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Please fix the wolves


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Is it in anyway realistic that wolves would camp and wait eternity to kill you as if you've murdered their whole litter of puppies?

I mean really?  I'm not going back to the game as long as I HAVE to be killed.  Screw this.  

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Yup, wolves stay in their spot, always have. You can't stand-up fight them without real weapons and armor. Until you do, run away (you are faster than them going up hills if you time the jumps right) or else be clever.

"Clever" usually means a pit trap (3x5, 2 deep); you can jump over the 3-wide pit, they can't. Then you either spear or throw rocks (takes about 20) to kill the wolf from above.

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Fun fact:

In at least two separate lore pieces you can find ingame, it is mentioned or implied that something is wrong with the wolves, and that they are unusually aggressive.


Edited by Streetwind
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Wolves attack when you get much close to them same with bears. You can avoid them while traveling just look for them. You can defeat them easy too by using 2 high pillar (4 high pillar for bears) and bunch of spears. They drop hide and fat I use them early game to produce pelts (for wooden armor and bags) and they are easier to hunt then other animals.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/9/2024 at 11:42 AM, Mike_Drop said:

Is it in anyway realistic that wolves would camp and wait eternity to kill you as if you've murdered their whole litter of puppies?

I mean really?  I'm not going back to the game as long as I HAVE to be killed.  Screw this.  

if judging by the kirov wolf attacks, then yes, this is correct behavior. Also I would like to have grizzly and Kodiak bears in game as well. 

The best way to deal with wolves is the tried and true pointy stick. now what would be great is if we had more options for spear heads, like barbed spear heads that caused bleeding and kept the spear in the animal to slow it down. I would also like to see fur armor that keeps you warm but is not as durable as other types. Really a whole artic update would be amazing... 


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I have always just dealt with wolves by just running away. If you're good enough at movement, you can just out-manoeuvre them. They are slower than you when going up or down slopes, and especially when swimming. There's also the classic 'pillar up' strategy for when you're in a pinch.

Or you could just save and quit and then rejoin to reset their aggro for a few seconds, giving you enough time to make a quick escape.

When in combat, make a few basic reed poultices. They will 100% save your life. As basic as they are, they are still wonderful for quickly healing wounds.

Also, the age-old advice still stands, try to avoid forests until you have some armour or a shield.

Edited by ifoz
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I think maybe the wolves are toned down. They still take a bite out of you if you run right over the top of them, but if you clear them by about 3 blocks, they don't react fast enough. If you run past at 6-7 blocks or so, they often don't even aggro. Bears, too, seem to take a couple shakes longer to react. Browns used to be hard (sometimes impossible) to outrun, and they are still scary if you lose your movement advantage, but they are no longer a big threat if you keep your wits about you.

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On 3/14/2024 at 1:59 PM, Maelstrom said:

Wolves lose interest much quicker than pre 1.18.  I've found they will give up the chase after about a dozen blocks.

And that's seriously annoying when your pit trap is thirty blocks away! I've found that if you hit 'em with a couple thrown rocks, they stay mad long enough so you can pull them where you want them to go :)

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