left alone. Amaranth growth time not changed, since its already about 50% of irl. Yield still doubled though. Cassava growth time was left alone, being already rather long (though still nowhere near irl). Yield was still doubled to keep the satiety per day vaguely 'competitive'. Doubled pumpkin mother plant growth time, but did not touch anything else, for now. Pineapple was not touched due to already being a very long growth time and its also the only farmable fruit. Tweak: Creature ai tweaks, applies to all creatures Slower look around speed They now tend to wander further Mitigate chasing derp (where creatures turn back for a second) Fixed walking sideways in 3rd camera mode caused animals to target wrongly Creature attack knockback now proportional to damage Tweak: Zoomed in all spear gui transforms. Looks weird but can tell apart spears more easily now. Tweak: Added more water bubbles when walking in water Tweak: Windmills no longer work underground, unless worldconfig undergroundWindmills is set to "true" Tweak: Slight speedup when walking in water, for creatures and players Tweak: Increased max light level spawn cap for drifters again, from 6 to 9 (as they are now also constrained by rift vicinity) Tweak: Added berry picking and shield blocking sound Tweak: Added tempStormFrequencyMul worldconfig Tweak: Standing still now reduces your hunger rate 4-fold instead of 3-fold Tweak: Renamed all spirits to brandy Tweak: Dark blocks now get a white selected block outline for easier chiseling Tweak: Reduced RAM usage by about 75 MB (Technical info: generate animation frames only on demand, optimized particles ram usage) Tweak: Fine tuned snow accumulating and melting to be a bit less abrupt. Tweak: Added white and gray dye Tweak: Removed liquid items from the creative inventory. Replaced them with liquids inside buckets. Added a new liquids creative tab. Tweak: All mods in the mod manager not having set up an icon will now use a default icon. Fixed crashing game if mods did not define a mod icon Tweak: Can now also right click with a bucket on the barrel slot in GUI to take out liquids (and also added holding CTRL to move only small portions) Fixed: Creature hurt sounds not playing? (Might break other things) Fixed: Wrong shading on first person held items Fixed: Missing texture on one of the shields Fixed: Freshly crafted clothes had not 100% condition Fixed: Missing texture on thrown hacking spears, fp hand spears upside down Fixed: Incorrect day/night cycle. Looks promising now, as in, behaving physically correct on all latitudes Fixed: First person spear upside down, spear attack animation a bit smoother Fixed: Ingame error text in front of dialogs Fixed: Missing "25k" option on world config world length Fixed: Freshly crafted clothes had not 100% condition Fixed: Chopping down bamboo chopped nearby bamboo trees Fixed: Able to always pick up clear quartz from loose quarts ores Fixed: Crash when setting the chisel tool mode right at the edge of a block Fixed: Derpy positioning of the itemstack infobox Fixed: Exception thrown on some /worldconfig commands Fixed: Opened coken oven doors dropping a different block variant Fixed: Should fix fern trees spawning underwater Fixed: Clay dupe glitch Fixed: Fog flicker when moving vertically Fixed: Game crashing when pasting text into the config world screen Fixed: Itemstack infobox sometimes displaying the wrong text Fixed: Fixed creature hostility configuration not properly applying whenever a major update comes out (To the author of the golden wolf mod: add "friendlyTarget:true" to your seek entity json config) Fixed: Firepit ash overlay culled with a block above Fixed: Woad not yellow in world map Fixed: Crash related to interacting with pies Fixed: Wrong sizes of cheese on shelves Fixed: Avoid an exception in the trader restock code if an item no longer exists (e.g. due to a removed mod) Fixed: Items in the grid crafting output slot starting to spoil/dry Fixed: "Dryable. Duration: NaN Hours" Fixed: Multimaterial chiseled blocks containing Glass disabled some faces that it shouldn't (glass chiseling is still not supported in vanilla though) Fixed: Difficulties using the teleport block on server with mild or heavy lag Fixed: Should fix rare crash in the error reporter API Updates since pre.1 Feature: New JSON Patch operation "addeach" allows inserting/appending of multiple elements in one operation. (the value must be an array) Feature: Added Block.PriorityInteract to be able to sneak interact with a block before sneak interacting with the currently held item Tweak: Added the boolean properties CanDrinkFrom, IsTopOpened and AllowHeldLiquidTransfer to BlockLiquidContainerBase, can also be set via json attribute (unless you use the class BlockLiquidContainerTopOpened, which sets them all to true) Refactor: Begin Engine paradigm shift - recipe systems are no longer engine exclusive. The meal cooking recipe system is now moved from api/engine to the survival mod, with the plan being that all recipe systems (grid recipes, barrel recipes, smithing recipes, clay forming recipes and knapping recipes) will be transferred to the survival mod. This means: If you need to look up cooking recipes, reference VSSurvivalMod.dll and exchange world.CookingRecipes with "Api.ModLoader.GetModSystem<RecipeRegistry>().CookingRecipes" or through the helper method "Api.CookingRecipes()" If you only add cooking recipe json files, no changes are required You can now add your own recipe system. Check out RecipeRegistry.cs for reference (still needs handbook support, though) Refactor: The Handbook and all recipe system except grid recipes are now part of the survival mod. If you accessed any of the recipe lists via api.World.XXXRecipes, you now need to reference VSSurvivalMod.dll, then you can access them via api.GetXXXRecipes() Refactor: All Barrel recipes that have liquids as input or output, instead of quantity and stacksize respectively, these should now define "litres". However for backwards compatibility, if the recipe loader encounters a liquid ingredient or output without a litres definition, it will assume quantity/stacksize = litres and log a warning. Refactor: Rename BlockLiquidContainerBase.GetInContainerProps to BlockLiquidContainerBase.GetContainableProps Refactor: The block code for planks has changed from planks-{wood} to planks-{wood}-hor Refactor: Minor refactor in Weather/WeatherSimulationParticles.cs Tweak: Holding sneak key with .edi enabled shows you item attributes in the itemstack tooltip Tweak: RegisterAiTask and RegisterVtmlTagConverter is now in ICoreApi (through C# class extension in the esentials/survival mod) Tweak: Shape elements of zero size are now no longer tesselated Tweak: New tool: /debug heldstattr key type value Tweak: Added CollectibleObject.TpOffHandTransform Tweak: Added helper methods for ITreeAttribute Set/GetVec3i, Set/GetBlockPos and Set/GetVec3is Tweak: Added ISaveGame.StoreData<T> and ISaveGame.GetData<T>() Tweak: Added SendBlockEntityPacket<T>(IServerPlayer player, BlockPos pos, int packetId, T data = default(T)) BroadcastBlockEntityPacket<T>(BlockPos pos, int packetId, T data = default(T)) Fixed: Handbook crashing the game on invalid grid recipes Fixed: Json patch addeach not implemented in the engine Fixed: game crashing when removing the hunger behavior from the player Fixed: Wildcard liquids in grid recipes crashing the handbook Fixed: CreativeInventoryStacks property not working properly for items Fixed: Wildcards not working on grid recipe returnedStacks Fixed: Failure to resolve itemstack for a crafting recipe ingredient did not print a warning Fixed: Texture Rotation not applied to alternates when using * wildcard New/Changed since pre.13 Feature: Mushrooms no longer leave stumps when harvested, but will still regrow over time. Feature: Completed Mushroom world generation mechanic. This produces distinct regions where certain only a subset of all mushrooms grow. Tweak: Less awkward grass cover side for forest floors Tweak: The hurt screen overlay effect now indicates from which direction the attack came from Tweak: Added Lychee and Pomegranate fruit trees Tweak: Added Ales Tweak: Avoid spawning rifts near lit bases Tweak: Windmills no longer work underground, unless worldconfig undergroundWindmills is set to "true" Fixed: Fog flicker when moving vertically Fixed: Crafted and collected crates not stackable Fixed: Sizzling sound spam when throwing oillamps in water Fixed: Game crashing when pasting text into the config world screen Fixed: Creatures Powercircling in water Api tweak: Added helper methods for ITreeAttribute Set/GetVec3i, Set/GetBlockPos and Set/GetVec3is New in rc.2 Fixed: Client game crash in new worlds Fixed: Crates not having the advertised 20/25 slots Fixed: Bear death animation Fixed: Not able to craft condenser and boiler with silver solder Fixed: Client Error log spam
  3. Dear Homesteaders v1.16.0-rc.1, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. [Edit:] Also released rc.2 to fix a crash bug. Alrighty, 12 updates later v1.16 is feature complete. All that is left is to balance some mechanics and fix (hopefully mostly minor) bugs. As with the last major update I will only list everything new since pre.1 and then for the first stable release present you with a complete feature list again. Anyhow, check out our update video! Game updates Everything listed in the pre.1 blog post + tons of bugfixes for all newly introduced features Feature: Easy multimaterial chiseling - can now easily add more materials to a chiseled block, by dropping blocks into the tool model selector dialog Feature: Added rare polar bear spawn. The other bear types should get added in the future. Feature: Added vertical planks block Feature: Added 11 colored tailored gambeson + recipes Feature: 3 more fruit tree types: Breadfruit, Lychee and Pomegranate Feature: Added Rifts. These appear and disappear at random in the world. Drain your stability when close to one. Surface drifters now only spawn within a 25 block radius of rifts. Feature: Clockmaker exclusive feature - hacking spear. Each hit with a hacking spear gives the clock maker a 15% chance to hack a locust, which will then fight by his side. Beware, hacked locus are extremely jealous on one another Feature: Mushroom worldgen & growth rework Mushrooms no longer leave stumps when harvested, but will still regrow over time Completed Mushroom world generation mechanic. This produces distinct regions where certain only a subset of all mushrooms grow. Feature: Added another 7 more mushrooms Feature: Server side moddb install utility - /moddb Feature: Added jugs for drinking Feature: New world config to disable class exclusive recipes Feature: Added Alcohol-soaked bandages, and grid recipe for solder bars Feature: More combat rework Added crude wooden shields, when standing 15% chance of