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The state of VS, May 2024


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Dear Extraordinary Survivalists

The development on boring old 1.19 has stopped some time ago, so let's talk a bit about the next major update - v1.20!

Danger Zone
Work in Progress Material ahead! Things may be in an unfinished state, get majorly changed or outright removed again.

With that out of the way, and as mentioned in previous devlog entries, the main goal of 1.20 is the addition of the second chapter of the game's story. This will comprise of 4 major and vastly differing locations that will be the near or at the world's surface, as opposed to the very deep first story dungeon. The plan is to have these 4 locations at a significant distance to each other, with new travel mechanics that make journeying an engaging part of the experience.

Since Oceans in Vintage Story are an optional feature, and will remain optional for the time being, we aim to build land travel as well as sea travel, in the form of animal riding and sailing respectively. The animal riding part alone required major rewrites with the game's current mounting system, so as to remain flexible, extensible and easily moddable, which is now mostly complete and we're currently in the process of working out the countless kinks of our fledgling riding system.

More specifically, the goal is for Elks (and yes, also Horses, albeit to a smaller capacity) to become something akin to a mobile base, with some amounts of storage and basic survival necessities accessible through various attachments that you can put on your mount. We would like to avoid the player travelling half the way, running out of food or storage, or getting mauled by a wolf and needing to fully restart the journey, so we will design this experience accordingly.

Here's a short demo of the mounted Elk, with some preliminary, not yet functional, accessories attached

As for sailing, there is little progress towards its concrete implementation, but should it hopefully simply be a "horse on water" as far as the technical aspect is concerned. We do have a preliminary model for it:

Again with the same goal - choose from a (or several?) prebuilt ships, but allow customizability. It is carefully designed to allow placement of block-sized equipment, including your land mount. Possibly in the future we can use the mini-dimensions system to allow full custom built ships, but this is out of scope for 1.20.

I won't reveal much on the story locations, but suffice to say, I feel confident they are going to be at least the same level quality of the first story dungeon, offer brand new insights into the game's story, let you encounter some brand new mobs and probably will make you feel quite differently about the game itself.

But that is not all!

New insect life & other game juice
As already showcased, 1.20 will bring at least a bit of new insect life to the world!

on Discord I also shared an improved water shader, that will give water a much more murky feel - it should greatly help with the sailing exeperience.

High fidelity animations
Our new animator is hard at work redoing animal animations

New Mob
There's going to be another (semi)commonly found mob to complement the current rather homogenous drifter threat. Models are mostly finalized from what I've seen, but for now you will only get to see the vague concept art :P

More bricks
We would like to fully rework all in-game bricks and related mechanics for brick firing for 1.20. Here's a preview of the new bricks, drawn by the talented Arkaik.

In Conclusion
Most of these mechanics we are building are there to support the actual substance of the update - the second story chapter, so there's still more to look forward to :D
We still have lots to work to do until this update is ready, I estimate a stable release date of Q4 2024.

  Tyron and the VS Team

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Just after finishing 50k long round trip to the tropes and back, I am eager to ride the elk as soon as possible!  :) 
(Also, further reason for paths, bridges and other road infrastructure.) 

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I want to ride the majestik møøse!


The Characters and incidents portrayed and the names used are fictitious and any similarity to the names, characters, or history of any person is entirely accidental and unintentional.

Including the majestik møøse

A Møøse once bit my sister...

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I like the idea of using a standard model(s) as the base for the mounts/ships and having different slots for customization and upgrades. I wonder if some of the customization might be related to the player's class, such as an extra-fancy saddle for tailors or a clockwork harness for the clockmaker.

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I'm very excited to see where this update is going, I love all of the new content so far!

Mounts and ships as mobile pseudo-bases is super interesting, you could probably do a fully nomadic playthrough which is really cool!
I'm really glad we are getting a faster mode of travel, I used to grind out ruins to find clothing I wanted and the huge travel times were the real downside of it.
Also the new bricks are amazing, I can't wait to build with them.

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A few questions!

1- will only elk (and later horses as you said) be the only way of transportation? cuz if you can you an elk you could also use a moose ( fun fact! for a time sewden tried to experiment with a moose cavalry division, it didnt work but its funny anyway)

2- it would be interesting to add camels for those who like to play in warm climates since there arent many elk around the deserts

3- I thought from now on you guys would start using the animals from the  fauna of the stone age mods? was it just a one time thing or are you going to put your own spin on it ( I assume since you are using a different wolf model, wich reminds me, will there be wolf to dog domestication at some point?)

4- I noticed a pattern of you guys creating new models for the animals (mostly the style going from blocky and sturdy-looking to more flexible and realistic ones) so an idea would be to make so when some of the animals are fully domesticated they change their appearence in some form like the boars becoming pink pigs or the sheep becoming fluffier and such

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I'm still waiting for them to add a multi-block stove for heating the house or cooking food on it, this should expand cooking and add a special atmosphere to the game.This would fit in with the bricks update🙃

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On 5/9/2024 at 3:16 PM, Tyron said:

More bricks
We would like to fully rework all in-game bricks and related mechanics for brick firing for 1.20. Here's a preview of the new bricks, drawn by the talented Arkaik.


