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Everything posted by Thorfinn

  1. Wrapping the handles near the head does improve durability, not only from missing what you were trying to hit and smacking the handle, but just the shock which is most intense right where the handle enters the head. But it does not look like that's the kind of wrapping he's talking about.
  2. Jerky is pretty much the easiest thing in the world to make. Even birds do it, though they do it mostly with snakes. Just slice the meat into jerky-sized strips and hang it over a tree branch. Full sun is best, and you can even do it in the winter. The only real challenge is keeping critters off it.
  3. Steam is really horrible in terms of mod support, though. You have to supply support for the way Steam wants things done, AND a parallel system for the way non-Steam needs to be done. Seen it cripple all kinds of games, since the priority has to become supporting Steam. And big ditto to @Rhyagelle. I rarely look at Steam reviews anymore. You can't tell anything from it. Some people give good reviews to a lousy game to get more buyers, and presumably more development, but the majority are whiners panning a good game that just wasn't exactly what they wanted or the developers didn't add the kind of content they wanted fast enough. Comparing Steam reviews to GOG reviews is enlightening. Particularly since most developers seem to treat GOG buyers as the red-headed stepchild.
  4. Wasn't inventory management enough of a challenge before?
  5. Sorry. Didn't notice this. For like a long time. Not what I meant. The thumb shows a graphic, the name, the number of downloads, the number of comments, the author, and the tag list. I would vastly prefer the date it was last updated instead of, say, the number of comments. I don't play as often as I'd like, so when something piques my interest, I have to go to the mods folder and see when I last downloaded anything, then go to the files tab on ModDB to see when the last update was. Whereas if I knew I only needed to look back to July 18th, I wouldn't have to open one and go to the Files tab now and again to see if I've gone back far enough. The date would be right there on that page. Unrelated, is the plan to integrate the game to the ModDB more completely? For example, minetest has (or did as of maybe 6 months ago when I last looked) a pretty good mod browser in the game launcher. Not only can you find new mods, you are informed of any that have updates and a single click to update all. Stardew Valley had a mod that similarly informed you of updates, and let you update one at a time, IIRC.
  6. Demos are a problem for games in development. Unless you soak a lot of time and energy into the demo, it isn't current, so isn't a good demo anyway. But to put that kind of effort into the demo is taking time away from development. There are lots of streams that showcase the features, which is a demo of sorts; just not a playable one. For those who want to try it out, I don't know of anyone who has requested a refund who did not get it. You are only out the cash for however long it takes you to decide. If the problem is money, my lawn needs mowing and I could use the firewood stacked in my drying shed. There are likely people like me around no matter where you live.
  7. Funny! I just meant it doesn't strike me as the kind of stimulation I'd enjoy. Even if I were good at fine mousing, I doubt I'd want to spend a lot of time clicking on small targets.
  8. Its not easy to balance the game for the (at least) two different schools of players. There are those whose enjoyment comes from building stuff, and those who build stuff to achieve a specific game end. Making more copper or bronze doo-dads would have no appeal to me. In my worlds, bronze exists for one purpose -- getting my first iron stuff. Barring stupid mistakes, I'll need little additional tin or copper. TBH, I've even stopped making scythes except sometimes for reeds, and even then, pretty much only if I've messed up and mined too much copper. There's just too much time invested in mining and forging to make up for the rather small amount of harvesting that needs done. Making a minigame out of mining? I don't see how it would add to the fun.
  9. You can already do that. It's called Giftable Account. Rather than foisting the work onto the devs, just run your own raffle.
  10. Sorry. Terra preta. I rarely make 3-wide farms because the center row will almost always lag unless you hand-water. Maybe not in extremely high rainfall, but I wouldn't swear to that. A 2-wide field flanked by irrigation ditches matures more or less at the same time, and a scythe isn't that large of an investment even if you waste 1/3 of its potential. It's not like you can't make the field 1/3 wider. I'm not even sure that a 3-wide optimizes for player time. A 3-wide will take an extra day or two, and thus fewer harvests per year. Maybe more importantly, that delay results in fewer bonus seed drops. Watering takes player time. I don't figure it's worth the time for the difference in yield, particularly first spring and into summer, versus just going with a 2-wide and never bothering even making the can, let alone using it. YMMV.
  11. I've taken to making it clear where those nuggets were. A firepit is awesome, and costs only 1 grass. A block of dirt/packed earth or a flower works, too. You just have to make sure to pick up the copper rather than placing the block and destroying the nugget. Reason being it's pretty common to have somewhere between 20 and 40+ by the end of day, and almost guaranteed by the time your charcoal is ready. That way when I go back to that place, I already have a pick and can clear out the copper.
  12. My sneaking suspicion is that if you get a couple chunks between you and the wolf, he despawns. Adjacent chunks are not good enough to force a despawn, and I'm undecided about a single intervening chunk. It could be the wolf was close enough that he passed into that chunk before the despawn timer. And sometimes wolves just stop following. I have no idea why. I've tried to lure some in the past and had to be really careful about how far ahead I was getting.