blocking 1.5 to 3 damage, when sneaking 85% chance of blocking 3 to 5 damage, depending on the shield type Mitigate cases where creatures attack players while looking away Ranged aiming accuracy buildup is now about 50% quicker The hurt screen overlay effect now indicates from which direction the attack came from Feature: Added admin longblade for testing purposes. (Creative mode only) Feature: Chatting while drunk now produces slurred words Feature: Added command /gm shorthand for /gamemode Tweak: Improved creative inventory search, e.g. when searching for "stone" the loose stones are near the top now Tweak: Major Crop rebalance. Doubled growth times and yields for most crops with some exceptions. (Experimental) Rye Cold Dmg changed to -12, Cold Mult to .75, and Heat Dmg to 27 (same heat dmg as turnip). Spawn conditions of Rye were changed to be in the -12 to 14 temperature range. Overal rye should now be more suited to northerly climates. Rice Heat Damage ceiling increased from default to 46. Peanut growth time was doubled, but yield was left alone. Amaranth growth time not changed, since its already about 50% of irl. Yield still doubled though. Cassava growth time was left alone, being already rather long (though still nowhere near irl). Yield was still doubled to keep the satiety per day vaguely 'competitive'. Doubled pumpkin mother plant growth time, but did not touch anything else, for now. Pineapple was not touched due to already being a very long growth time and its also the only farmable fruit. Tweak: Creature ai tweaks, applies to all creatures Slower look around speed They now tend to wander further Mitigate chasing derp (where creatures turn back for a second) Fixed walking sideways in 3rd camera mode caused animals to target wrongly Creature attack knockback now proportional to damage Tweak: Zoomed in all spear gui transforms. Looks weird but can tell apart spears more easily now. Tweak: Added more water bubbles when walking in water Tweak: Windmills no longer work underground, unless worldconfig undergroundWindmills is set to "true" Tweak: Slight speedup when walking in water, for creatures and players Tweak: Increased max light level spawn cap for drifters again, from 6 to 9 (as they are now also constrained by rift vicinity) Tweak: Added berry picking and shield blocking sound Tweak: Added tempStormFrequencyMul worldconfig Tweak: Standing still now reduces your hunger rate 4-fold instead of 3-fold Tweak: Renamed all spirits to brandy Tweak: Dark blocks now get a white selected block outline for easier chiseling Tweak: Reduced RAM usage by about 75 MB (Technical info: generate animation frames only on demand, optimized particles ram usage) Tweak: Fine tuned snow accumulating and melting to be a bit less abrupt. Tweak: Added white and gray dye Tweak: Removed liquid items from the creative inventory. Replaced them with liquids inside buckets. Added a new liquids creative tab. Tweak: All mods in the mod manager not having set up an icon will now use a default icon. Fixed crashing game if mods did not define a mod icon Tweak: Can now also right click with a bucket on the barrel slot in GUI to take out liquids (and also added holding CTRL to move only small portions) Fixed: Creature hurt sounds not playing? (Might break other things) Fixed: Wrong shading on first person held items Fixed: Missing texture on one of the shields Fixed: Freshly crafted clothes had not 100% condition Fixed: Missing texture on thrown hacking spears, fp hand spears upside down Fixed: Incorrect day/night cycle. Looks promising now, as in, behaving physically correct on all latitudes Fixed: First person spear upside down, spear attack animation a bit smoother Fixed: Ingame error text in front of dialogs Fixed: Missing "25k" option on world config world length Fixed: Freshly crafted clothes had not 100% condition Fixed: Chopping down bamboo chopped nearby bamboo trees Fixed: Able to always pick up clear quartz from loose quarts ores Fixed: Crash when setting the chisel tool mode right at the edge of a block Fixed: Derpy positioning of the itemstack infobox Fixed: Exception thrown on some /worldconfig commands Fixed: Opened coken oven doors dropping a different block variant Fixed: Should fix fern trees spawning underwater Fixed: Clay dupe glitch Fixed: Fog flicker when moving vertically Fixed: Game crashing when pasting text into the config world screen Fixed: Itemstack infobox sometimes displaying the wrong text Fixed: Fixed creature hostility configuration not properly applying whenever a major update comes out (To the author of the golden wolf mod: add "friendlyTarget:true" to your seek entity json config) Fixed: Firepit ash overlay culled with a block above Fixed: Woad not yellow in world map Fixed: Crash related to interacting with pies Fixed: Wrong sizes of cheese on shelves Fixed: Avoid an exception in the trader restock code if an item no longer exists (e.g. due to a removed mod) Fixed: Items in the grid crafting output slot starting to spoil/dry Fixed: "Dryable. Duration: NaN Hours" Fixed: Multimaterial chiseled blocks containing Glass disabled some faces that it shouldn't (glass chiseling is still not supported in vanilla though) Fixed: Difficulties using the teleport block on server with mild or heavy lag Fixed: Should fix rare crash in the error reporter API Updates since pre.1 Feature: New JSON Patch operation "addeach" allows inserting/appending of multiple elements in one operation. (the value must be an array) Feature: Added Block.PriorityInteract to be able to sneak interact with a block before sneak interacting with the currently held item Tweak: Added the boolean properties CanDrinkFrom, IsTopOpened and AllowHeldLiquidTransfer to BlockLiquidContainerBase, can also be set via json attribute (unless you use the class BlockLiquidContainerTopOpened, which sets them all to true) Refactor: Begin Engine paradigm shift - recipe systems are no longer engine exclusive. The meal cooking recipe system is now moved from api/engine to the survival mod, with the plan being that all recipe systems (grid recipes, barrel recipes, smithing recipes, clay forming recipes and knapping recipes) will be transferred to the survival mod. This means: If you need to look up cooking recipes, reference VSSurvivalMod.dll and exchange world.CookingRecipes with "Api.ModLoader.GetModSystem<RecipeRegistry>().CookingRecipes" or through the helper method "Api.CookingRecipes()" If you only add cooking recipe json files, no changes are required You can now add your own recipe system. Check out RecipeRegistry.cs for reference (still needs handbook support, though) Refactor: The Handbook and all recipe system except grid recipes are now part of the survival mod. If you accessed any of the recipe lists via api.World.XXXRecipes, you now need to reference VSSurvivalMod.dll, then you can access them via api.GetXXXRecipes() Refactor: All Barrel recipes that have liquids as input or output, instead of quantity and stacksize respectively, these should now define "litres". However for backwards compatibility, if the recipe loader encounters a liquid ingredient or output without a litres definition, it will assume quantity/stacksize = litres and log a warning. Refactor: Rename BlockLiquidContainerBase.GetInContainerProps to BlockLiquidContainerBase.GetContainableProps Refactor: The block code for planks has changed from planks-{wood} to planks-{wood}-hor Refactor: Minor refactor in Weather/WeatherSimulationParticles.cs Tweak: Holding sneak key with .edi enabled shows you item attributes in the itemstack tooltip Tweak: RegisterAiTask and RegisterVtmlTagConverter is now in ICoreApi (through C# class extension in the esentials/survival mod) Tweak: Shape elements of zero size are now no longer tesselated Tweak: New tool: /debug heldstattr key type value Tweak: Added CollectibleObject.TpOffHandTransform Tweak: Added helper methods for ITreeAttribute Set/GetVec3i, Set/GetBlockPos and Set/GetVec3is Tweak: Added ISaveGame.StoreData<T> and ISaveGame.GetData<T>() Tweak: Added SendBlockEntityPacket<T>(IServerPlayer player, BlockPos pos, int packetId, T data = default(T)) BroadcastBlockEntityPacket<T>(BlockPos pos, int packetId, T data = default(T)) Fixed: Handbook crashing the game on invalid grid recipes Fixed: Json patch addeach not implemented in the engine Fixed: game crashing when removing the hunger behavior from the player Fixed: Wildcard liquids in grid recipes crashing the handbook Fixed: CreativeInventoryStacks property not working properly for items Fixed: Wildcards not working on grid recipe returnedStacks Fixed: Failure to resolve itemstack for a crafting recipe ingredient did not print a warning Fixed: Texture Rotation not applied to alternates when using * wildcard New/Changed since pre.13 Feature: Mushrooms no longer leave stumps when harvested, but will still regrow over time. Feature: Completed Mushroom world generation mechanic. This produces distinct regions where certain only a subset of all mushrooms grow. Tweak: Less awkward grass cover side for forest floors Tweak: The hurt screen overlay effect now indicates from which direction the attack came from Tweak: Added Lychee and Pomegranate fruit trees Tweak: Added Ales Tweak: Avoid spawning rifts near lit bases Tweak: Windmills no longer work underground, unless worldconfig undergroundWindmills is set to "true" Fixed: Fog flicker when moving vertically Fixed: Crafted and collected crates not stackable Fixed: Sizzling sound spam when throwing oillamps in water Fixed: Game crashing when pasting text into the config world screen Fixed: Creatures Powercircling in water Api tweak: Added helper methods for ITreeAttribute Set/GetVec3i, Set/GetBlockPos and Set/GetVec3is New in rc.2 Fixed: Client game crash in new worlds Fixed: Crates not having the advertised 20/25 slots Fixed: Bear death animation Fixed: Not able to craft condenser and boiler with silver solder Fixed: Client Error log spam View full record
  4. I experienced heavy stutter on a new world, on a RX 6600 XT, which was greatly mitigated by this change They were not emitting light, now they do
  5. Yes it is, its a world config. (via command its /worldconfig temporalStormSleeping 1)
  6. check your server-main.txt, you might have mods enabled that are not compatible with 1.16
  7. You probably have a line like this: private void OnInventorySlotModified(int slotid) { SetupDialog(); } replace it with this private void OnInventorySlotModified(int slotid) { // Direct call can cause InvalidOperationException capi.Event.EnqueueMainThreadTask(SetupDialog, "setupquerndlg"); }
  8. Temproary fix - copy Lib64/libnanosvg.so to the Lib/ folder
  9. There's actually an error in this. The leather/gamebeson is still Tier 2 and will stay tier 2. I've fixed that now. The high damage resistance only has been removed. We felt removing both was too much of a debuff.