As always happy as I am to see news and new features in VS, I have to voice my disappointment with feature priority. A rework of... bricks? Really?
Aren't there more fundamental issues in VS that could use reworks and polish? The ugly block-trees? Aquatic content? Avian fauna?
The 1.20 update is presumably going to feature another worldgen change with adding the new story-mode structures. Why not use this opportunity for another worldgen feature, like changing the aforementioned trees so that they match the fruit trees visually and technically? Or updating water geography so that they're not all gravel ponds/lakes...?

On the other hand, huge props for working on the long-distance travel systems by adding mounts and boats - this is also something that should be IMO prioritized, as exploration and long walking/running is very tedious.
And also the long awaited diversification of the game's adversaries beyond drifters is something VERY welcome. 

21 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

No.  Just no. 

This ain't that other block game.

Especially since it's not about a gimmicky feature, like redstone or diamond weapons, but about the texture for animals, for God's sake.
Do you think Minecraft invented pink pigs or something...?

Edited by Khornet
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6 hours ago, Khornet said:

Especially since it's not about a gimmicky feature, like redstone or diamond weapons, but about the texture for animals, for God's sake.
Do you think Minecraft invented pink pigs or something...?

Chill.  I was joking.


But seriously, pink pigs is out of place in VS.

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7 hours ago, Khornet said:

As always happy as I am to see news and new features in VS, I have to voice my disappointment with feature priority. A rework of... bricks? Really?
Aren't there more fundamental issues in VS that could use reworks and polish? The ugly block-trees? Aquatic content? Avian fauna?

I don't think it's a bad thing to have "smaller" stuff worked in with the larger stuff. It helps provide more polish while keeping each update interesting. My observation is game updates(in general) that focus primarily on a lot of little stuff and have no big stuff end up being underwhelming to many players. Also it sounds like we might be getting proper kilns for mass-production of pottery items, if the devs are reworking brick-firing entirely. Only time will tell.

Given that ships seem to be getting added this update, I'd wager there will be more aquatic content coming later, especially with the new story bits providing more incentive to go explore.

1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

But seriously, pink pigs is out of place in VS.

Bright pink would look a little odd, yeah. I like the deep reddish-brown and Oreo colorations on some domesticated pigs 😀 much more interesting! I'd love to see more variations for the more "tame" farm-type animals, but I think it's something that should probably be limited to generation 10, perhaps. Currently the chickens are the only tameable animals that have more domesticated coloring. The roosters look similar enough to wild jungle fowl, but the hens look more like the chickens I grew up around on the farm.

On the other hand, it's cool having wild animals as pets in the game.

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9 hours ago, Khornet said:

As always happy as I am to see news and new features in VS, I have to voice my disappointment with feature priority. A rework of... bricks? Really?
Aren't there more fundamental issues in VS that could use reworks and polish?

It's still only May, and the update is scheduled for around October. 
The devs are just showing features that they have in complete or somewhat-complete states.
Bricks are not a "major" feature in this update, they're just something the devs wanted to show off, and I think it's for good reason. I really like the new bricks. I am very excited to build with them, even if you may not be.

There will be a whole new story event, four new locations, new enemy types, more lore, most likely a new boss, mounts and sailing, and that's just the stuff we currently know of. This update is going to be huge, and I am sure that the devs are hard at work with all of these confirmed large features. Bricks are a low feature priority in the scheme of things, but to me they are a very welcome one.

Edited by ifoz
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Nah, they're just particles.

As in, they're something the videocard draws clientside. They don't exist on the server. Their position doesn't matter, and they don't interact with the world beyond traversing the terrain in a basic manner.

They take about as much performance as a torch placed on the wall, I would wager.

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On 5/14/2024 at 1:06 AM, egorvsv said:

I think these insects will put a lot of stress on the system

They've made sure that they won't, the insects are basically just particles that can move around and make sounds when you are nearby.
Each insect is not an actual in-world entity that the game needs to keep track of.

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This all looks so amazing, I am hyped!  I kinda hope that new Drifter mob is attracted to light. The idea of suddenly having to stow your torch/lantern in the inventory to avoid being found by it and thus, running through the wilderness in darkness instead.  Or even setting up a campfire as bait to draw it in/away from somewhere else.

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1 hour ago, Oscilation said:

I kinda hope that new Drifter mob is attracted to light. The idea of suddenly having to stow your torch/lantern in the inventory to avoid being found by it and thus, running through the wilderness in darkness instead.  Or even setting up a campfire as bait to draw it in/away from somewhere else.

Oh man, I hope not! 😆 I like my nice, somewhat safe campfire. That being said, it's a cool idea and the devs also indicated that the new mob(I'm gonna call it the Rot Beast for now) is going to be a somewhat uncommon encounter. So having it be attracted to light wouldn't be that bad, although it's a bit counter to the nature of what drifters seem to be given they tend to avoid daylight. It would also help the world feel more like the one described in the lore--one where common folk just don't venture into the wilds due to the monsters lurking about. Maybe the Rot Beast would also be an entity that only spawns at higher levels of rift activity as well?

It also reminds me of the idea that was swimming around in my mind earlier when running away from bears. Why doesn't fire have a chance to scare hostile wildlife away? Or have there be a craftable item or two to frighten some of them away to aid with early game survival(like a noisemaker to scare away wolves and black bears). I'm guessing it's probably due to lore and balance reasons that those aren't options right now though. However, if there was a bonfire that was bigger than the campfire and able to keep hostile wildlife away, I think that could possibly be balanced by a Rot Beast that will be more attracted to a roaring flame! 😈

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