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Mine was a brand new world and the 12 days per month was not something I tinkered with afterwards. Now I understand why grains took only 18 days, I adjusted the growth rate and the maturity times now match the values in the wiki. Thank you for the warning.

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First of all Streetwind thank you for the detailed explanations. You really should put these in the wiki! (I mean since you sat down and typed them anyway)

On 4/1/2023 at 6:23 PM, Streetwind said:

Come 1.18, this is no longer necessary, as crop growth time will be defined in months, and will thus auto-adjust to the number of days per month you choose.

Secondly, hasn't there been done something similar already somewhen in 1.17.x? I play with 30 day months (and calendarspeedmul [0.25] but that is another matter) and while I used to get multiple harvests per month, nowadays I barely get one per month (and less than one per two months for the slower crops).


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Well, either 1.17 changed crop growth times in general and 1.18 made them scale to month lengths, or the other way around. Both changes were made, I'm just not sure in which order.

Expect your harvests to become even more rare in the future though, because the average crop now has a growth time around two months, no matter how long your months are. (They drop twice as much produce once fully grown, though.)

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20 minutes ago, dakko said:

Does the need to eat differ according to the number of days per month? If not, then the growth rate that you've described seems pretty imbalanced to me.

It does not, no. But that's not unbalanced, that's just a minor lack of convenience.

Game balance is for default settings. As soon as you go and play with the rules of the world, you're changing the balance of the game in myriads of ways, some more obvious, some less. This is then on you, as the player, and no longer on the game. When a player goes and changes their days-per-month setting, it is honestly not asking too much to expect them to also adjust other worldconfig settings, like cropGrowthRateMul or playerHungerSpeed, to dial the game in to where they need it to be.

You're not getting extra meat from slaughtering animals either when your months are 30 days long, even though you still need to eat just as often, and animal breeding takes much longer, and wild animals are no more numerous than before. Ever thought of that before? :)There are tons and tons of unexpected consequences from deviating that strongly from the default settings. The game allows you to do this, but it leaves you with the responsibility for your own actions.

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58 minutes ago, dakko said:

To me, the months represent seasons. There are not many crops IRL that need 2 seasons to mature. [edit: so the default being 2 months surprises me, since VS is life-like in so many other regards]

Uuuhhhh....  No. 

Months do not represent seasons.  Most crops need more than 2 IRL months to mature, and manage to do so in less than 2 seasons (but usually more than 1 season).  Might I suggest you learn a bit more about IRL agriculture?

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Crops are very difficult to model well. In climates like the one I live in, spring wheat has a physiologic maturity based on heat-days, while in others, it is more daylength dependent. Planting April 15 means a maturity of 75 days or so, but because that means it matures in our most humid part of the year, must stalk dry for a very long time. I've seen 80 days or more. Planting June 30 drops it to around 55 days maturity, and because our fall is much dryer than summer, might need as little as 30 days on the stalk to dry. But regardless, we can only get one crop per year.

Get down to the 40th parallel or so, and you can pretty easily get in 2 crops per year, winter wheat, followed by something that can stand in the field for basically however long it takes like corn or soybeans. In years where winter sets in late, that can mean harvest in late December or into January.

I would vastly prefer less realism and more playability, TBH.


So what settings? Depends on what you are looking to do. Obviously berries IRL have a season. It's typical for raspberries to only fruit 2 or 3 weeks of the year, maybe a bit longer for blackberries. I don't know that there is a setting to tell the game when blueberry season is.  Without a way to change that, there is no way to make something that's realistic, if you are doing 30-day months in the name of realism. Would it be realistic to only need to eat every few days? It also is not realistic to get carrot seeds when you harvest carrots. You instead have to wait for it to go to seed to get something to replant, which I'm pretty sure means not getting any carrots for food. 

The answer to your question depends on why you desire 30 day months. What game experience are you trying to "balance" around?


Edited by Thorfinn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Started my first-ever journey south, after the initial year collecting everything I needed for it.
Fully stocked with valuables and essentials, I'm as excited as I am scared. Excited because I finally got to leave behind my first home and I've seen amazing landscapes along the 6500 blocks trip. Scared because yeah... I don't want to die now. That bear almost got me.

first home.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

Attempted to plan my trip south to look for a holiday home location (walking)
Broke out the spreadsheet and stopwatch to do some maths for how long the trip will take:

I'm about 20k from the Equator

Walking speed 		204 blks/min	
   1 Day (48mins)	9792 blks
Hunger while Walking ~68 sat/min
   1 Day (48mins)	3264 sat	(2.2 full hunger bars)

However, I'm a magnet for death drop holes in the ground, so I've rather walk with a torch at nighttime

Walking speed 		204 blks/min	
Daylight (30mins)	6120 blks
Nighttime(18mins)	3672 blks

Hunger while Walking (with Torch) ~82 sat/min
Daylight (30mins)	2040 sat	(1.4 full hunger bar)
Nighttime(18mins)	1469 sat	(~1 full hunger bar)

So I'll need food that will cover refilling my hunger bar about 2.5 times (or about 7500 satiation) per 10k blocks travelled.
Not using the teleporter network as yet (nice slow play through for this instance)

I have a lot of food to cook, but at least I know I can make it in about 2-3 days depending on detours and wolf/bear avoidance

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:49 PM, wile1411 said:

I have a lot of food to cook, but at least I know I can make it in about 2-3 days depending on detours and wolf/bear avoidance

The amount of food you'll nead to pre-cook depends on what time of year this trip is taking place?

If it's between May - September you should be able to almost entirely live off berry bushes for the journey, as it's unexplored territory they'll mostly be fully stocked.  The food problems will only start once you reach your destination and will depend on local resources and how long you plan to stay there.

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