  10. Dear Homesteaders v1.16.0-pre.1, a preview release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. (section "Other Goodies"). For this update we wanted to complete some of features that didn't make it into 1.15 as well as a few unplanned ones. It includes several features that some of our VS Team very much has been looking forward too. I personally am very happy with the new wind sway system - its programming is now way cleaner, more powerful, and likely a tad more performant. But also visually it feels way richer. Together with the new forest floors and new mushrooms, wandering the forests now feels amazing to me. That being said, the community will be the ultimate judge of that Server owners will be very happy to see that one large barrier for players will soon be gone - the manual installation of mods. Highly frequented servers should now also become a lot more interesting with the addition of the auction house - as you can finally fully live out your merchant dreams. The long promised bears, despite the teams large efforts, something like in the 200 man-hour range, are still not done yet, but we hope to have some version of them until rc.1. Anyhow, we hope you'll enjoy the new updates. Thanks for playing and sharing your experiences and screenshots with us Still planned for rc.1 Bears, Torch rework, Mushroom regrowth, fine tuning to mushroom world generation, a clock maker exclusive item, one more special drifter behavior, installing mods via command line, in-game mod browser, functional uses for alcohol, and maybe rifts Please notice 1. This is an unfinished update, mostly intended for modders and very adventurous players. You will encounter major bugs, incomplete features, performance issues and crashes. Worldgen might also significantly change and produce unknown blocks until rc.1 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.16 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Screenshots & Gifs Server wide auction house: Buy and sell on a global scale...for a price Crates: Beautiful single item mass storage, with item labels and visible contents Trunks: Like 2 chests together, but better! Alcohol making: A fruit press, juice fermentation and a distillery for the ultimate drunken VS experience \o/ Liquid system rework: Now easier and more satisfying to use for modders and players alike! Fruit Trees: 9 types of seasonal fruit producers. A flowery delight in spring! Fruit tree dynamic growth: A fruit tree takes a while to mature Fruit tree grafting: Fruit trees are propagated by taking and planting a cutting, but you can also graft it onto an existing fruit tree Forest floors: Forests are so much more foresty now. Mushroom bonanza: Over 26 new types of mushrooms (WIP! Mushroom regrowth still subject to change) Improved wind effects: Rewritten and triple polished wind sway effects. Example - here's a wind swaying sunflower, before and after Wind effects editor: VSMC, our official model editor now allows you to configure the wind say mode in great detail and with live preview Ground storage tweaks: Can now 4x4 place pots, bowls and also optionally center place them Ground storage tweaks: Can now place shoes on the ground and on shelves Easy modded server joining: The game now tries to download mods from the VS Mod DB, no more manual installing required Armor Stand Feature: They can now carry tools and weapons Drifter Rework: They will now throw stones at you. Added a rare variant that spawns only during temporal storms Improved hit knockback (experimental) 3D Models for berries and for the new fruits from fruit trees Permadeath mode: Disabled by default, but now available for those that like the extra challenge 45° Signs: Can now also place signs at a 45 degree angle Game updates Feature: Auction house! Every trader now gives you access to a server wide auction house where players can buy and sell items To still encourage direct trade, the auction house comes with multiple (configurable) fees: 1 rusty gear for each week of having your item listed 10% sales cut for each item sold Transpot costs of 1 to 8 gears or direct pickup for free Everytime you join the server, you get a status update send to you in chat about your active auctions Server owners can configure the cost or disable the auction house altogether Feature: Crates Can now use any pigment to draw the contents of the crate. Added crafting recipes. Paper Feature: Added trunk block, a double sized chest Feature Distillery and Fruit press All fruits can now be juiced in the fruit press Juice can now be fermented into cider Cider can be further distilled into spirit Drinking Cider and Spirit makes you drunk. Functional uses will be added soon. Feature: Fruit trees Trees for red apple, pink apple, yellow apple, peach, pear, cherry, orange, olive, mango now spawn in newly generated chunks. Break the side branches for a chance to retrieve a cutting. This cutting, when planted, should sprout after a couple of days and eventually mature into a full tree (does not require fertilizer or watering for the time being) Fruit trees will yield fruit once a year, depending on the sort. They'll go through various distinct cycles: Flowering, Fruiting, Ripe fruit, No fruit and then Dormant for decidious trees, which is a leafless version only with branches. The evergreens (mango, orange and olive) stay green all year round. Ripe fruit can then be used for cooking and juicing Fruit trees planted in an unsuitable climate will die Feature: 26 new types of mushrooms, some of them now growing on the sides of trees Feature: Greatly improved mod support Integrated moddb browser! You can now 1-click install and remove mods through the mod manager Auto-modded server install! You can now 1-click install mods that you need to join a modded server. These are only enabled when you join said server. Feature: Shoes are now neatly placeable on shelves and on the ground Feature: Drifter rework Added two-headed drifter as a rare variant of nightmare drifter. Drifters now throw stones at players Adjusted drifter animation names to clearly differentiate between Standing and Crawling. Added a drifter attack sound Fixed alternate version of the spiked drifter never spawned Feature: Wind shader rework Much improved code, making it easier for modders to add wind sway effects to their blocks and items through VS Model Creator Fixes heavy wind sway derp on sunflowers and other plants Made storm level winds more impactful Added water storm particles Feature: Ground storage rework Any 2x2 storable can now be placed in the middle Pots, bowls and crocks are now 2x2 ground storable, while still able to transfer foods between them Feature: Liquid system rework When operating with liquids, instead of showing the stack size it shows the amount in litre. Implemented min. transfer size. Buckets let you transfer 1 litre each, bowls 0.1 litre each more work on liquid system, liquids are now edible Addded water bowl+flour dough recipe Fixed handbook dough recipe showed an empty bucket instead of a bucket with 1 litre of water inside Added sound and particle effects when moving liquids Feature: Character class rebalance (WIP) Added sling tool. Exclusive ranged weapon for the malefactor (improviser trait) Tailor can now craft Tailored Gambeson armor, which is more resistant and easier to move in than normal gambeson. Traders now buy sewing kits and more craftable clothes. Rebalanced character classes. Blackguard buffed to 30% melee damage instead of 20% and -15% armor durability loss instead of -10%. Hunter buffed to 20% ranged damage instead of 10%. Malefactor buffed to 35% reduced animal seeking range instead of 20% and 10% chance to get whole loot vessel instead of 5% The Blackguard class is now less affected by the walk speed penalties of armor Feature: Can now use WASD keys to scroll the expanded world map Feature: Added isolated, handcrafted underground lakes Feature: Signs can now be placed at 45 degree angles Feature: Armor stands can now hold tools in one hand Feature: Improved hit knockback on creatures and players. WIP, Experimental. Feature: Improved animal pitch step rotation when stepping up and down blocks (and disabled it for bipedals) Feature: New 3d models for fruit Feature: Store location, seed and worldconfig when saving a screenshot. Could be used to autocreate a new world and teleport to this location and tons of other fancy things. (WIP) Feature: The handbook now shows if an item is being sold or bought by a trader Feature/Tweak: Can no longer sleep during temporal storms for standard and wilderness survival. Tweak: Fine tune wind affected particles Tweak: Doubled sound range of echo chambers Tweak: Can now place bees wax, fired bricks, candles, clay, dyed cloth, all crushed resources, blasting powder, fat, flax fibers and flax twine on the shelf Tweak: Added pit kiln burn times by fuel to the handbook entry Tweak: Added more debug logging for the shift+click item disappearance bug Tweak: Locust drills more drill-looking Tweak: Buffed each bow by .25 damage. Tweak: The selected chiseling material is now remembered across chiseled blocks Tweak: Performance: Don't render dynamic shadows when shadow intensity falls below 10% (during night or rain) Tweak: Disable seasonal grass coverage changes. Causes large stutter with radeon cards, as it has to retesselate lots of chunks Tweak: Added mod<=>engine version check and crash the client/server if they mismatch, to prevent undefined behavior Tweak: Added additional handbook info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Barrels now visually show contents for some more items/blocks Tweak: Ignore corrupted map parts instead of crashing Tweak: Unlit chimney