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Everything posted by EreticKB

  1. Also found another strange bug: if you leave world, then Luminiferous skill stop working until full restart game.
  2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IC-bPwHnp0qg8pHvLwbLlajRkR69OxKA - saved game and logs. (i added some levels through console command)
  3. Which version you use? Seems trouble starts from version with Harmony framework used. I also post problem into AMR topic, m.b. it's autor can find something.
  4. I dunno, with "Huge Stomach" from XSkills 2.8k saturation are not so huge.
  5. Found it, Anvil Metal Recovery. It's permanently freezing metalworking exp in world even if you disable mod lately.
  6. Very small? Without it crawling whole have very small uses.
  7. I only change global exp multiplier. Different worlds not checked yet, all other skills works fine (i'll recheck it just to be sure.). Game last version, mod 0.6.0-pre9.
  8. Check, don't get any EXP even with Xskills alone.
  9. Not yet, try to check tomorrow.
  10. BTW, how to resmelt metal salvage from broken tools? Crucible do not accept them.
  11. I get into bronze age but still have zero EXP into metalworking. Modlist: Better Than Heresy 1.2.0 Expanded food 1.4.1 Fancy doors 1.0.5-rc1 Rope Bridges 1.1.0 Spyglass 0.4.0 VSMovementMod 1.0.5 ZEEkea 1.4.10 CarryCapacity 0.6.2 Medieval Expansion 3.6.0 vsprospectorinfo 4.1.0 Anvil Metal Recovery+ 0.1.15 Debark Fix 1.0.0 Xlib & Xskills 0.6.0-pre.9
  12. Ok, then fix handbook, coz full clause says: "Can be made by sealing fresh berries in barrel for 28 days. If sealed with vinegar as well, it takes a fraction of the time." and means "You can create from berries alone or from berries and vinegar. Second faster".
  13. How to get vinegar? Handbook says "Can be made by sealing fresh berries in barrel for 28 days" but i try with any amounts of berries (red currant, my favorite IRL) and it not working at all.
  14. Found a bug. Then you climb it counts as falling and if you climb too high you get damage in the end.
  15. Also, we really need autostep for crawling, so we can crawl into 1 meter from floor crevices like in real life.
  16. I try "expMult: The base multiplier for the all experience you earn." and found it strange behavior. It's add flat stat to summary experience multiplier instead be more logical and usable global multiplier. Now it works so: I have "Example skill" which get 100 exp/s and class trait "Example skill gets -50% exp". With expMult=1 i get 50 exp/s, but with expMult=10 i get 950 exp/s (-5%) instead expected 500 exp/s (-50%). This behavior makes "expMult" meaningless for it's primary function - corrects skill progression speed without tweaking EVERY skill parameters, because it break all class and skill bonuses and penalties related to skill progression speed.
  17. Hi, can you fix using stamina for crouching? It's really annoying then after 3 shift-click interactions i out of stamina without any reasonable reason.
  18. 1.2.0 is here, guys. I hope no more intermods compatibility issues.
  19. Guys, i run test in 1.15.5, all works fine with current (1.1.2) BTH version. M.b. other mods cause troubles? Post you modlists please.
  20. I'm here. How you get ash into oven? It was fixed from start. Okay, seems last VS's version rework many things, time to massfixing. :)
  21. Btw, how can i change amount of expirience for every level? I rarely play very long runs and 3-4 lvl is my cap with default amounts.
  22. Looks good, but m.b. change balance from "Fancy Slowfall" to more aerial? First: gliding not comsume stamina (m.b. even restore with slower speed). Second: You consume stamina for different manoeuvres: uplift (change speed for altitude, with risk to lost all your speed and fall hard, also used as airbrake), downlift (change altitude for speed) and turning. Third: Bigger basic lift power and, therefore, slower descend.
  23. I already have it in TODO list, but thx.
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