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  • 1 month later...

I havent figured out a technique yet, but both of my marble finds were from spotting it in a tall cliff in the distance. Single player I found a couple hundred pink marble up a sheer 130 block wall, and last night on the public test server I found 23 green marble along a low cliff (maybe 15 blocks up a 40 block wall?) just as night fell. I went to investigate hoping for chalk.


So I guess I'd recommend checking extreme cliffs and running along them at a distance to see them easily. You can spot those two a very long way off, at least, and both of my deposits were right on the edge, not going into the face more than 3 or 4 blocks at any point out of like... 30 to 40 small deposits.

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  • 2 years later...

I've found it two ways.

1. Spotting it along a cliff as mentioned above.  Intermixed with slate usually.  And the bit of Green Marble I found was two blocks embedded in some slate.

2. Fell into a cave running from the wolves.  Right onto a layer of marble about 10 blocks down.  Pure luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

mas que nada aparece en la pizarra, en las cuevas o barrancos, no sean como yo que picaba los bloques de alado para obtener un bloque de mármol, utilicen cincel para obtener todos, ahora tengo 4 cofres dobles llenos de piedra de mármol y casi nada de bloques de marmol ;(

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  • 4 months later...

I happened upon a cave system above sea level but in the mountains. Chert, Peridotite, and Slate all mixed together and sitting upon them was several layers of green marble. I haven't harvested any yet as I do not have a plan, but I bet there is easily 500-700 blocks worth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just found my second deposit of marble today. White marble! I was in a sandy dry area where slate and granite met. I had to urge to dig, as I am still learning about these rock layers and I wanted to see if anything could be between the two. I removed two blocks of sand. Lo and behold white marble. It was a small deposit, maybe 35 blocks, but I'm ecstatic to have white marble to go with my green.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found my third deposit of marble. It's pink! It was on the cliff face of the same mountains as my green marble, in slate. There were only three blocks of it sadly. I plan on clearing the rock up there to see if there is more, but it's high up and I was in a hurry when I found it. Now I have all three marble types. All I need now is Kimberlite and Phylite, the sisters of mischief.

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