now hollow for particles, allows smoke to rise through it from below (or snow to fall through it!) Tweak: Made knockback from bighorn sheep stronger Tweak: Add appconfig thing to maybe fix the game being launchable with too old versions of .net Tweak: De-Jank: Mouse wheel no longer changes the values of drop down ui elements just from hovering over them Tweak: De-Jank: The World configuration attributes are now grouped by category Tweak: Can now use {plr} placeholder in command block commands Tweak: Yellow dye is now made with onions. Orange dye is now made by adding more onions to yellow dye. Tweak: When making dyes, barrels now produce the same amount of liquid as the ingredients, e.g. if you put in 4 diluted alum, you get 4 dye. Tweak: Fine tuned explosion particle spawning a bit and made them more proportional to the explosion radius Tweak: Gambeson no longer High Damage Tier Resistant Tweak: Forest rain sound a bit more pronounced Tweak: Farmland now uses the configurable HoursPerDay instead of 24 hours to time crop growth Tweak: Grid crafting with spoiled ingredients now will also result in a spoiled crafting output Tweak: Shelves are now very suited for drying items if they are not in a cellar Tweak: Farmland now uses the configurable HoursPerDay instead of 24 hours to time crop growth Tweak: Added hunter backpack recipe that uses 3 small pelts Tweak: Kapok leaves now less neon green Tweak: Made mountains less faded in the distance Tweak: Torches thrown into water now also go out Fixed: Meals in a pot or bowl spawning white particles when broken Fixed: Chiseling a light emitting block now emits light as well Fixed: Wrong texture resolution on croton plants, therefore more fluffly now Fixed: The Balanced trader had a broken sprint animation Fixed: Spears and arrows sometimes flying through creatures Fixed: Liquid containers accepting non liquids from hoppers/chutes Fixed: Light color jitter on the worldmap when chunks are updated Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Fence gates not remembering their reinforcement level when opened or closed Fixed: Vintagehosting Server Status screen showing wrong server state in some cases Fixed: Various z-fighting issues with armor Fixed neighbour block lighting visual issue for Wallpaper and other Decor blocks Fixed: Alignment issue in the transform editor Fixed: Updated the character trait descriptions to match previous balance changes. Fixed: Dragging around a dialog was janky on non-8 gui scales Fixed: /wgen regen not removing entities on the client side. Might fix duplicate ghost players? ?? Fixed: Crash reporter launching twice API Updates Feature: Some simple implementation of a generic multiblock system, to hopefully avoid custom multiblocking everywhere. Used for the distillery. Feature: Added capi.Gui.LoadSvg() and capi.Gui.LoadSvgWithPadding() which allows for use of external SVG vector files to be loaded. For a first code sample, check out ItemProspectingPick.cs Feature: Improved mounting system. Should now be properly network synced \o/ Sneak to unmount a IMountable is no longer hardcoded. It must now be handled by the IMountable itself, see BEBed.cs as example. Feature: Ability for custom itemstack renderers, register via api.Event.RegisterItemstackRenderer() Feature: *byType precedence: For the Json assets blocktype, itemtype and entitytype, can now define an attribute as well as a *byType attribute, whereas the latter takes precedence, e.g. stackSize: 32 would be overwritten by stackSizeByType: { "*": 16 } Feature: Explosion code upgrades Explosions radii have an upper limit, which is now doubled, reaching it nonetheless now throws a more informative exception Fixed particle lag and upper cap issues, as they now spawn async Fixed a crash in the lighting engine when explosions go beyond chunk boundaries Added blockDropChanceMultiplier argument to CreateExplosion() to reduce block drops by explosions (large explosions drop *a lot* of blocks) Feature: .gltf models now support most flags Feature: Added api.Render.RenderItemStackToAtlas(), allows rendering of an itemstack into a texture atlas Feature: Can now set amount of inventory columns for GenericTypedContainer Feature: Add initialDelayOffsetMs arg to Event.RegisterGameTickListener() to mitigate lag spikes from many listeners running code at the same time Feature: Added withInheritance argument to api.ModLoader.GetModSystem() Feature: In the Json assets, can now define ucontents property for containers. Example implementation: A wood bucket filled with water in the creative inventory Feature: Added new render stage EnumRenderStage.AfterBlit Feature: Added client side api death event Feature: Added permadeath mode, disabled by default for all play styles Feature: Added sapi.HandleCommand() Feature: In the json assets, can now define a "ucontents" property to define contents of containers. Example implementation: A wood bucket filled with water in the creative inventory Refactor: Massive Windwave/VertexFlags refactor. All wind related vertex flags are now consolidated into 2 properties - windMode and windData. Can now define these 2 values *per vertex* in VS Model creator Refactor: Rework mesh generation of displayed items, such as items in shelves or ground storage. This is now done through the interface IContainedMeshSource for the contained item, instead of hardcoded in each container. Refactor: BlockEntity.OnBlockBroken() now has a new argument IPlayer byPlayer Refactor: Rename AddDecor() to SetDecor() and allow passing air blocks to remove decor Refactor: Merged BreakDecor() and BreakDecorPart() into one method Refactor: Remove API.Common.Action, replaced with System.Action Refactor: GuiElementCellList is now generic Refactor: GuiElementHandbookList is now GuiElementFlatList (now a slightly more basic version than GuiElementCellList) Refactor: Renamed entity "Hitbox" to "Collisionbox" (Hitbox can still be used but is marked obsolete) Refactor: Removed world argument from all methods in ILiquidSink & ILiquidSource Tweak: Seperated creature hitbox into collisionbox and selectionbox (the later is used for attacking and interacting with creatures) Tweak: Removed and consolidated a lot of crushed shape files since they were all essentially the same. Tweak: Doubled block, item and entity texture atlas size Tweak: Added property IBulkBlockAccessor.StagedBlocks for jakecools dynamic trees Tweak: Made clayforming system more flexible towards new types of clay Tweak: .AddDynamicText() removed argument for EnumTextOrientation, it can be set in the font. Tweak: GuiElementTextButton now has a Visible flag Tweak: Client and server now (lazy) load all language entries. Can now send text from server to client in the clients language. (Contribution by Apache#8842, edits by Tyron) Tweak: Added ability to disable durability averaging during grid crafting Tweak: Added rndIndex argument to Block.GetRandomColor() Tweak: .tfedit now allows editing of ground transforms for ground storable items and blocks (also fixed that blocks did not apply the ground transform) Tweak: Clean up reeds and papyrus assets. Drops are no longer hardcoded, only 1 blocktype file instead of 3, all shapes in the same folder, added frozen variant for papyrus Tweak: Can now define knockback strength in AiTaskMeleeAttack Tweak: capi.World.Player.Entity.OnFootStep and capi.World.Player.Entity.OnImpact are now events instead of Action fields Tweak: Added IParticlePropertiesProvider.Async to make particle spawn asynchronously (for particle spawn calls on the server) Tweak: Specially treat empty string variant code for blocks, items or entities: They are now treated as "skip this variant group" and not add an extra dash to the block/item/entity code Tweak: Clean up, unify and simplify GetModData and SetModData for chunks, map chunks and map regions Tweak: Added EnumFoodCategory.NoNutrition for foods that provide no nutrition Fixed: Calling GetClimate() for a specific date returned fundamentally broken values Fixed: Some items set to be placeable in backpack slots crashed the game for no (apparent) reason Fixed: Small values ignored in shape: { offsetX/Y/Z: 0.01 } Fixed: OnTrySpawnEntity event did not handle multiple event listeners correctly Fixed: Entity shape alternates didn't work (see example entities/land/drifter.json, make sure the alternate shape textures have different texture codes) Fixed: Liquid in barrel textures defaulted to the game domain Fixed: Health boosts in meals should now respect serving size and spoilage rate Fixed: Should fix night sky textures not moddable
  11. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.10, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. This is likely the final release of the 1.15 branch. Exiting new features incoming soon, in the upcoming 1.16! Alchemist attic by Fleshka, shared on discord Game updates Tweak: Updated comunity translations Fixed: Major derp when trying to apply potash to farmland Fixed: Meal oddities when using cassava as an ingredient Fixed: Incorrect handbook info about cave art Fixed: Schematic importing an empty helve hammer block caused an exception Fixed: A crash when using mods that add more than 65.000 blocks Fixed: Avoid a crash if the minimap fails to load a map section Fixed: Line break in "Show dressed" button in create character dialog Fixed: Link cursor showing up in the top left corner of the main menu Fixed: Japanese translations: All texts all had spaces after each character View full record