  13. An i7 is more than enough. My i3 shows a little stutter, but that's largely because it's only 8 gig RAM. I swapped in more and the stutter was pretty much gone. I see very little difference between my i5 and my i7, though admittedly I do keep graphics to defaults mostly. I can make my i9 with an RTX 3080, SSD and 32 gigs lag if I crank everything to the max. The hard drive might be an issue if you sprint all the time. So long as you stop every once in a while and let the mapgen catch up, you will be fine. If you, like me, run everywhere, you might want to update the hard drive or better yet add a SSD. That should be fine, though you might want to play at defaults for a while and change settings to suit your preferences after a while. My guess is that at defaults, it will give great results.
  14. You can do it. 10 spaces is enough. The problem is that unless you find a trader willing to sell clay, there are no crucibles and no meals. For early storage, there's always firepits. I often end up with a dozen or more before I can get a saw going. And I THINK it might prevent drifters from spawning on that space, too. Wouldn't swear to it, but haven't seen it, either.
  15. Now it's "abortion". Which is probably a safe one. Not many mods about that...
  16. Wonder how hard it would be to add critters as carryables in Carry Capacity? It would look kinda cool to see someone carrying a lamb over his shoulders. [EDIT] Oh, or @Craluminumhas several carryables like flowerpots and resin logs... [/EDIT]
  17. I kind of like the variety, though I agree it does overwhelm inventory space quickly. Like immediately. The fact they aren't cultivatable (or are they?) means that once you start planting crops, mushrooms just end up being snack food, so number of spaces doesn't matter much -- you eat them as you go, and if you run out of space, maybe cache them, but more likely, just not harvest them in the first place. Just grab a portion of stew out of the crock you are carrying. The major part I find irritating is they take so long to harvest and provide very little satiety for the amount of time spent gathering. Ideally, if they were collected more like berries (exactly like berries would be good) they would be worthwhile. Otherwise, unless you are out of food or have already established your base for the night, there are much better things to do with your time. That's also why a forage bag is not a great solution. If it takes, really, any materials, (people complain about improvised armor being too many resources for its value) it's tough to justify the time to collect those resources, take up a slot that would probably be better used for a basket and 3 slots of general inventory, then harvest mushrooms vs. just going over the next hill and collecting some berries which will stack. And if it's a later game bag, well, there's not much value in collected mushrooms once you are growing your own food, and giving up space of a linen sack or backpack would be hard to justify just to carry another one or two types of mushrooms you probably won't bother collecting anyway.
  18. I don't know. I don't follow the dev logs. I have no idea what the future of the fort is. Just that if it becomes Mount and Blade with a survival module bolted to it, when I want battle, I'll just fire up one of the several M&B I own, and look around for a game I can mellow out to like VS. Not that it isn't fun, it just isn't much of a challenge after the first couple days. Which is why I only occasionally play all the way through the winter. I'm often running bloomeries in the first month...
  19. I'm quite good at combat games, particularly FPS and RTS. I just play VS to get something different than I can get in pretty much any other game. That and it's not M$ Minecrap. Morph VS into the same as any other game, and I'll likely switch to playing something else. That's all.
  20. 1a. 4b, assuming you mean moderator added teleporters, whether or not to points of interest, e.g., periodically adding something near spawn that allows teleport to unexplored areas and fresh, untapped resources. 5b maybe? It should not be too hard to find a valley with a plot, say, 20x40 that has no more than 4 or 5 blocks vertical change, but I'd be fine if they were 300 or 400 tiles (or more) apart. 6a. 7b. 8a.
  21. Oh, duh. I should have thought of that. I use my StreamDeck for those lesser-used tasks that don't have to be convenient. Yeah, I've often thought it would be nice to have a joystick for movement and a mouse for mlook. I haven't played much with a controller, though. How well does mlook on a controller work?
  22. What does that mean? Just that the herbs are the ones from Wildcraft, or that you can no longer have both installed? Thanks!
  23. Welcome to VS! How would that work, exactly? There must be 60 hotkeys in the base game. You can easily fill another dozen or more with just over a handful of mods. Then there are the macros, both in-game and with various add-ons. I'm not being dismissive. I'm just not understanding how you could map all that onto a controller.
  24. This. For me, death means create a new world. @Sam BillingtonI agree that it's odd that the horror monsters are wussies. They do appear in much larger numbers than wolves. I can pretty much always collect the wolf drops, but I miss out on at least a third of the drifter drops -- they despawn before I have enough time to get to them. It's even worse now since they don't just go away at sunrise like they used to. If you play with map, you can probably find plains in some direction. If you don't use the map, you need to climb a mountain or a tree and find one. Sometimes the RNG just goes against you, and you have no choice but to lead through low branches with your face. Then there's nothing you can do but advance slowly, stop and listen, repeat. If you advance slowly enough, you can usually hear them howl before they aggro, but if the luck gods are not with you, there will be a wolf right behind the trunk one of these times. Run like the wind. I've outrun about a dozen or so before, but most of the time if I run smack into another couple, I'll end up getting stuck on something and die. Big deal, right? I'm only 10 minutes into the game. I could swear I've seen them jump even in deep water. But you are right. Deep water is no longer the gimmee it was. I think probably if you aren't up to a running fight, that leaves running or pillar/ladder. Pillar is a little chancy, but fortunately, ladder is cheap (free, really, since you are going to need them later anyway) and very quick.
  25. You can definitely get humid jungle, and it's often right on the edge of savannah. It's just a hot climate with common or better rainfall. I get jungle more often than desert, though I don't usually play anything other than temperate. You can get basically random climates packed closely together by changing climate distribution. You can also skew your world towards more moisture. I think it's called Global Moisture.
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