  12. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.10, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. This is likely the final release of the 1.15 branch. Exiting new features incoming soon, in the upcoming 1.16! Alchemist attic by Fleshka, shared on discord Game updates Tweak: Updated comunity translations Fixed: Major derp when trying to apply potash to farmland Fixed: Meal oddities when using cassava as an ingredient Fixed: Incorrect handbook info about cave art Fixed: Schematic importing an empty helve hammer block caused an exception Fixed: A crash when using mods that add more than 65.000 blocks Fixed: Avoid a crash if the minimap fails to load a map section Fixed: Line break in "Show dressed" button in create character dialog Fixed: Link cursor showing up in the top left corner of the main menu Fixed: Japanese translations: All texts all had spaces after each character
  13. Dear Homesteaders v1.16.0-pre.1, a preview release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. (section "Other Goodies"). For this update we wanted to complete some of features that didn't make it into 1.15 as well as a few unplanned ones. It includes several features that some of our VS Team very much has been looking forward too. I personally am very happy with the new wind sway system - its programming is now way cleaner, more powerful, and likely a tad more performant. But also visually it feels way richer. Together with the new forest floors and new mushrooms, wandering the forests now feels amazing to me. That being said, the community will be the ultimate judge of that Server owners will be very happy to see that one large barrier for players will soon be gone - the manual installation of mods. Highly frequented servers should now also become a lot more interesting with the addition of the auction house - as you can finally fully live out your merchant dreams. The long promised bears, despite the teams large efforts, something like in the 200 man-hour range, are still not done yet, but we hope to have some version of them until rc.1. Anyhow, we hope you'll enjoy the new updates. Thanks for playing and sharing your experiences and screenshots with us Still planned for rc.1 Bears, Torch rework, Mushroom regrowth, fine tuning to mushroom world generation, a clock maker exclusive item, one more special drifter behavior, installing mods via command line, in-game mod browser, functional uses for alcohol, and maybe rifts Please notice 1. This is an unfinished update, mostly intended for modders and very adventurous players. You will encounter major bugs, incomplete features, performance issues and crashes. Worldgen might also significantly change and produce unknown blocks until rc.1 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.16 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Screenshots & Gifs Server wide auction house: Buy and sell on a global scale...for a price Crates: Beautiful single item mass storage, with item labels and visible contents Trunks: Like 2 chests together, but better! Alcohol making: A fruit press, juice fermentation and a distillery for the ultimate drunken VS experience \o/ Liquid system rework: Now easier and more satisfying to use for modders and players alike! Fruit Trees: 9 types of seasonal fruit producers. A flowery delight in spring! Fruit tree dynamic growth: A fruit tree takes a while to mature Fruit tree grafting: Fruit trees are propagated by taking and planting a cutting, but you can also graft it onto an existing fruit tree Forest floors: Forests are so much more foresty now. Mushroom bonanza: Over 26 new types of mushrooms (WIP! Mushroom regrowth still subject to change) Improved wind effects: Rewritten and triple polished wind sway effects. Example - here's a wind swaying sunflower, before and after Wind effects editor: VSMC, our official model editor now allows you to configure the wind say mode in great detail and with live preview Ground storage tweaks: Can now 4x4 place pots, bowls and also optionally center place them Ground storage tweaks: Can now place shoes on the ground and on shelves Easy modded server joining: The game now tries to download mods from the VS Mod DB, no more manual installing required Armor Stand Feature: They can now carry tools and weapons Drifter Rework: They will now throw stones at you. Added a rare variant that spawns only during temporal storms Improved hit knockback (experimental) 3D Models for berries and for the new fruits from fruit trees Permadeath mode: Disabled by default, but now available for those that like the extra challenge 45° Signs: Can now also place signs at a 45 degree angle Game updates Feature: Auction house! Every trader now gives you access to a server wide auction house where players can buy and sell items To still encourage direct trade, the auction house comes with multiple (configurable) fees: 1 rusty gear for each week of having your item listed 10% sales cut for each item sold Transpot costs of 1 to 8 gears or direct pickup for free Everytime you join the server, you get a status update send to you in chat about your active auctions Server owners can configure the cost or disable the auction house altogether Feature: Crates Can now use any pigment to draw the contents of the crate. Added crafting recipes. Paper Feature: Added trunk block, a double sized chest Feature Distillery and Fruit press All fruits can now be juiced in the fruit press Juice can now be fermented into cider Cider can be further distilled into spirit Drinking Cider and Spirit makes you drunk. Functional uses will be added soon. Feature: Fruit trees Trees for red apple, pink apple, yellow apple, peach, pear, cherry, orange, olive, mango now spawn in newly generated chunks. Break the side branches for a chance to retrieve a cutting. This cutting, when planted, should sprout after a couple of days and eventually mature into a full tree (does not require fertilizer or watering for the time being) Fruit trees will yield fruit once a year, depending on the sort. They'll go through various distinct cycles: Flowering, Fruiting, Ripe fruit, No fruit and then Dormant for decidious trees, which is a leafless version only with branches. The evergreens (mango, orange and olive) stay green all year round. Ripe fruit can then be used for cooking and juicing Fruit trees planted in an unsuitable climate will die Feature: 26 new types of mushrooms, some of them now growing on the sides of trees Feature: Greatly improved mod support Integrated moddb browser! You can now 1-click install and remove mods through the mod manager Auto-modded server install! You can now 1-click install mods that you need to join a modded server. These are only enabled when you join said server. Feature: Shoes are now neatly placeable on shelves and on the ground Feature: Drifter rework Added two-headed drifter as a rare variant of nightmare drifter. Drifters now throw stones at players Adjusted drifter animation names to clearly differentiate between Standing and Crawling. Added a drifter attack sound Fixed alternate version of the spiked drifter never spawned Feature: Wind shader rework Much improved code, making it easier for modders to add wind sway effects to their blocks and items through VS Model Creator Fixes heavy wind sway derp on sunflowers and other plants Made storm level winds more impactful Added water storm particles Feature: Ground storage rework Any 2x2 storable can now be placed in the middle Pots, bowls and crocks are now 2x2 ground storable, while still able to transfer foods between them Feature: Liquid system rework When operating with liquids, instead of showing the stack size it shows the amount in litre. Implemented min. transfer size. Buckets let you transfer 1 litre each, bowls 0.1 litre each more work on liquid system, liquids are now edible Addded water bowl+flour dough recipe Fixed handbook dough recipe showed an empty bucket instead of a bucket with 1 litre of water inside Added sound and particle effects when moving liquids Feature: Character class rebalance (WIP) Added sling tool. Exclusive ranged weapon for the malefactor (improviser trait) Tailor can now craft Tailored Gambeson armor, which is more resistant and easier to move in than normal gambeson. Traders now buy sewing kits and more craftable clothes. Rebalanced character classes. Blackguard buffed to 30% melee damage instead of 20% and -15% armor durability loss instead of -10%. Hunter buffed to 20% ranged damage instead of 10%. Malefactor buffed to 35% reduced animal seeking range instead of 20% and 10% chance to get whole loot vessel instead of 5% The Blackguard class is now less affected by the walk speed penalties of armor Feature: Can now use WASD keys to scroll the expanded world map Feature: Added isolated, handcrafted underground lakes Feature: Signs can now be placed at 45 degree angles Feature: Armor stands can now hold tools in one hand Feature: Improved hit knockback on creatures and players. WIP, Experimental. Feature: Improved animal pitch step rotation when stepping up and down blocks (and disabled it for bipedals) Feature: New 3d models for fruit Feature: Store location, seed and worldconfig when saving a screenshot. Could be used to autocreate a new world and teleport to this location and tons of other fancy things. (WIP) Feature: The handbook now shows if an item is being sold or bought by a trader Feature/Tweak: Can no longer sleep during temporal storms for standard and wilderness survival. Tweak: Fine tune wind affected particles Tweak: Doubled sound range of echo chambers Tweak: Can now place bees wax, fired bricks, candles, clay, dyed cloth, all crushed resources, blasting powder, fat, flax fibers and flax twine on the shelf Tweak: Added pit kiln burn times by fuel to the handbook entry Tweak: Added more debug logging for the shift+click item disappearance bug Tweak: Locust drills more drill-looking Tweak: Buffed each bow by .25 damage. Tweak: The selected chiseling material is now remembered across chiseled blocks Tweak: Performance: Don't render dynamic shadows when shadow intensity falls below 10% (during night or rain) Tweak: Disable seasonal grass coverage changes. Causes large stutter with radeon cards, as it has to retesselate lots of chunks Tweak: Added mod<=>engine version check and crash the client/server if they mismatch, to prevent undefined behavior Tweak: Added additional handbook info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Barrels now visually show contents for some more items/blocks Tweak: Ignore corrupted map parts instead of crashing Tweak: Unlit chimney now hollow for particles, allows smoke to rise through it from below (or snow to fall through it!) Tweak: Made knockback from bighorn sheep stronger Tweak: Add appconfig thing to maybe fix the game being launchable with too old versions of .net Tweak: De-Jank: Mouse wheel no longer changes the values of drop down ui elements just from hovering over them Tweak: De-Jank: The World configuration attributes are now grouped by category Tweak: Can now use {plr} placeholder in command block commands Tweak: Yellow dye is now made with onions. Orange dye is now made by adding more onions to yellow dye. Tweak: When making dyes, barrels now produce the same amount of liquid as the ingredients, e.g. if you put in 4 diluted alum, you get 4 dye. Tweak: Fine tuned explosion particle spawning a bit and made them more proportional to the explosion radius Tweak: Gambeson no longer High Damage Tier Resistant Tweak: Forest rain sound a bit more pronounced Tweak: Farmland now uses the configurable HoursPerDay instead of 24 hours to time crop growth Tweak: Grid crafting with spoiled ingredients now will also result in a spoiled crafting output Tweak: Shelves are now very suited for drying items if they are not in a cellar Tweak: Farmland now uses the configurable HoursPerDay instead of 24 hours to time crop growth Tweak: Added hunter backpack recipe that uses 3 small pelts Tweak: Kapok leaves now less neon green Tweak: Made mountains less faded in the distance Tweak: Torches thrown into water now also go out Fixed: Meals in a pot or bowl spawning white particles when broken Fixed: Chiseling a light emitting block now emits light as well Fixed: Wrong texture resolution on croton plants, therefore more fluffly now Fixed: The Balanced trader had a broken sprint animation Fixed: Spears and arrows sometimes flying through creatures Fixed: Liquid containers accepting non liquids from hoppers/chutes Fixed: Light color jitter on the worldmap when chunks are updated Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Fence gates not remembering their reinforcement level when opened or closed Fixed: Vintagehosting Server Status screen showing wrong server state in some cases Fixed: Various z-fighting issues with armor Fixed neighbour block lighting visual issue for Wallpaper and other Decor blocks Fixed: Alignment issue in the transform editor Fixed: Updated the character trait descriptions to match previous balance changes. Fixed: Dragging around a dialog was janky on non-8 gui scales Fixed: /wgen regen not removing entities on the client side. Might fix duplicate ghost players? ?? Fixed: Crash reporter launching twice API Updates Feature: Some simple implementation of a generic multiblock system, to hopefully avoid custom multiblocking everywhere. Used for the distillery. Feature: Added capi.Gui.LoadSvg() and capi.Gui.LoadSvgWithPadding() which allows for use of external SVG vector files to be loaded. For a first code sample, check out ItemProspectingPick.cs Feature: Improved mounting system. Should now be properly network synced \o/ Sneak to unmount a IMountable is no longer hardcoded. It must now be handled by the IMountable itself, see BEBed.cs as example. Feature: Ability for custom itemstack renderers, register via api.Event.RegisterItemstackRenderer() Feature: *byType precedence: For the Json assets blocktype, itemtype and entitytype, can now define an attribute as well as a *byType attribute, whereas the latter takes precedence, e.g. stackSize: 32 would be overwritten by stackSizeByType: { "*": 16 } Feature: Explosion code upgrades Explosions radii have an upper limit, which is now doubled, reaching it nonetheless now throws a more informative exception Fixed particle lag and upper cap issues, as they now spawn async Fixed a crash in the lighting engine when explosions go beyond chunk boundaries Added blockDropChanceMultiplier argument to CreateExplosion() to reduce block drops by explosions (large explosions drop *a lot* of blocks) Feature: .gltf models now support most flags Feature: Added api.Render.RenderItemStackToAtlas(), allows rendering of an itemstack into a texture atlas Feature: Can now set amount of inventory columns for GenericTypedContainer Feature: Add initialDelayOffsetMs arg to Event.RegisterGameTickListener() to mitigate lag spikes from many listeners running code at the same time Feature: Added withInheritance argument to api.ModLoader.GetModSystem() Feature: In the Json assets, can now define ucontents property for containers. Example implementation: A wood bucket filled with water in the creative inventory Feature: Added new render stage EnumRenderStage.AfterBlit Feature: Added client side api death event Feature: Added permadeath mode, disabled by default for all play styles Feature: Added sapi.HandleCommand() Feature: In the json assets, can now define a "ucontents" property to define contents of containers. Example implementation: A wood bucket filled with water in the creative inventory Refactor: Massive Windwave/VertexFlags refactor. All wind related vertex flags are now consolidated into 2 properties - windMode and windData. Can now define these 2 values *per vertex* in VS Model creator Refactor: Rework mesh generation of displayed items, such as items in shelves or ground storage. This is now done through the interface IContainedMeshSource for the contained item, instead of hardcoded in each container. Refactor: BlockEntity.OnBlockBroken() now has a new argument IPlayer byPlayer Refactor: Rename AddDecor() to SetDecor() and allow passing air blocks to remove decor Refactor: Merged BreakDecor() and BreakDecorPart() into one method Refactor: Remove API.Common.Action, replaced with System.Action Refactor: GuiElementCellList is now generic Refactor: GuiElementHandbookList is now GuiElementFlatList (now a slightly more basic version than GuiElementCellList) Refactor: Renamed entity "Hitbox" to "Collisionbox" (Hitbox can still be used but is marked obsolete) Refactor: Removed world argument from all methods in ILiquidSink & ILiquidSource Tweak: Seperated creature hitbox into collisionbox and selectionbox (the later is used for attacking and interacting with creatures) Tweak: Removed and consolidated a lot of crushed shape files since they were all essentially the same. Tweak: Doubled block, item and entity texture atlas size Tweak: Added property IBulkBlockAccessor.StagedBlocks for jakecools dynamic trees Tweak: Made clayforming system more flexible towards new types of clay Tweak: .AddDynamicText() removed argument for EnumTextOrientation, it can be set in the font. Tweak: GuiElementTextButton now has a Visible flag Tweak: Client and server now (lazy) load all language entries. Can now send text from server to client in the clients language. (Contribution by Apache#8842, edits by Tyron) Tweak: Added ability to disable durability averaging during grid crafting Tweak: Added rndIndex argument to Block.GetRandomColor() Tweak: .tfedit now allows editing of ground transforms for ground storable items and blocks (also fixed that blocks did not apply the ground transform) Tweak: Clean up reeds and papyrus assets. Drops are no longer hardcoded, only 1 blocktype file instead of 3, all shapes in the same folder, added frozen variant for papyrus Tweak: Can now define knockback strength in AiTaskMeleeAttack Tweak: capi.World.Player.Entity.OnFootStep and capi.World.Player.Entity.OnImpact are now events instead of Action fields Tweak: Added IParticlePropertiesProvider.Async to make particle spawn asynchronously (for particle spawn calls on the server) Tweak: Specially treat empty string variant code for blocks, items or entities: They are now treated as "skip this variant group" and not add an extra dash to the block/item/entity code Tweak: Clean up, unify and simplify GetModData and SetModData for chunks, map chunks and map regions Tweak: Added EnumFoodCategory.NoNutrition for foods that provide no nutrition Fixed: Calling GetClimate() for a specific date returned fundamentally broken values Fixed: Some items set to be placeable in backpack slots crashed the game for no (apparent) reason Fixed: Small values ignored in shape: { offsetX/Y/Z: 0.01 } Fixed: OnTrySpawnEntity event did not handle multiple event listeners correctly Fixed: Entity shape alternates didn't work (see example entities/land/drifter.json, make sure the alternate shape textures have different texture codes) Fixed: Liquid in barrel textures defaulted to the game domain Fixed: Health boosts in meals should now respect serving size and spoilage rate Fixed: Should fix night sky textures not moddable View full record
  14. At 3:13:61 it seems like that was caused by grass growing. Once it's done growing it'll probably won't make moss disappear anymore
  15. Yea, sorry for not replying to your DMS yet, they are very large and I didn't find the time to read them fully. Did a quick test with the moss - placed some then reloaded the world. All seemed to stay. Do you have a reproducable case where the moss disappears?
  16. Sounds like a bug. Moss is an unfinished block, so maybe thats the reason
  17. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.8, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. [Edit:] Also released v1.15.9 to fix a creative mode crash. Alright, the rc.1 seems to have produce no new issues, so seems stable enough! The stable build contains a few more valuable bugfixes. Thanks for your continuous help with bug reporting and translating, dear community! Screenshot by Thor8472 on Discord Game updates New in 1.15.8-rc.1 Tweak: Improved world loading times (~42% faster loading times when using the BuildingPlus mod) (Technical info: Skip uncessarry regex captures, skip unecessary dictionary creation during block resolving, lazy load decal meshes, Tweak: Fix client side lag spikes caused by containers Tweak: Added additional info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Added game launch vanilla mod/engine integrity check to prevent undefined behavior (technical info: Crash if survival/creative/essentials mod versiion and engine versions do not match) Tweak: Improve sound debug logging to find Aledarks sound issues, more error reporting to find issue #1367 Fixed: Click+Drag distributing of items not distributing correctly, especially on high latency servers Fixed: Ground mist effect not working Fixed: Items that somehow ended up in the crafting grid got lost after rejoin/world reload Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Chiseled blocks held item name did not use custom names Fixed: Bright halo around cassava leaves Fixed: GUI flicker when dressing/undressing clothes on non 100% resolution setting Fixed: /weather seti not properly reloading weather config Fixed: Reducing view distance while chunks are loading could cause eternal chunk load/unload loop, increasing server and client load Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Pie stacksize desync issue Fixed: Soldering iron usable as chisel ô_Ô Fixed: A few dozen texts were not translatable Fixed: Armor infotext: Missing 'High damage tier resistant' notice on some armor, missing + sign on Ranged Weapon Charge Time Fixed: Not able to ditch first item in creative inventory into the empty area Fixed: Mouse stayed uncaptured when using .bsedit and no block was selected Fixed: Fire clay chimney not in handbook Fixed: Small oiled hide not craftable Fixed: Text rendering/formatting issues when using japanese translations Fixed: Broken slanted roofing not stacking with freshly crafted ones New since 1.15.8-rc.1 Tweak: Lower drifter spawn max block light by another light level to make bases more safe Tweak: Greatly improve minimap performance for players with 1000+ waypoints Tweak: Updated comunity translations Fixed: Derpy water foam effect, fine tuned water visuals Fixed: Wrong text line breaks on chiseled block names Fixed: OpenAL OutOfMemory error with large amounts of mechanical power blocks Fixed: Should fix occasional crash when putting a cooking pot in a firepit or grindable in a quern Fixed: Should fix able to right click moving of more than one cooking pot into the firepit Fixed: A crash when righting clicking a barrel with a bowl in hands Fixed: Visual fixes Leather helmet z-fighting with hair, meteoric chain pants texture issues Api Tweak: Creative inventory: Doubled the possible creative tab spaces by adding a right hand side list Api Fixed: Creative inventory: Long tab names got cut off, now doubled the possible length View full record
  18. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.8, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. [Edit:] Also released v1.15.9 to fix a creative mode crash. Alright, the rc.1 seems to have produce no new issues, so seems stable enough! The stable build contains a few more valuable bugfixes. Thanks for your continuous help with bug reporting and translating, dear community! Screenshot by Thor8472 on Discord Game updates New in 1.15.8-rc.1 Tweak: Improved world loading times (~42% faster loading times when using the BuildingPlus mod) (Technical info: Skip uncessarry regex captures, skip unecessary dictionary creation during block resolving, lazy load decal meshes, Tweak: Fix client side lag spikes caused by containers Tweak: Added additional info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Added game launch vanilla mod/engine integrity check to prevent undefined behavior (technical info: Crash if survival/creative/essentials mod versiion and engine versions do not match) Tweak: Improve sound debug logging to find Aledarks sound issues, more error reporting to find issue #1367 Fixed: Click+Drag distributing of items not distributing correctly, especially on high latency servers Fixed: Ground mist effect not working Fixed: Items that somehow ended up in the crafting grid got lost after rejoin/world reload Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Chiseled blocks held item name did not use custom names Fixed: Bright halo around cassava leaves Fixed: GUI flicker when dressing/undressing clothes on non 100% resolution setting Fixed: /weather seti not properly reloading weather config Fixed: Reducing view distance while chunks are loading could cause eternal chunk load/unload loop, increasing server and client load Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Pie stacksize desync issue Fixed: Soldering iron usable as chisel ô_Ô Fixed: A few dozen texts were not translatable Fixed: Armor infotext: Missing 'High damage tier resistant' notice on some armor, missing + sign on Ranged Weapon Charge Time Fixed: Not able to ditch first item in creative inventory into the empty area Fixed: Mouse stayed uncaptured when using .bsedit and no block was selected Fixed: Fire clay chimney not in handbook Fixed: Small oiled hide not craftable Fixed: Text rendering/formatting issues when using japanese translations Fixed: Broken slanted roofing not stacking with freshly crafted ones New since 1.15.8-rc.1 Tweak: Lower drifter spawn max block light by another light level to make bases more safe Tweak: Greatly improve minimap performance for players with 1000+ waypoints Tweak: Updated comunity translations Fixed: Derpy water foam effect, fine tuned water visuals Fixed: Wrong text line breaks on chiseled block names Fixed: OpenAL OutOfMemory error with large amounts of mechanical power blocks Fixed: Should fix occasional crash when putting a cooking pot in a firepit or grindable in a quern Fixed: Should fix able to right click moving of more than one cooking pot into the firepit Fixed: A crash when righting clicking a barrel with a bowl in hands Fixed: Visual fixes Leather helmet z-fighting with hair, meteoric chain pants texture issues Api Tweak: Creative inventory: Doubled the possible creative tab spaces by adding a right hand side list Api Fixed: Creative inventory: Long tab names got cut off, now doubled the possible length
  19. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.8-rc.1, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. While working on our next major update, I noticed our pretty ground fog system stopped functioning in 1.15, that with a couple other notable issues made another stable patch worthwhile. Also I think I finally fixed the bug with Left click+Drag distributing of item stacks! Oh ground fog, how I missed thee. Chiseled Painting event results In other news, the popular community driven VS server Aura Fury ran a very fruitful chiseled painting event called “Essence and Moments of Vintage Story”. Contestants were required to create chiseled painting in survival mode with vanilla items only. They had to use their own materials, tools, and follow a set of other contest rules. 12 contestants competed for a set of prices that were to be awarded to the top two painting chosen by the judges as well as one contestant chosen by community vote as their favorite. The judges Ashantin, copygirl and Saraty chose Eye of the Storm by Aorsak for 1st place and Winds of Hope by Ahueono for 2nd place. Three honorable mentions in no particular order were: Every Farmland's Nightmare by Rammgirl, Hyenas by Kendi64, and The Edge of the Dragon Ruins by Arkan. The Aura Fury community voted for Risk & Opportunity by Aledark as their favorite. The works turned in by everyone were astounding it was hard for both the judges and the community to decide the winners! Congratulations to all the winners and all those who joined! Game updates Tweak: Improved world loading times (~42% faster loading times when using the BuildingPlus mod) (Technical info: Skip uncessarry regex captures, skip unecessary dictionary creation during block resolving, lazy load decal meshes, Tweak: Fix client side lag spikes caused by containers Tweak: Added additional info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Added game launch vanilla mod/engine integrity check to prevent undefined behavior (technical info: Crash if survival/creative/essentials mod versiion and engine versions do not match) Tweak: Improve sound debug logging to find Aledarks sound issues, more error reporting to find issue #1367 Fixed: Click+Drag distributing of items not distributing correctly, especially on high latency servers Fixed: Ground mist effect not working Fixed: Items that somehow ended up in the crafting grid got lost after rejoin/world reload Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Chiseled blocks held item name did not use custom names Fixed: Bright halo around cassava leaves Fixed: GUI flicker when dressing/undressing clothes on non 100% resolution setting Fixed: /weather seti not properly reloading weather config Fixed: Reducing view distance while chunks are loading could cause eternal chunk load/unload loop, increasing server and client load Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Pie stacksize desync issue Fixed: Soldering iron usable as chisel Fixed: A few dozen texts were not translatable Fixed: Armor infotext: Missing 'High damage tier resistant' notice on some armor, missing + sign on Ranged Weapon Charge Time Fixed: Not able to ditch first item in creative inventory into the empty area Fixed: Mouse stayed uncaptured when using .bsedit and no block was selected Fixed: Fire clay chimney not in handbook Fixed: Small oiled hide not craftable Fixed: Text rendering/formatting issues when using japanese translations Fixed: Broken slanted roofing not stacking with freshly crafted ones
  20. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.8-rc.1, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. While working on our next major update, I noticed our pretty ground fog system stopped functioning in 1.15, that with a couple other notable issues made another stable patch worthwhile. Also I think I finally fixed the bug with Left click+Drag distributing of item stacks! Oh ground fog, how I missed thee. Chiseled Painting event results In other news, the popular community driven VS server Aura Fury ran a very fruitful chiseled painting event called “Essence and Moments of Vintage Story”. Contestants were required to create chiseled painting in survival mode with vanilla items only. They had to use their own materials, tools, and follow a set of other contest rules. 12 contestants competed for a set of prices that were to be awarded to the top two painting chosen by the judges as well as one contestant chosen by community vote as their favorite. The judges Ashantin, copygirl and Saraty chose Eye of the Storm by Aorsak for 1st place and Winds of Hope by Ahueono for 2nd place. Three honorable mentions in no particular order were: Every Farmland's Nightmare by Rammgirl, Hyenas by Kendi64, and The Edge of the Dragon Ruins by Arkan. The Aura Fury community voted for Risk & Opportunity by Aledark as their favorite. The works turned in by everyone were astounding it was hard for both the judges and the community to decide the winners! Congratulations to all the winners and all those who joined! Game updates Tweak: Improved world loading times (~42% faster loading times when using the BuildingPlus mod) (Technical info: Skip uncessarry regex captures, skip unecessary dictionary creation during block resolving, lazy load decal meshes, Tweak: Fix client side lag spikes caused by containers Tweak: Added additional info, and a link to the wiki, when describing block reinforcement system Tweak: Added game launch vanilla mod/engine integrity check to prevent undefined behavior (technical info: Crash if survival/creative/essentials mod versiion and engine versions do not match) Tweak: Improve sound debug logging to find Aledarks sound issues, more error reporting to find issue #1367 Fixed: Click+Drag distributing of items not distributing correctly, especially on high latency servers Fixed: Ground mist effect not working Fixed: Items that somehow ended up in the crafting grid got lost after rejoin/world reload Fixed: Coloring lanterns did not update lighting server side, causing them to get lost after server restart Fixed: Farmland perma boosters still applicable multiple times Fixed: Chiseled blocks held item name did not use custom names Fixed: Bright halo around cassava leaves Fixed: GUI flicker when dressing/undressing clothes on non 100% resolution setting Fixed: /weather seti not properly reloading weather config Fixed: Reducing view distance while chunks are loading could cause eternal chunk load/unload loop, increasing server and client load Fixed: Pit kiln not emitting light Fixed: Pie stacksize desync issue Fixed: Soldering iron usable as chisel Fixed: A few dozen texts were not translatable Fixed: Armor infotext: Missing 'High damage tier resistant' notice on some armor, missing + sign on Ranged Weapon Charge Time Fixed: Not able to ditch first item in creative inventory into the empty area Fixed: Mouse stayed uncaptured when using .bsedit and no block was selected Fixed: Fire clay chimney not in handbook Fixed: Small oiled hide not craftable Fixed: Text rendering/formatting issues when using japanese translations Fixed: Broken slanted roofing not stacking with freshly crafted ones View full record
  21. /gamemode spectator My suggestions: - Announce it 2-3 weeks before the start of the event - Let tyron know early enough, I can donate a game key for the winner - Perhaps you place the loot as players join or so. When I joined nobody was online and I basically looted all the goodies in solo. Felt super unfair towards other players, lol.
  22. My coords. Thanks for the event, that was fun!
  23. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.7, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. Wolf Ambush. Screenshot by Mortui on Discord Game updates since 1.15.6 Feature: Varying surface & deep drifter spawns. The environment dialog (opened via C) now displays "rift activity". It is an indicator of the spawn cap for surface and deep drifters. (more drifter related updates will come in v1.16) Feature: All wearable Bags are now placeable (thanks, Cral) Tweak: Significantly improved server performance and smoothness by fixing multiple server-side lag spike sources (even in single player games there will be some benefit) Up to 2x faster AI path finding Significantly improved room search performance (which is used by many blocks) Optimized update checks on berry bushes, farmland and similar blocks; dead crops no longer update at all Fix potential lag sources in the entity spawner (what showed up as testspawn in the profiler) Optimized entity weight simulation (what showed up as bh-harvestable in the profiler) Reduced Waypoints autosave time by >70% (350ms => 70ms on TOPTS) Significantly reduce game saving time Tweak: Updated trader buying/selling lists (added rutile vessel, increased buying price of tools and lanterns, reduced buying price of some raw materials, other smaller tweaks) Tweak: Upped View Distance slider max from 1024 to 1536 (read performance tips on the Wiki if using this) Tweak: Mitigate source of lag spikes on Radeon cards when loading chunks Tweak: in the Handbook, list all the guides first, and item stacks after Tweak: Removed quiver from handbook Tweak: Small performance optimization when tesselating (=client side loading) chunks Tweak: Added webRequestTimeout client config to adjust connection timeouts with the auth server (default is 10 seconds) Tweak: Update language files Fixed: Major crash on Mudwall (technical info: Crashed due to a no longer existing decor block. Maybe bug in the remapper, not sure) Fixed: Music not playing in wilderness survival Fixed: Crash in Rhonen's mod due to empty VAO Fixed: Being able to see through the world on snowed-over stairs Fixed: Floating layer of snow appearing when standing inside a snowed-over vertical slab Fixed: Game crashing if a bucket contains an invalid item Fixed: Breaking a dead pumpkin crop threw an exception and kicked players as a result Fixed: Should fix seraphs randomly glowing and emitting blue light when joining the game: it is supposed to happen only on respawning! Fixed: Incorrect randomization in the "Created by" recipe preview in the handbook Api Tweak: Added [JsonIgnore] to some Vec3d getter properties Api Fixed: Don't crash handbook on invalid bakeable outputs
  24. Dear Homesteaders v1.15.7, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager. Wolf Ambush. Screenshot by Mortui on Discord Game updates since 1.15.6 Feature: Varying surface & deep drifter spawns. The environment dialog (opened via C) now displays "rift activity". It is an indicator of the spawn cap for surface and deep drifters. (more drifter related updates will come in v1.16) Feature: All wearable Bags are now placeable (thanks, Cral) Tweak: Significantly improved server performance and smoothness by fixing multiple server-side lag spike sources (even in single player games there will be some benefit) Up to 2x faster AI path finding Significantly improved room search performance (which is used by many blocks) Optimized update checks on berry bushes, farmland and similar blocks; dead crops no longer update at all Fix potential lag sources in the entity spawner (what showed up as testspawn in the profiler) Optimized entity weight simulation (what showed up as bh-harvestable in the profiler) Reduced Waypoints autosave time by >70% (350ms => 70ms on TOPTS) Significantly reduce game saving time Tweak: Updated trader buying/selling lists (added rutile vessel, increased buying price of tools and lanterns, reduced buying price of some raw materials, other smaller tweaks) Tweak: Upped View Distance slider max from 1024 to 1536 (read performance tips on the Wiki if using this) Tweak: Mitigate source of lag spikes on Radeon cards when loading chunks Tweak: in the Handbook, list all the guides first, and item stacks after Tweak: Removed quiver from handbook Tweak: Small performance optimization when tesselating (=client side loading) chunks Tweak: Added webRequestTimeout client config to adjust connection timeouts with the auth server (default is 10 seconds) Tweak: Update language files Fixed: Major crash on Mudwall (technical info: Crashed due to a no longer existing decor block. Maybe bug in the remapper, not sure) Fixed: Music not playing in wilderness survival Fixed: Crash in Rhonen's mod due to empty VAO Fixed: Being able to see through the world on snowed-over stairs Fixed: Floating layer of snow appearing when standing inside a snowed-over vertical slab Fixed: Game crashing if a bucket contains an invalid item Fixed: Breaking a dead pumpkin crop threw an exception and kicked players as a result Fixed: Should fix seraphs randomly glowing and emitting blue light when joining the game: it is supposed to happen only on respawning! Fixed: Incorrect randomization in the "Created by" recipe preview in the handbook Api Tweak: Added [JsonIgnore] to some Vec3d getter properties Api Fixed: Don't crash handbook on invalid bakeable outputs View full record
  25. Yea, thats intentional, but in your case not what you intended to have. I can make the durability changing behavior configurable
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